View Full Version : Group Discussion Meetings in Chat

05-07-2012, 08:55 PM
So many times sitting in chat many wish to discuss a certain topic and find it difficult to get around the banter. The fun and joking is wonderul and one reason many come and stay. But banter aside there are times a serious discussion is both warranted and appreciated. So a few members have decided it would be nice to set aside some time for serious conversation and debate.

Wednsdays and Sundays at both 10 am and 9 pm eastern time, we will set up a seperate room inorder to have these discussions. Different topics every week. But one topic for the week. This way hopefully everyone will have at least one chance to participate if they would like.

The first meeting will be this Wednsday at 10am. The topic is general BDSM conversation. just trying to figure out if and who are interested and the types of topics they wish to discuss. We'll post the new topic in the forum every week before the next meeting happens. Ideas are welcome.

Hope to see you all there!
Room name: Adult Conversation!
password: lifestyle

Look forward to seeing you there!

05-07-2012, 09:41 PM
A wonderful idea!
This has the potential to work very well!
I look forward to seeing what will be discussed.


The Novice
05-08-2012, 04:45 AM
This sounds like an awesome idea.

05-08-2012, 04:55 AM
i am not allowed to chat before my chores are done each day, which rules out the 10 am meetings. i have to get dinner prepared, served, cleared, and get to bed by 10 pm each evening because we have to get up early the next day, with the exception of Friday and Saturdays. Yes, i am on ET.
The reason i started chatting is for the very reasons you listed above but it appears that i wouldn't be able to attend these meetings as they are set up. Could i suggest that the Sunday meetings be moved to a Friday or Saturday for not only my benefit but for others as well that have work the next day? The Lobby of the chat room is normally busier on Fridays and Saturdays with the exception of last Sunday from my observation.

05-08-2012, 02:36 PM
One should be aware that the first room you come into in chat "the lobby" is exactly the appropriate place for such discussions. At least according to the rules its already the "adult conversation" room and those types of discussions take precedence over all the other stuff.

Its all the people playing grab ass and trying to cyber in the lobby who should simmer down or leave when a discussion starts imho.

That aside I wish my schedule would allow me the time to make one of your groups meetings but like many others I am lucky to get in an hour of chat time between chores and work etc.

05-08-2012, 02:54 PM
Dates and times are not set. If other times would work better please say so We're trying to make it more accomidating to everyone.

Time zones and activities included. Please let me know if there are better times.


05-12-2012, 02:20 PM
Just wanted to say thank you to all those that came weds and looking forward to tomorrow. The subject is gonna be changed to the difference between real life and role play.

Hope to see you there!

05-13-2012, 05:48 AM
I agree with den, the main room"Lobby" is made exactly for Adult Conversation, and it takes priority over all other discussions in the chat. With that being said I did enjoy the little bit of time I spent in the other room throwing in my 3cent worth lol...

Also, got to remember that you can't please everyone. Some people will be left out due to work, school, chores, life. That being said people will just have to catch the next one or get in when they can.

05-18-2012, 06:12 AM
Letting everyone know sunday's topic will be saftey. Real life and online. Have a great weekend.

05-21-2012, 05:08 PM
great discussion on safety..thank you for hosting these chats.

05-23-2012, 05:31 AM
SWorry didn't post it before. Per request today's discussion will be about relationships. Both introduceing BDSM to your marrage and how to online relationships affect married couples.

05-23-2012, 05:40 AM
SWorry didn't post it before. Per request today's discussion will be about relationships. Both introduceing BDSM to your marrage and how to online relationships affect married couples.

exactly what I'm looking for....Thank you! Will the chat be up and running by this evening?

05-23-2012, 06:23 AM
if it's not we'll make it the topic for sunday!

skittish doe
05-23-2012, 07:50 AM
Thank you Pheonix5 for setting these up! I am disappointed to be missing out on this topic, but will look forward to your next one.

05-23-2012, 12:13 PM
Pheonix, I wasn't aware of this until reading the post that showed up on My profile page!! This is just what so many have needed. And I have to say that I think a separate room is definitely needed for group discussion. The lobby is for adult conversation, but even when the grab ass and playing around is at a minimum, if there are many folks in there, just the "hellos" and "how's it going's" can take up most of the space in the scroll. So I am all for a separate room. I hope to attend the nest discussion!!


05-23-2012, 02:31 PM
phey: having joined two of your discussions i was hoping to make it on the one this morning. but that was a no go. I hope chat is up on Sunday so that we can it then. :) though i might not be able to attend depends on what's going on. talk soon.

05-23-2012, 03:48 PM
It has been wonderful so far. Everyone has been so great in coming and respecting the guidelines i've asked for. which is much apprecisted. A few volunteers i think would be great to run a group have come forward. So we're gonna be addign days and new times soon to see how it works.

Thank you everyone that's come!

05-23-2012, 05:00 PM
you should try and save the history for those that don't make the conversations as something we can look back on

Sir Scot
05-23-2012, 06:06 PM
That's a great Idea, I like to find out what subs/slavesw dislikes/likes are

05-23-2012, 08:27 PM
I know the old chat room had an option to review chat room history, I'm not sure if the new one will but you could look into it maybe?

05-24-2012, 08:36 AM
i'll ry Viper. Never very good with that but maybe someone will know. I let you know...

For everyone else, if chat is back we'll do that topic or Sunday!
Thank you!

05-24-2012, 04:21 PM
this is a great idea Pheonix, i agree with Red too. even without the "grab-assery" there are millions of Hello's that bog it all down when in deep discussions!! ^5 and chocolates For Pheonix!!! However are you sure putting pswd on the room is a good idea? Makes others that have not seen this unable to get in the room, couldnt we just open a public room instead?

sassy chikk
05-25-2012, 05:18 AM
Bitch, the room has been public since, i believe, the first time. Phe realized that too many people hadn't seen the thread and opened it up for everyone.

sassy chikk
05-25-2012, 05:20 AM
i'm not sure that i'm down with saving the chat history and making it available for everyone. Quite often my contributions in the discussions are tailored based on who's in the room at the time, it's not necessarily information i would share with the general public.

05-25-2012, 06:22 AM
I agree with sassy. Saving the chat history to me is like recording an intimate conversation with a friend, then playing it on the radio. If the participants in the chat so desire they can copy and save the chat to their computer can they not?

05-25-2012, 06:59 AM
is it Sunday yet? Is chat back again.. I want to cummmm to the Groupie!! hheheh

05-25-2012, 11:12 AM
^sucha a eager beaver lol

05-25-2012, 07:26 PM
I got some beaver for ya jonboi.. hhehhe

05-26-2012, 04:11 AM
Bitch and Red yeah after the first meeting I noticed that too many people didn't know and hadn't read the forum. I leave the room open now for anyone to join. Try and let anybody know that's coming in but there's no games, banter, hellos or goodbyes it just clears the screen.

And as I said before as long as everything is up and running, going to try to add some new days this week. possibly Tuesday and probably Thursday.

Hope to see everybody soon miss you all! Xxxx

05-27-2012, 03:04 PM
Will we be adding any different time of day to these days? *remains hopeful*