View Full Version : Better Late Intro than none...

02-09-2014, 02:45 PM
Some of you may already know and have welcomed my wife Marlene. Thank-you to you for welcoming her here, I appreciate such! :D


I'm Martin, her Husband. I'm pleased to make the acquaintance of my fellow members here, and I've been settling-in somewhat as Life has allowed time for, and I like how this forum is laid-out!!

Brianna, Lhana, Fumiko, Mei, and Wanda are still discussing if they should all have seperate profiles, or do one as group...a decision I leave with them, but have given advice on to help them find a decision.

jane pain
02-09-2014, 04:41 PM
Welcome to the Library. I wish you many hours of interest and enjoyment here!

02-09-2014, 05:01 PM
Welcome to the Library. I wish you many hours of interest and enjoyment here!

Thank-You! I don't doubt that this is going to be a good place for myself and my girls!!
Good people, no trolls that I've seen, and the site-layout is nicely Intuitive and very attractive/stylish!

In-kind, welcome to a window into our lives! :)

02-17-2014, 07:25 AM
Hello, Warmaster and Welcome to
the Library! ;)


02-17-2014, 09:35 AM
Hello, Warmaster and Welcome to
the Library! ;)


Thank-You! :D
Things will be picking up after this week's done. Nothing 'bad'...but Busy, with some unexpected elements.
But, it all worked out well enough, and I know I made the right decision.

My sanity though, that's up for debate. ;)

lorem angelum
02-17-2014, 10:17 AM
Welcome Warmaster, i hope you and your family should they decide to join have many hours of enjoyment here. It is a wonderful place to learn, have fun and meet new people.

02-17-2014, 05:07 PM
Welcome Warmaster, i hope you and your family should they decide to join have many hours of enjoyment here. It is a wonderful place to learn, have fun and meet new people.

Thanks!! One-by-one, we're getting ourselves set up here...
Slow going as there's only so many hours in a day, and things have been amusingly insane here of late, but Good, so NP.
Some of our family are less than internet-savvy, but this is one of the few places where I know I will not have to worry about them roaming, and for that I am very glad and grateful to the Siteowner, Admins and Mods.