View Full Version : In Defense of the Happy Outcome

03-07-2015, 08:11 PM
In Defense of The Happy Outcome

As a fan and long time reader of erotic stories, with a strong preference for the Domination or Authoritarian category (as classified in another long time story collection site), I am a bit puzzled that more stories don't have what one might call a "happy" outcome. I mean, are all of the erotic stories at least in the Domination or BSDM genre supposed to be fully anti-hero , horror stories or nihilistic world view stories? I can digest (although sometimes with great difficulty) , what one might call the "ambiguous" ending . After all, an unresolved (as to the final disposition of the suffering character's fate or state of mind) outcome leaves room for sequels, which , in the case of wonderful authors such as Couture, are a prospect much welcome.

Often, however, we see the Justine-like character simply left off to her doomed fate- continuing to endure her travails (while having done nothing wrong other than being relatively virtuous, at least). It is as if the author is not concerned with giving some finality or at least ambiguity of mind and outcome to his or her primary character in danger/distress. This is too casual a purposeful finale, I think.

Another reason for a happy outcome being more desirable and interesting is , I strongly believe, the fact that the aftermath of a formerly untouched, virtuous and pristine sexual being enduring unwanted, often undeserved and mentally and physically challenging privation that makes the chaaracter question her own sexual behavioral identity (now changed for the foreseeable future? )is far more interesting than casually drawing the curtain down on the proceedings. We need to apply the catharsis effect that takes place as we leave a movie theater-to the erotic story.

08-27-2019, 09:28 PM
I dont have too much beef with this, although I wouldnt hand it to either of them on a platter. Schwiegert is still green and Anderson has to show improvement in his coverage ability. I say make the two of them the guys that we hope