View Full Version : new girl

12-07-2014, 08:28 AM
hello, just popping in to introduce myself! i'm genny and hope to make friends here...

12-07-2014, 10:36 AM
Greetings, girl.

We're glad you're here. There are friends to be made, but the process requires a bit of engagement and risk on your part. If you plan to simply wait for friends to present themselves, you're going to be disappointed. If you choose to cultivate them, you might be surprised. There are two strategies: (1) present yourself publicly and (2) present yourself privately. By "public presentation" I don't mean wander around naked save for a collar, though that's nice, too. I mean engage in ways that other visitors to the Library can see. Make it a point of responding to every Intro/Welcome message. Blog, perhaps about how you discovered your preferences. Play "Fun and Games" for 10 minutes a day. In short, get known. By "private presentation" I mean reaching out to individuals. Respond to Echoes' latest blog post or two. Send a private message to Mel23, letting her know that you miss her energy. Go to F&G and try to wrest the prize from chipmunk (or barentsz, cutielady or superfuture) - dare them to snatch it from you. On your profile page you'll see (lower left) a list of everyone who's visited you. Click on each name to visit their profile page and leave a "visitor message" on their wall. In short, become the sort of person you'd want to meet here.

What does "dollification" translate to? Being a curious sort, I wandered off to dollification.com but their discussion of the preference was recursive: "the subject becomes increasingly dollish." Is a doll a sub who's perpetually vigilant about stylish?

All the best,


12-09-2014, 02:55 PM
Hi, Genny.

Welcome to the Library! This can be a very good place to make friends. You should try out the Fun & Games area, we're really very nice there. Hope to see you there!


12-13-2014, 12:07 AM
Hi Genny good to see you visit BDSM, it's easy to meet new folks here and build relationships. I am a dom looking for a submissive who thrives on this life style. Please feel free to IM me at sydneycat7 yahoo Sir Donald

12-13-2014, 01:00 AM
welcome to the Library Genny. Browse around the wealth of information on this forum or ask questions. Hop on over to the fun and games thread on the forums and say hi.
Be safe, be happy and at peace.