View Full Version : The Peace I try to Find

02-19-2016, 02:14 AM
I knew that you were a part of me
but I never understood the depth of it
until you were not there and I had no idea
where or if you would return to me.

It was as if a piece of my soul had been ripped away.
I felt hollow, empty and the memory of you
echoed through me like sounds in an abandoned building.
I could not make the emptiness go away.

Fear overtook me as I faced a future without you in it.
I was paralyzed at the thought of having to continue
to live a life now devoid of purpose or love.
There seemed no further purpose in it.

Worry gnawed at me like a hungry wolf in winter.
It ate at me from the inside out as I anguished
that I somehow had caused you to leave.
And my soul became as cold as winter.

The only solace that I find
is in the hope that you will return
and bring back to me the joy of life.
This is the peace I try to find.

Velvet Paws
02-20-2016, 03:15 PM
Amazing how deeply it can hit us if we do not know when someone special will return.
It can rather stun one to realize how important someone has become.
Beautifully said.

02-26-2016, 02:02 PM
moving words indeed TDS, thank you for sharing them