View Full Version : A Manifesto of Dominance

10-07-2013, 09:10 AM
This is taken from my latest blog entry. Since blogs don't get much attention at this time, I wanted to post it here to get some feedback.

You say you want to be owned. You beg to be dominated. You confess to a desire to be objectified. You declare yourself a submissive. Very well. This then is what you can expect.

Short of the list of off limit items that you negotiated when you entered into this agreement, you have given up all rights to your body and to your actions. You exist solely to please me. You need to consider carefully what that last phrase really means. You, as a person. Exist, live and breath. Solely, to the exclusion of everything else. Please, to make me happy, to fulfill my fantasies and my desires. ME.

As a submissive, in this relationship, at this time, you exist only for me.

Let us also consider your desire to be objectified. Objectification is the action of reducing you to the most basic level of existence, that of an object or a commodity. As with any object or commodity, you are subject to being used as the owner sees fit. You may be traded, sold, bartered, shared, loaned, or auctioned. You cease to exist as a person and become only a thing.

To be truly objectified you will give up your self. You will no longer be you. You will become simply an object of my interest. You will be a highly prized object. Much like a highly engineered racing car, you are to me a thing to be admired, to be tested, to be used hard, to be maintained and cared for but also to be garaged when not in use.

However, that is far outside the realm of reality. For, you see, I cherish you not only for what you offer to me in your submissiveness, but also your mind. You delight me in your personality and you entertain me with your wit and humor. You challenge me with your intelligence and you soothe me with your words. So, the thought of setting you aside without thought when I am not using you is incomprehensible to me. It cannot and will not happen.

You have said that as part of your training and continued exploration, that you seek to endure pain for my pleasure. Pain you shall have. You want to push past limits, both physical and mental. Those limits shall be stretched if not broken. You have all but stated that you want to be broken, sexually and physically. This I will do.

I will treat you as a treasure. A prize that I cherish. As with any invaluable object, I will see that you have the best of care. But, like a highly engineered car or airplane, you are meant to be used, used to your limits and beyond. This I will do.

As with any valuable item, I do not want to damage you beyond repair. I want to push you to the capacity of your limits and beyond them. I want to reduce you to your most basic raw emotional state where your only thoughts are of enduring and of gaining the sexual relief that you crave. My end is to turn you into a totally engaged sexual creature.

I will use every tool at my disposal to do this. From the basics of tight restrictive bondage to the sophisticated techniques of hypnotism and behavior modification. You will experience every aspect of bondage, domination, discipline, sadism and mind control that is available.

You can expect to endure pain, humiliation, deprivation and over-stimulation. You will undoubtedly cry, scream, beg, vomit, pee, and bleed as part of your training. You will carry bruises and welts, cuts and burns. You will be muscle sore. You will accept things you never dreamed possible or considered unthinkable. At times you will be de-humanized. At times I will strip you of your dignity and perhaps even your humanity.

In all of this there are a few things you can count on unconditionally. In my hands you will always be safe. In my hands you will always be cared for in the best possible manner. In my hands you will always be cherished for the gift you are to me.

This I promise you. You will walk beside me proudly. I will walk with you proudly. You will serve me well and as I direct. I will teach you and care for you in all ways and at all times. You will always be free to ask. You will always be expected to suggest. You will always be free. I will never subject you to anything out of anger or reprisal. All I ever expect from you, do to you, require you to do for me, will be from a caring, loving point, intent on teaching you to be what you want to be.

Sirs_GoodGirl (Whyteknyght)
02-12-2014, 07:59 AM
I absolutely love this. It makes me yearn for my masters' hand. You so eloquently wrote out all that he's offering to me. Adoration and objectification....a HEADY mix, Sir.

02-13-2014, 01:48 PM
That is such a beautiful way to describe something that I find beyond words. I thank you.