View Full Version : Easter Spanking Tradition

03-27-2016, 08:34 AM
In Czech Republic it is custom on the morning of Easter Monday for the men to whip womens' asses with a handmade whip made of willow rods. Folklore has it being spanked with a whip keeps their health, beauty and fertility during the whole next year.

Groups of men may go from house to house to whip the young women in which case it is customary for the woman to offer the men food and or a drink after her thrashing. Women may be whipped on the streets, Some women like to run away to give the men some sport catching them. Women may feel offended if they are not whipped and many women will beg the men to whip them. Although the intention is not to cause pain, girls do end up with a sore bum.

This is defintely a custom that should be incorporated into worldwide Eastern celebrations.

Google pomlázka for more info,


03-27-2016, 10:16 AM
We had it in older days in Denmark as well.

06-23-2016, 03:33 PM
LOL! I'll have to tell my husband about this. Maybe we can do it next year.