View Full Version : ISO an Online Daddy's Girl

12-14-2013, 08:53 AM
The dynamics of a Daddy Dom/daddy's girl relationship, is slightly different to a normal Dominant/submissive relationship. There are Dom's out there, that does not agree with this type of relationship. This should not be the case, because it does not matter on the age or the background of female. It is about the framework of the relationship. As in the name of the relationship it is based around a Parent/child relationship.

The same principles apply to this type of relationship, having trust, putting in place boundary's, chats and making decisions and choices after input from them, teaching them to be good, punishing them when they have been naughty etc. It is the purpose of the Daddy Dom to take care and look after their Daddy girls.

Therefore I am looking for a female that would like to become my online Daddy's Girl. You will expect all the above principles, and additional stuff like how to dress, rules like bedtimes, going out etc. With the overall aim of bring a balance between your normal and daddy girl's life and more.

I am 34 years old, and have been a Daddy Dom for the last six years, and before that a Dom for nine years. I am currently looking for a female of any age, of any experience to form a relationship with. When you PM me, I would like you to tell me more about yourself and why you would like to become my little girl.