View Full Version : A Lesson for Lilah

03-18-2016, 09:44 PM
One of the elements of my life that had been, for so long, a thorn in my side recently has been resolved. You see, I am a doleramancer, or in the vulgar argot, a practitioner of pain magick. While theories on pain magick vary, I personally see it as what happens when sex magick grows up and gets nasty. To put it simply, the fuel for my most powerful works of will will always be pain, though I can subsist on the lower order of sexual energy. This may not seem a bad thing to you, but allow me to explain.

Lilah, my pet, is a succubus, and she receives nearly all forms of stimulation as sexual pleasure. She would be an unlimited source of power for lesser sex magickans, but for a pain practitioner like me, she was useless.

Well, not useless, exactly.

Her boundless energy and perverted appetites always served me quite well as a distraction from the banality of the world. Her keen mind has been of use to me as well. And though I would never admit this to her, I am quite sure I would not be as far along my path without her at my feet. At any rate, this is the story of how Lilah learned how to experience pain.

I sent her on a simple task of gathering packages from local vendors, and other small errands. My orders were, verbatim, "You are to take the form of a woman, a housewife. A soccer mom. You are to go directly from one store to the next, and you are not to speak, touch, or even make eye contact with anyone outside of these stores. Once you have collected the final package, you are to come straight home."

She took liberties, of course. She always does. In this case she was also a bit sullen about my lack of attention lately, so in interpretation of my orders, she clothed herself in a mortal skin, a lovely young woman in her thirties with brown hair and eyes. The clothing, a cute pleated skirt and a scoop neck top, even the 'fuck me' heels were all appropriate enough, though she failed to materialize any sort of underwear. Her argument after the fact was that a housewife should always be available for use by her husband, right?

Sometimes it's hard to argue with her logic.

The weather was temperate, and even demons need fresh air once in a while, so she chose to walk the trip into town. Of course, she had already figured out her loophole, my orders said nothing about how she might interact with people inside the stores she stopped at. The vendors I deal with are all given strict instructions on how to deal with Lilah, so she would get no fun from them.

The first store was an antiques shop where she recovered a long, thin box not unlike the kind in which one might receive long stemmed flowers. To Lilah's dismay, the store was devoid of any other soul, so dejectedly, she moved on to her second stop, and here she hit pay dirt. This store, a pet store where I procure the small animals necessary to feed my... larger... pets. Lilah was not to actually pick up anything, but rather simply deliver an unmarked envelop to the girl who worked the counter. If I know my contacts, this girl didn't even look up from her magazine when she took the money. Lilah's good fortune came in the form of a 'customer' who happened to be in the store at the time.

The man was tall and muscular, sun tanned, and dressed in a pair of jeans and a plain white tee shirt. His attractiveness was not what called to her, though. No, it was the fact that the man was not human. Though Lilah has a keen mind, she can be lazy and has not taken her instinctual development seriously. Because of this, while she could smell that the man was not human, she could not identify precisely which breed of Night Folk he might have been. As if it mattered.

While the girl behind the counter was busy ignoring them, Lilah approached the strange man with a smile and a soft touch on his shoulder. Oh, but I know what those soft touches are capable of. "Could you help me?" She said in her sultry sweet voice, the touch of her hand on his shoulder carrying with it a powerful sexual compulsion, "I don't have a car, and I have this package that is so heavy, and you are so strong." Lilah likes to lay it on thick. Her victims rarely complain.

But, being inhuman, this man resisted her charms for a moment. He did not dodge away quick enough when my pet lunged in for a kiss, and the moment her lips touched his, the poor bastard was hers. His type were never known for their chastity anyway. Having secured herself a slave for the rest of the day, she made the man carry the package from the antiques store, and loaded him down with the list of items from the neighborhood market. If I know my Lilah, she made that poor bastard skip, walk backwards, walk in circles, and walk on his hands on the way back to the lair. She can be ruthless in her entertainment, though the worst for him was yet to come.

As they came in, she called out to me, "Master, I'm home!", and directed her slave to lay his burdens on a large circular table. Knowing full well she'd be caught 'en flagrante', she approached her toy and pressed her body against his, whispering to him, "Say you want me."He did not hesitate, his lips immediately forming the words, "I want you..." In response to her lust enchantment, his hands slid around her waist and cupped her ass as she lifted up on her toes to kiss him deeply.

She always does have a way of playing with her food, and in that spirit, Lilah led the man over to the sofa where she laid back on it, lifting her skirt to show him her 'freshly shaven milf pussy'. His eyes lighted with lust as he sank to his knees, his mouth eagerly closing on her pussy, and her moans of approval filled the room.

When I came into the room, I was treated to the sight of my pet having a wild orgasm. Not surprising, considering the man's type, since they are well known for their long and dexterous tongues. I leaned against a support column to watch as she pushed the man back from her soaking pussy. Her wild energy was starting to seep through the milf costume she wore, showing off her sleek, black horns and her unearthly red eyes. She grinned at me with a look in her eye that said she wanted nothing more than to push this man aside and climb astride me, but as I had not given her any permission to do so, she turned her attention back to the man, gesturing for him to stand, "I'm hungry."

Far too eager for his own good, the man nearly shouted, "Oh yeah!" and scrambled to his feet, his fingers fumbling with his belt buckle and zipper. Lilah stood and stepped close to him, glancing down at his cock, now protruding from his open jeans, twitching and eager. Her hands came down to his hips, sliding up slowly across his stomach, chest and neck until she cupped his face, drawing him closer as if for a kiss. She hesitated a moment, making eye contact with me, and at my subtle nod, she gave into her hunger, pressing her lips against his.

The Dark Kiss is one of the most powerful charms in all of creation. Why God allows the darkest of creatures to possess such power is beyond me. Essentially, the Kiss slowly drains a man's life essence away, the whole time feeling like the single greatest orgasm you can imagine. Men that die of a succubus' feeding always die with a smile on their face. I watched for a moment while my pet feasted on this creature before it was my turn to play.

I stepped forward briskly, raising my hand in an arcane gesture, and tapped the back of the man's head. The spell as a simple one, a bodywrack spell. If you can imagine a charlie horse cramp but all over your body, you're a tenth of the way to understanding how painful and immobilizing this spell is. The man's body stiffened in pain and paralysis, even his mouth could not move to make a proper scream so he merely grunted and convulsed in Lilah's grasp. I shifted my fingers into a new pattern and tapped the man three times along his spine, whispering an arcane word of power in time with my taps. The moment my fingers touched him the third time his body bucked madly against Lilah's grasp as the pain permeating his body focused into the head of his cock. The intensity of it made him cum suddenly, his thick ribbon of opalescent seed splattering against Lilah's 'skirt' and 'blouse'.

She stepped away from him with mock disgust, and he fell to the floor bodily, unconscious. "Master! You made me waste my meal." She was trying to sound cute and scolding, and succeeded at it. But I was not to be moved. "No, he is still alive for now. Which is good because he will be useful later" A wave of my hand dismissed the ridiculous costume she was wearing, smiling at the blue skinned beauty, her flesh marked with the engravings of ancient runes of power, her slender horns drawing her features up in an exotic fashion. "Take the package from the antiques dealer, and follow me."

She could tell by the look on my face that I was not happy, and she nearly rolled her eyes at me. After all, it's not like any of my punishments could harm her in any lasting way. And it all felt good, the more intense the pain, the more Lilah got off on it. Because of this, my Lilah had developed a knack for brattiness. Still, the collar with which she came to me compelled her to obey me, so she collected the package and followed.

I led her to my laboratory, or as others might call it, the basement. In here I had several bondage rigs, and my 'toy' cabinet. I bid her to set the box down on a nearby table, and gestured for her to join me by special table. It was designed something like a sawhorse, but with a wide, flat top, and with restraints for thighs, ankles, wrists, and neck, bolted right into the wood. When strapped into this device, a woman could in no way close her thighs or run from the bite of leather.

I casually began putting her in it, first spinning her around and forcing her to bend over it, quickly attaching the neck chain to her collar. As I slowly cinched down the other restraints, I explained to her why I was punishing her, "Do you know what that thing you brought into my home is, my pet?"

"No, Master." She responded, seemingly amused at her 'predicament'.

I grinned smugly back at her and said, "He is a Naga, my pet, a Snake Person. And what luck, the even rarer male breed. He will be very useful to my research into their kind. I've never been able to explore a Naga's pain thresholds before" I punctuated my statement by cinching down the last restraint, and now Lilah's lush body was open to me, and helpless. I knew that the thought that she, through her mischief, had benefited me would aggravate her a little, but all this was just to set the stage for what was coming.

"Nonetheless, you did not know he would be valuable to me when you led him right into my den. That, my pet, is something I cannot let slide." I think she could see in my eye that I had something new planned, and perhaps it was my own arrogance, but I think I even saw a glint of fear in her eyes at my statement.

I wandered over to the box and flipped the lid open and beheld the treasure within. It was the the tip of a broad-head spear, the head intact and with about fourteen inches of haft. The haft was thick, thicker than a normal human hand could hold comfortably, and made of a solid white wood with certain stone like properties. The head itself appeared to be made of gold, but I knew better than to let its luster fool me. As I lay my hand on it, I could feel the thing's disdain for me, but it was not allowed to harm my human blood.

I lifted it from the box, holding it so Lilah could see how the spear head gleamed even in the dim light of the chamber. I could see in her eyes that, while she did not recognize what it was I had in my hand, she could sense it was something she wanted no part of. "You don't know what this is, do you?" I brought the spearhead closer to her, so her eyes could appreciate the gleaming blade. "Of course you don't. This, my pet, is what is left of an angelic spear. The blade is forged from Enochian steel. Can you even imagine how many demons this thing has killed?"

To punctuate my point, I lay the spearhead against her shoulder, just the flat tip of it. Her reaction was satisfactory, to say the least. Her flesh immediately burned and smoked at the touch of the Enochian steel, and for the first time ever, I heard a genuine scream of pain from my beautiful pet. I drank in her suffering, feeling it suffuse my being.

Oh, her pain was delicious in ways I cannot describe, and the power it flooded into me was more than I had ever experienced with any mortal. Immediately desirous of more, I began to move the spear tip across her back, leaving a trail of seared flesh. She screamed, she begged, she writhed and to no avail.

As I tortured her flesh with this baleful weapon, my other hand slipped between her legs, and to my immense satisfaction, I found her far wetter than she had ever been. She was oozing her juices, her thighs coated with it. I roughly shoved three fingers into her as I pressed the tip of the spear down against her shoulder. Her reaction was powerful, perhaps the most intense orgasm I've ever witnessed from her.

I pulled the spear tip away from her blistered skin, watching as the sear marks slowly healed. Her whole body relaxed visibly, and I slid my fingers out of her, stepping around so that I could smear her mouth and cheeks with the evidence of her orgasm. "I think you liked it, Lilah."She quivered and whimpered a little, her eyes glowed with her lust and pain. "Master, I don't think I can heal all of this..." her voice trailed off. I could see the truth of this in her back, as the sear marks were still evident.

I lay my hand on her head and bent down to kiss the top of her head, whispering, "But it's not over yet, my pet. You have only begun to understand the depths of the trouble you are in now." I moved around behind her again, this time turning the spear around. She looked back at me, worried; And right she was to be so, for next I pressed the broken haft against her wet sex and pushed it in, the thick white shaft disappearing into her eager pussy.

Her reaction was extreme, all her muscles contracted at once, with enough force to partially rip one of the wrist restraints from its mounting. While she screamed and begged for me to stop, her hips kept grinding lewdly against the shaft, and it didn't take long for her to anoint it with her lust. Her orgasm was wild, primal even for a demon. She remained in a slightly wild state even after I had set the spear aside, only calming once I lay my hand on her head again.

Her body was limp in the rig, so I held her up as I waved my hand at the restraints. They obediently unlatched for me so I could pick her up from the table. I could feel her pain radiating out from her, and my dark spirit drank in every iota of it. I lay her down on a little fur rug beside my work desk, and took my seat. I basked in the aftershocks of her pain as she lay there sobbing. Once, and only once, she asked me if I would let her go feed so she could heal. I heard a meekness in her voice I never had heard before. I had considered toying with her, and saying no, but I relented, and dismissed her to find some victim from the dungeons to sate her appetites upon.

Has this made her behave? Is she a 'good girl' now? No, if anything she is now far more depraved and mischievous than before. In fact I subtly encourage her mischief, giving her plenty of opportunity to earn my punishment. As I had said to her, I think she likes it. I know I do.

Velvet Paws
03-18-2016, 09:58 PM
You have my attention...

03-20-2016, 08:49 AM
You are quite welcome. And thank you for taking the time to respond.

03-20-2016, 10:42 AM
This left me speechless. You know that is hard to do!

03-20-2016, 11:26 AM
Lol, thank you Z-girl. Good to know that my writing is as effective as a ballg-gag.