View Full Version : Dominate or Submissive?

05-27-2012, 04:10 AM
ince I've stumbled onto this site I have been ask quiet a few times on whether I was a dominate or a submissive.

And I was wondering how one would difine themselves as a dom/sub or is it a changable thing depending on the partner, or is it even just how others see you?

if anyone would be able to help it would be lovely...

05-27-2012, 05:22 AM
There are a significant number of people who can switch between being dominant and being submissive depending on the partner. For example I always thought I was simply Dominant until a special Domme approached me and for a glorious interlude I became a surprised sub.

There are many Dom[me]s who are in subservient (okay, not exactly the same thing, but close) roles in their working lives, then come home and demonstrate their Dominant skills. Others who may be top bosses of their organisations can be found joyously licking someone's boots in the evening.

Some can do both roles at the same time: for example having a Master who they are happy to obey and simultaneously enjoying dominating another who is submissive to them.

But at each moment in time and between each pair/group the Dominant is the one giving the instructions/orders/guidance/etc. and the submissive the one following/obeying/listening.

Maybe if someone asks whether you are a dominate or a submissive the correct answer is "yes" after all either way that is true.


05-27-2012, 08:54 AM
hmm, good question obsidian and very good point VV. Dom/me, submissive, slave, or switch, are they not just labels trying to put people in nice safe categories? each person may have a different role with each person they come into contact with. Though in general i do consider myself a submissive/slave there are relationships that i have in which i am not submissive at all. I am a strong person and can take the lead in any given situation, but for one and in that i am completely submissive and follow His lead.

05-27-2012, 06:42 PM
Thanks for helping me understand :D