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View Full Version : Interested in a Sunday 14:00 GMT group discussion?

09-09-2013, 06:41 PM
Hello A/all.

So many from other time frames are interested in attending the group discussions ~ but the time is awkward.

Would you attend a discussion group session if it were offered on Sundays at 14:00 GMT?

This would be the same topic as the Friday discussion.

If there is enough interest from reply ~ Miss Sett said she could begin this coming Sunday 15th September.

Summary would then be compiled from both group discussions and posted *smiles, great way to get lots more perspectives and thoughts.

Please reply with interest!!

Thank you

09-09-2013, 11:50 PM
I would quite happily attend at this time sbs. Shifts permitting of course, I might be a bit bog-eyed after my night shift but I'm up for it.