View Full Version : "Human-human" and "human-animal" theme HUCOW

09-08-2016, 12:28 AM
The publication is dedicated to the theme HUCOW, the idea for this theoretical fantastic inventions - taken from "Piers Anthony" story "in the barn" ( "IN THE BARN" Piers Anthony)

"Human-human" and "human-animal" theme HUCOW

( Homo sapiens sapiens, Homo sapiens animal-cow)

"It is better to be a good animal,
what a bad person. "

Maybe for some people this is the news - but not all people are the same!

Democrats have always strived for equality between people (equalize people), but because this is not in the nature (live and not alive).
Absolute equality is quiet (when there is no movement - it's a dream or death), and that the river flows if there is unevenness of the terrain, with hills in the lowest place, an electric current occurs if there is a potential difference.

Democracy (equality of people) is very good, but only if democracy refers to common sense!

No need to strive for universal equality of people (all people have to be different and equal).

All people need to give maximum benefit to society, based on their individual abilities and in return receive from society - thanks (material and psychological) understanding and respect.

Human society must necessarily be humane and reasonable (Humanism is a necessary condition for the survival of high-tech civilization).
But humanity must be based not only on the best human feelings, but also on the mind - humanism must be sensible.

Humanism can be just as tough and cruel (as inherently violent nature itself), but only if there is a great need for justified (only with a sense of proportion, and only a very Necessary Roughness).

To all people should be treated humanely as possible (but only reasonable, sensible "without pink snot and drool"), with a reasonable understanding of the fact that all people are completely different, both in ability and according to his needs.

People reaching the top (pyramid) of the evolution of animal life, people are not one solid "mono-species", psychologically and physiologically, even this whole people "animal kingdom", centered in one animal as Homo sapiens sapiens, people uneasy animal. people are "over the animal."

Users only view (physiologically and biologically) like each other, but psychologically people are often different from each other, as well as a different species from the other species.

The human form of Homo sapiens sapiens practicable concentration of the whole evolution of animal life of the Earth in a biological form of Homo sapiens sapiens, because even the human embryo in its growth and development, rapidly passed all stages in the evolution of animal life.

People are both the "predators" and "grazers" (with different shades - "predation" and "grazers").
Even some people blood groups are predominantly "predators" and others are "herbivores".

The ancestors of the people - the monkeys were mostly herbivorous (but all the monkeys sometimes eat meat), and when Africa (the birthplace of the ancient people), was subjected to negative, adverse changes in climate and blooming above the jungle turned into dry savannas, our ancestors Homo habilis had to stand on hindquarters and supplement (for survival) your diet meat diet to a much greater extent (eaten by predators - scavengers).

But one fall (later hunting) was often not enough to survive in harsh conditions, arid African climate (hunger was quite frequent), and when there was an eruption of super-volcano "Toba" in Sumatra, which occurred 74 thousand years ago (due to the global ecological catastrophe - climate cooling, poisoning poisonous volcanic emissions super-volcano freshwater ponds), hunting animals for was very small and our ancestors were on the verge of extinction.

Survive the ancient people helped "cannibalism" in modern society cannibalism is a strict taboo to him, modern people are very negative, but this is a purely psychological aspect.
https://www.proza.ru/2012/10/30/76 ( primitive cannibalism." Alexander Suvorov)

Despite millennia of taboo against cannibalism, people psychologically (and bio-physiological) still are cannibals, but now this translates into fratricidal wars of humanity - people are now no longer eat human flesh, and just kill people and buried them in the ground.
Truth is always above human taboos and conventions, the truth does not depend on the collective contemporary conventional wisdom about her historic (anthropological) the truth is that - modern humans now exist only thanks to the existence in ancient times from the primitive ancestors of modern humans - "cannibalism".

Otherwise, it is simply impossible to survive and evolve, too heavy conditions were life (survival) of our primitive ancestors.
The evolution of life does not know human taboos and conventions, for the evolution of life - survival and prosperity of the main species (due to the emergence and development of the necessary, species, life, evolutionary adaptations).
"Cannibalism" is a feature of our species of the human race "of Homo", it is in our genes (instincts and physiology), it is especially nutritious human flesh and the human brain (bone and head) to help as much as possible, to fully grow and develop the growing human body.

"Reflections Issei Sagawa cannibalism
"I am a romantic, living in an age whose heart has dried."

I admired the tall beautiful white girls and wanted to try them on taste. I longed to taste their meat. I thought I would never be able to express yourself, do not do it.
Rene was a very noble woman. But, unfortunately, I do not understand what friendship was from the heart. She was a good friend. But I considered it only as a delicious bowl of meat.
I do not want to kill Renee, I just wanted a taste of its meat. I'm terribly sorry about her death. Because I did not repeat his cannibalistic crime.
I met a lot of girls who want to be eaten. But when they asked me to eat them, I had to tell them 'no' because I do not want to have a bad influence on others.
I'll never kill again, but if someone would be able to cook a piece of beautiful white girl without killing her, I would still be happy to eat it, because the meat is very tasty girl!
Since I prefer white women, Japanese women are jealous. They ask: "Why do not Japanese
girls? "
For me it is why cannibalism should be taboo. Marquis de Sade wrote, "it is wrong to think of cannibalism as a degradation of the individual. There are people just as easy as eating beef. Does after death importance to bury the remains in the ground or fill them our stomachs? "I see in this judgment, not empty rhetoric and irony, but very realistic proposal made by mankind. In order to challenge it, simple enough sentimentality.

(Japanese cannibal "Issei Sagawa ')

Upon his release, Sagawa found himself a celebrity. He was invited to various talk shows and programs about cannibalism, he published several books, began to draw pictures, and even starred in the film. He now lives in Japan and says he has not yet got rid of traction cannibalism. "When I think of some of his current friend, - confessed once Sagawa - from time to time I want to eat them. '"
"They say that man once tasted human flesh, the rest of my life will prefer human flesh beef, pork and other meat products.
In the Stone Age cannibalism was an ordinary, commonplace. However, until now preserved tribes (in the Amazon jungle in the remote mountainous areas of Vietnam), in which a staple in the diet - "human flesh". "

With the emergence and spread of taboo (prohibition) on cannibalism - the evolution of humans ( Homo sapiens sapiens) gradually stopped there ?????????? ????????? ?????. ??????? ???????? - ????????????.?? (http://antropogenez.ru/article/493/) data volume of the brain gradually people became even decrease (gradual devolution takes place ( " devolution ) man), as modern people are more regularly do not eat, necessary for proper growth and development of the human body - especially nourishing the bone and the brain (the brain and the brain of animals people).

That regular meals "human bone marrow" and especially "head human brain", has had a crucial central role in the evolutionary development of the brain of our species Homo sapiens sapiens.

(During the archaeological excavations sites of ancient people - along with animal bones, often find a lot of human splintered bones of which was recovered and apparently "eaten inert brain", also found with punched holes (in the back of) human skull, through the holes, "the head the brain has also been extracted and eaten "by ancient people.)

I understand to read like a very hard! (And probably written here - cause the majority of strong indignation disgust and indignation, I understand them) - but such conclusions gradually make modern anthropologists and biologists (science does not stand still and our knowledge of life gradually increased), opening up new secrets of origin of our human species Homo sapiens sapiens.

"A special role in human anthropology had it" cannibalism "- as the" human flesh "and especially" human brain ", especially for the person are" nutritional value ", compared with meat of various animals."

Eating human brain in antiquity as it was extended and long that in the course of evolution there was even a "specific disease" transmitted (from person to person) only "by eating the human brain" - a prion disease "Kuru" in the evolution of the ancient people ( " cannibals ") also appeared immune to this terrible disease.

"Recent studies also Simon Mead and John Collinge of the Center for the study of prion infections London University College showed that most people have a protective gene," the MV ", allowing not infected prion infections" kuru "," by eating people -. The human brain "
From hen died, only those who did not have such protection. "The combination of" the MV "dominates the studied human populations around the world" - says Mead.
Since the area of ​​distribution of these genes covers four continents, scientists have concluded that it may be a consequence of a kind of natural selection with cannibalism. "

With our kind of Homo sapiens sapiens time evolution ( "natural selection, and natural selection") - was divided into two conditional sub-species (almost superficially indistinguishable, except that some of them were more courageous strong and hairy, and other more feminine gentle and almost hairless body and as a consequence - "tastier") - is a "people-predators" and "people-victim".
?????????? ???????? ???????. ????? ???????. ??????????? ?????????? (http://g-klimov.info/biblio/Diden-96-kannibaly.htm) (Boris Didenko
"Civilization cannibals")

It's kind of interspecies symbiosis ( "people-predators" and "people-victims") to help the collective survival and development of our human species Homo sapiens sapiens.
In addition to the basic instinct of life "instinct of individual self-preservation" that exists in all animals from the human species Homo sapiens sapiens just as there was "instinct of collective self-preservation" (on the similarity of the instinct of social insects - bees and ants) - this is the sacrificial instinct and pushes " people-victims "to" sacrifice "(in ancient times to" consent to be eaten "- their own members), in the name of survival of our human species Homo sapiens sapiens .

(To and direct conservation genome "predators of people" (they survive and reproduce - leave behind offspring) and indirectly preserving genome related to them "people-victims" (despite the fact that eaten "People-victim" usually does not leave behind offspring, but genes are "victims of people" are stored in the total generic "genome tribe" because generic related human genes, have a genome "people-predators" and the genome of "people-victims.")

"(The joy of being eaten by consensus cannibalism )

One of the main obstacles in the way of understanding the topic "cannibalism" is the "pleasure principle." Subjectively, people focused on him - reaching for that nice, pushes that disgusting, so the idea that "pleasure" may be associated with something that "kills", assimilated with such difficulty.

To help assimilate this idea, I will tell you briefly why feeding themselves so nice. "Man - a social being," as it is known, but even more is his social identity.
I already wrote about what is in a person, but it is important also to understand that the image of the self - a mental model of yourself through the eyes of others, their evaluation, their expectations, their attitudes. When caregivers are vaccinated child his personality, he is a long time talking about himself in the third person and just makes sense. Only in the late teens it is something that can be considered a partial "ego-integration", but to complete all of us away.

A couple of hours of practice depersonalization, when a person is relieved from all external stimuli, deprived of his total self-perception, and he just reassembles itself to pieces, remembers who he is, where he is and what it all means, and restores the entire set of basic checks identifications.
The thing is that the person - this is a very "conventional human unit" as a separate body. Human identity is actually still a band. The more primitive the culture, the less people in it separated itself from the clan or tribe. "Inside-generic altruism" the more, the greater the hatred of the "other", who are opposed to their own.
*For both meets one hormone - "oxytocin". The man is very bad distinguishes itself from those whom he loves very much, and altruism, in fact, there is nothing superhuman, but only ancient human ability to identify with the "brother". Love - is the glue that maintained the cohesion of the group and its protection from enemies.
It can be concluded that the evolution of the people gradually develop individualism, learning artificial means to maintain awareness of their borders, but at every opportunity they are ready for "a merger and loss of self." It is impossible to think that a merger - is some abnormal condition for a person occurs due to trauma. Anxiety and insecurity reinforce the need for a merger, but initially this trend is present by default. This is the state from which very slowly and gradually go Homo sapiens, students share a pack and yourself. (On an individual level this state is gradually emerging a person deliberately accumulating resources and supports their personal boundaries.)

In primitive tribes of collective identification is so strong that one word shaman, the carrier of the collective will, enough to man lay down and died.
In the early 20th century, hundreds of astonished researchers dedicated to this subject his monograph. But modern humans retain the sovereignty of the individual is very conditional. In any crowd these boundaries disappear, suggestibility and courage grow.
*In a crowd of people is transformed into something that already could not even dream. The same applies to small cohesive groups and even couples. Everywhere, where one person has to deal with the other at close range, a strong beginning to affect the weaker. And the more this effect, subordinate the weaker person, the greater the distance is reduced. This process runs by itself and grows, if he did not resist.

The pleasure of "fusion" and "feeding" - is quite natural. Brain quite indifferent to the imaginary boundaries of the individual. Brain Homo sapiens capable sincerely to reward an individual for what it benefits him whom he identified as his part, the better their part.
*More Hamilton opened (as Dawkins popularized) the phenomenon of so-called "genetic selfishness", thanks to which the individual is behaving "altruistic" in relation to the media "related genes", as genes do not care who will survive from individuals and the victim of one for the sake of a few others, or even one more healthy and strong, "evolutionarily justified", is fixed and "encouraged at the genetic level."
In humans, this mechanism is triggered by the brain and "spiritual relationship" includes the same mechanism as the genetic insects.
When a person begins to consider someone more significant and important than himself (what women feel, love, and men finding themselves "the Fuhrer" or "guru"), it automatically starts to give everything in his favor, and resources, and even life, getting from this is a "pleasure", as if it's not the other - and he himself, but only bigger. On the psycho-physiological and biochemical level, even it is interpreted by the brain and the other - as the best part of himself. That is why, in order to "feed themselves" do not need any special tricks, just enough to his "faithful love" and "narcissism" of the one who receives his confidence in a right to make. "

(Such adaptive, behavioral characteristics of the animal species "intra-sacrificial altruistic" and "intra-predatory" in nature, there are some kinds of animals - these species cannibalism is not rare a necessary measure, and adaptive biological feature of the existence of this species.)

((Alexander V. Markov) "Evolution of cooperation and altruism, from bacteria to humans.".
Extended version of the report at the IV International Conference "Biology: from molecules to the biosphere" (15.12.2009))

"The world of nature shows many examples of amazing self-sacrifice.
The first altruists in the world steel microbes that still amaze radical "ethics." Thus, the bacteria "of Bacillus subtilis" in the "hungry" for the population of the times or "go to sleep", turning into a debate, or include a chemical mechanism that causes one part of the bacteria secrete a particular toxin, and the other - to die from this toxin and turn into food for their relatives. "The most interesting - says Markov, - there is not even cannibalism bacilli-killers, and altruism bacilli victims, which cut off all the that you can, if only to help their relatives themselves to eat."
In addition, if all the "altruists" eat, leaving them with a chance to multiply, how it is transmitted "altruism gene"? But gene chemical "switch" is configured so as to turn on when the hunger strike only in 50% of cases. "After all, if all the individuals in the population will want to be cannibals, and the victims - no, the whole event will be meaningless, there will be nobody. community's interests are above personal, and cannibalism of some blooms only through altruism of others. ""

"The living entity sacrifices his selfish interests for the sake of another, because it is beneficial to their genes. The basis of evolution is competition between variants - alleles of the same gene - for dominance in the gene pool of the population.
Alleles may be beneficial to make one of its carriers to sacrifice himself in order to give an advantage to his other media. Because it exists in the form of a plurality of copies in exactly the same population. And only the final result is important: how many more copies become the next generation.
Selfishness at the level of genes is transformed into altruism in the individual level. "
А.В.Марков. *волюция кооперации и альтруизма: от бактерий до человека: matveychev_oleg (http://matveychev-oleg.livejournal.com/566194.html?thread=20053938)

(In primitive tribal times mainly ate only "skin-visual" ( "people-victims") They were hunters and warriors -. Too frail physically more feminine and delicate body.
Such individuals under another famine is superfluous mouths, when the flock was concerned with only one thing: "to survive during that whatever the cost."

With the development of primitive civilization, and the emergence of early agriculture, people power has become more regular and stable, constant hunger they have no threatened humanity and cannibalism took "religious ritual" character, which helps strengthen the central government "leaders" and "priests" and greater unity of the human society - "skin-visual" ( "people-victim") were the best "victims" for the ancient ", cannibalism rituals", because "skin-visual" ( "people-victim"), was a "beautiful, tender and tasty" ).

8 ???????? | ??????????????? ???????? ? ????? ??-????. ????????-????????? ?????????? ???? ??????? (http://www.yburlan.ru/biblioteka/o_glavnom/8_vektorov) vector - this is the direction of obtaining satisfaction out of life" ( "System-vector PSYCHOLOGY" YURI Burlan)

Those human group (tribe), a part of which were "altruistic" ( "People-victim") According to sacrifice themselves for the sake of his fellow genetically close to them - received "an evolutionary advantage."
And those groups (tribes), consisting mainly of people only "selfish" (people resisted sacrifice) - probably "extinct."

But "people-victim" (to be eaten) were needed not only to save a group (tribe) people from hunger (in the case of a protracted failure of hunting), but also for "cannibalistic rites" ( "sacrificial rites") that its " ritual sacrifice "- might" rally "members of the group (tribe), when they are together eating" sacrificial human flesh "(" communion "), thus they are more fully and deeply felt their" community "(as the" human sacrifice "- the dear sacrifice), tribal people felt their "unity" and "man-victim" with each other.

This brief digression into the history of the emergence and development of our human species Homo sapiens sapiens, I did do to encourage modern society to universal cannibalism.

(Mankind is now different - civilized and economically and socially, and perhaps to avoid gradual degradation of humanity, people will be able to find a "nutritional replace" necessary for the proper growth and development of the human body - the human food "tap and the brain.")

In general, I'm reminded of the hard and cruel human origin, for a better understanding of the human nature of our human species Homo sapiens sapiens, because the very "nature cruel initially" (but also "kind and gentle"), the evolution of life was far from that life, which is described in a kind and humane "emasculated" fairy tales.

Now you can go to the master - to the subject of this publication (on the original, "natural inequality of people"), the story is known to move in circles and "everything returns back to normal", but at a higher level of human history turns (a higher level of development human civilization).

I am a humanist and democrat - but I suggest again to return the original "human slavery" (which is almost all of human history there), but not the old aggressive, "the ancient barbaric slavery", misunderstanding and without any respect for human to human.

"Slavery must be just and humane voluntary" (in legal contract - without a backstop, "a man all his life a slave").

Why do it? - That there is a genetic need to have "driven people" (potentially "victims of the people"), and there is also a genetic desire to own person the "people-dominant" (potentially the "people-predators").

There are people who are "born to be slaves" ( "victims of slaves"), it is unnecessary freedom - free, they do not feel happy and satisfied, they are not able to take care of themselves and manage their own lives, are not defined in life - often such people ( "people-victim") is often "commit suicide."

There are some people "born to dominate" ( "Predators host"), they need "slaves-victim" to (preferably completely) "own slave people", to lead them and to "ensure their lives" without being able to legally and legitimately to exercise their inherited from our primitive ancestors instincts ( "human-predator dominance"), they are sometimes (often) become criminals ( "rapists" and "murderers").

Of course, in pure form of 100% of "man-wolf" and "man-sacrifice" are born rarely ( "genes predator" and "genes victim" about evenly mixed in the "genome of humanity"), but often born people who dominates "genotype predator "or" genotype victim. "

To some extent, these instincts ( "Predator" and "victim") found its realization (partial satisfaction) is quite common in the Internet fetishes - BDSM, DOLCETT, HUCOW.

So the need for "dominating" and "subjection" (man on man) there!
Maybe humanity is only enough to play in this ( "Role fetishes"), may possibly make it "lawful, civilized, and cultured" (for the happiness and satisfaction of "people-predators" and "people-victims"), on the basis of agreement, understanding, Of course the "civilized humanity" and "mutual respect"?
Man Homo sapiens sapiens except that a "reasonable creature" (dominant on Earth), and despite the fact that most people are accustomed to perceive the person as something separate from the "wildlife", yet nevertheless a person biologically, physiologically, as well as it is all the animals in the world - "biological animal species".

The kind of man Homo sapiens sapiens has two components, "animal" (animal flesh) and "reasonable" (mind) - is two of its sides, all together it is "of Homo" people.
( "Man" is "animal + reason" = "man").

From both sides of his human nature person gets the benefit and enjoyment:
1) The pleasure of the mind - a "knowledge and creativity."
2) The pleasure of your animal's body - a "body physical pleasure", the main pleasure of them, a "multi-faceted human sexuality."

In some people the dominant (main) reason is pleasure ( "knowledge-art"), in other physical bodies of pleasure ( "power-sexuality").
For completeness, universal human happiness and the common good (prosperity and better development of human civilization), full or partial segregation of mankind into "person-person ( Homo sapiens sapiens) and "human-animal ( Homo sapiens animal).

There are two options life (use) for slaves' human slaves ( Homo sapiens animal ).

1) Man-farm animal - Homo sapiens animal cow (in fetish "lactation" subculture is - HUCOW).

(Segregation (separation) of our human species Homo sapiens sapiens to two types of people - to "human-human" (having human intelligence) and "human-animal" (which has no human intelligence) that will allow the best - the maximum and fully , use the inherent nature (evolution) properties (the ability to) the human species Homo sapiens sapiens.)

There are people who are very inconvenienced own "human reason" and so they are sometimes driven ( "man-sacrifice") poorly adapted to the individual free life (some simply tired of life, the other is innate) but voluntarily withdraw from life ( "commit suicide"), they do not want or are afraid (do not give "the instinct of self-preservation of the individual") - for these people humanity can be found out (if you look at the problem sensibly, "without obsolete taboos and conventions").

This segregation (separation) of these people ( "not wanting to be reasonable," or simply "did not want to live") by them from the human mind, for their new ( "perhaps for that they were born"), purely "animal life" - they can "be just animals" of the human species ( Homo sapiens animal).

(History knows many examples of continued existence people ( Homo sapiens sapiens) deprived of the human mind", in extreme situations (such as when a person is in long-term isolation on a desert island or jungle on the mainland), these people are "deprived of the human mind "(from the prolonged lack of communication with other people) - live a purely animal life (on the similarity of the apes), collect edible food in the forest, sometimes prey on small animals (without the use of any human instrument - with bare hands), run away from danger.

There are occasions when a human child (as in the book - the boy's "Mowgli" ( "Mowgli") Rudyard Kipling's "The Jungle Book"), grown wild animals, this child grows up, "do not have the human mind" wild animals (but he knows how to do everything, that characteristic making animal species, growing human child).

Writer Jonathan Swift, in his book 'Gulliver's Travels to the Houyhnhnms "described (" does not have the human mind ") the human people" Jehu, "they completely" lost the human mind "(even though they belonged to the human species Homo sapiens sapiens ), Jehu "I lived a purely animal life - the life of" pets ").

Thus the kind of Homo sapiens sapiens can be not only reasonable (rational being - man), but also unreasonable (as having no mind - animal) - a man ( Homo sapiens sapiens) should be possible in some cases (after consultation a psychologist) to be deprived of the human mind (consciousness), become - Homo sapiens animal.

If humanity "there was no application for their human intelligence" (or they more "do not want to be reasonable"), they can be very useful as a "people-Animals ( Homo sapiens animal), the best in agriculture - special "human, animal farms (barn).

Deprived of the human mind (free from the "human consciousness") and "human clothes," they will retain all of their human emotions, instincts (in the "subconscious") and high human sexuality ( "high sexual libido"), they can be ( "polnymi- absolute animal "), these" full-fledged farm animals "(" possibly the best of all the farm animals, domesticated by mankind ").
large spacious comfortable "human farm" (the best in the "classic style of New-England") should be built - the big, long, tall, of good red brick, insulated "barns -barn (because "people-animals" ( "of Homo sapiens animal ) do not have a warm coat on naked body)," cowsheds "should be a beautiful gabled red-tiled roofs, with beautiful large white border gates, doors and small windows.

The farm must be not only practical (with a modern internal hardware), but with a beautiful classic livestock-farming aesthetics - as the new classical culture farming can become the spiritual foundation of a new, united friendly mankind without aggression and wars.

(Cowsheds (barn) Red and white color symbolizes the agricultural livestock - red meat and white milk).

Human agricultural farm (barn) of course must be "only humane" (no comparison with the German "concentration camps"), adapted to the physiological needs of the farm animals of the human species - Homo sapiens animal cow, people-animals" should receive good care and good care of "people-farmers."

( "People-farmers" should undergo special "farmer vocational training for HUCOW care "and pass the professional" certification psychologists. ")

"The farmer is really worried about his pet it was good and convenient.
Perhaps from time to time he came into the stables, to cheer their pets, give them a piece of sugar, a shot, relieve pain, if necessary, and not only for this. "

"People-animals" (livestock - Homo sapiens animal cow) should receive all the pleasures of life of farm animals.

Buildings of "human-farm (barn) - must have good "comfortable wooden stall ( stall), with fresh straw the coverings (regularly, at least once a week-to-date - as the "people-animal ( Homo sapiens animal cow ) as well as all the livestock," will not have control of his bowels and bladder ").

Buildings of "human-farm (barn) - must be landscaped, equipped with high quality "modern livestock - farming equipment", they should be sufficiently spacious, with high ceilings, "with heated floors in the stalls (stall) in cold weather and with good ventilation.

"People-livestock ( Homo sapiens animal cow) - must have (twice a day - morning and evening) for a "good, balanced, granular, high-grade, nutritious food" (produced at the mill feed for farm animals), adapted for "human-animal ( Homo sapiens animal cow).
You need comfortable "automatic drinkers, with hard black calf rubber nipples" - as the usual "livestock waterers for cattle ( cattle), the people-pet ( Homo sapiens animal cow) due to "shorter snout "will not work, and" sucking movements "deliver Homo sapiens animal cow extra" fun "that never superfluous - as any" fun reduces stress and makes life more enjoyable and interesting. "

"People-livestock ( Homo sapiens animal cow) - should be as the same "good comfortable pastures" (for walking) with "water bodies for bathing", with feeders feeders for cattle (which will pour vegetables and fruit), "shelter from the rain" and comfortable "automatic drinkers with veal rubber nipples."

"People-livestock ( Homo sapiens animal cow) - should have periodic "sexual stimulation" during milking Homo sapiens animal cow, which will significantly increase lactation milk, this can be done sometimes manual "professional kindness farmer" but more often inserted during milking Homo sapiens animal cow and attached to them - "vaginal or anal vibrators."

Agriculture "animal farm is not charity," and not a holiday home (not a three star hotel) - agricultural "cattle farm should be useful and bring good income," what may be useful "people-livestock ( Homo sapiens animal cow) ?

1) First of all "people-livestock ( Homo sapiens animal cow), better to call them - "human-cow ( HUCOW) - may produce milk ( "human breast milk").

"Human milk is" much more useful than the usual "cow's milk" (cows Bos taurus taurus), human milk" and "has a rejuvenating effect", "to human milk is almost never allergies."

"" Man-cow ( HUCOW ) can produce milk much more than the best cow Bos taurus taurus (in proportion to the unit of body weight), "possible (and necessary) year-round lactation" (using the admission of special hormones).

2) This is the "human flesh" (this is of course a great horror), but the fact that people are still (despite the civilization) "remain in the soul cannibals" and "the need for human meat is" and the physiological and psychological.

(Perhaps it is possible that there are underground "cannibal clubs" where the very rich can "regale human flesh", because a lot of people disappear without a trace every year around the world,
long known - when something natural and the natural is officially banned, it still continues to exist in the human civilized society, but secretly underground, bringing income to the Mafia).
From a psychological point of view of slaughter for meat ( "only humane, respectful") ", animals of people ( HUCOW), it is not cannibalism" in the full sense of this terrible word - it's just a "human flesh", as the "people -zhivotnye ( HUCOW ) as well as all livestock (except for some voluntary)" should not be the human mind. "

Of course it looks very scary for humane modern humans (and "it's very good that modern people are kind and humane"), but that "modern humans also eat the flesh of animals" (and some "human placenta"), "no meat people just do not be able to fully exist. "

A "people-livestock ( HUCOW), as well as all animals - already "are unlikely to have the mind" and "all the animals will not know about his death" (just for this, some "suicidal sacrificial-people" and they want to "liberate the human mind").

"Man-farm animal ( HUCOW), on "human-milk goods farm" - must be "devoid of human reason" (perhaps using the "lobotomy", implanted overwhelming reason "microchip", "special psychotropic substance" are possible and other variants of the suppression of the human mind, which will appear in humanity possible in the future).
The "man-two-legged farm animal ( HUCOW) - should be lowered intelligence to the level of the ordinary, the traditional "four-legged-farm animal" (as the "farm animal" ( "cattle"), a dairy commodity farms - "man-agricultural animal ( HUCOW ) will be smart enough).

(Something similar was done in ancient times ( "artificial lowering of the human mind") - there was a very cruel method - in fact, human transformations in business, almost has no human intelligence "human-animal" (only it was cruel, sadistic - "inhumane and certainly not voluntarily")).


"As you know, slavery in ancient peoples were not uncommon. But always there was a problem, how to prevent escapes, uprisings and other dirty tricks from the "oppressed." According to some testimonies of a number of Asian nations have used torture "expanse" for the conversion of prisoners in some "half-men", referred to as "mankurt." (Gumilev LN Millennium around the Caspian Sea.). "
"Man-farm animal ( HUCOW) can not and should not speak ( "should not have human speech"), so "it should publish only the sounds of farm animals" (it "desirable to teach the cow bellowing" - since "the sounds good for its human vocal cords ").

The "human-farm animal ( HUCOW) clipped bridle of language", "severed nerves thumbs" (that human hands have lost the ability to complex actions - "steel legs of the animal," which can only take food or scratch).

Should "permanently deleted (EPILATION) all the hair on the body" (chemically - except head hair).

Photographically, special stimulation (exposure) on the pigment cells of the skin - "is applied to black and white (as Holstein cows breed) individual skin coloring" (to be protected from the sun's ultraviolet rays on grazing in the pasture, and for external "identification-agricultural human animals" ( HUCOW).

Also "castration" (possibly in the future, and "hormonal castration") "human males calves ( HUCOW), of course in addition to "human males, steers manufacturers ( HUCOW).

Chemically (via hormones) "manufactured breast enlargement" from "human, cows females ( HUCOW) and possibly in castrated "human-steers male ( HUCOW), so as mammalian males - have underdeveloped breasts that are using special hormones may be to develop a fully functioning.

After 10-15 years (if there will be 30 years, but sometimes earlier if necessary) sending "people-livestock ( HUCOW) at the slaughterhouse, meat (before being sent to the slaughter - "requires 1 year of fattening" possible "special liquid food (" calf ") through the calf rubber nipple" (for high quality human flesh, different varieties).

(Of course, the life expectancy of "people-livestock ( HUCOW) will be significantly less than ordinary human, but animals do not perceive the "animals do not know the number of lived their years of" life year "human-farm animal ( HUCOW) on lack of perception of time relative to it - is equivalent to many years of their "animal life" to "human-milk goods farm").

Slaughter for meat of "people-livestock ( HUCOW) can be morally justified (in the absence of the taboo on "human flesh") because "in fact it is not cannibalism", as they already are "real (not reasonable) livestock, "they are" simply animal "species ( Homo sapiens animal cow ).

Especially early culling "the human-animal farm ( HUCOW), before the onset of diseases related to their aging and senility - "save them from the suffering of old age and many will make the meat more tender and quality."

So as females "people-livestock ( HUCOW), on "human milk commercial farms" - will be born children ( "human children-calves"), "all the children of the people originally born non-reason" ( "early human childhood - it is his animal stage of human life, "so that we all got through it, we were actually animals do not have the mind, in its first years of life).

Throughout the long history of mankind "extra children - always destroyed" ( "This is the law of life that animals and humans, the offspring born over in reserve" - ​​in the event of unforeseen mass death of animals or humans).

Surplus children (because in ancient times - "it was not possible to nurse everybody and now it is also a problem"), among primitive people - the "extra kids just eat" (this highly nutritious food, has always been not out of place at almost constantly hungry primitive people).

With the growth of civilization (with the "development of humanity") and the emergence of "the taboo of cannibalism" - "extra children became just throw into the street," or kill other ways (meat kids - people are not eating now "discarded, unwanted children - eating stray dogs or wolves or worms "- when children corpses rot in a landfill).

And "in our civilized (humane) time - the children just killed right in the woman's uterus" heinous, traumatic, dirty, immoral (in terms of wildlife and human common sense) method - abortion (and "of the dead human embryos (" not born children ") - extract stem cells").

Of course there is always the dilemma that the more humane - "born and live, though the animal, but the carefree life" useful for people "human-animal farm (HUCOW).

With a good, professional, farming care, respect, gratitude and love (for the "people-livestock ( HUCOW) about age 30), and then after a year of feeding, "painlessly and humanely be scored on meat" (first to give grateful humanity - its wonderful "human-milk", and then the most perfect nutritional "human-flesh"), or "not to be born into the world at all."

For example, "vegans" believe that the "let livestock is not born", and those that are already living on the farm as soon as possible will die, because when all the "people following the example of" vegan "- will eat grass (plant food)", "meat of farm animals (and hence the animal itself) has become superfluous. "

It is possible that people will still come to cannibalism (because "people become men through cannibalism" - although the official science still does not recognize), and better if it is a "humane and civilized cannibalism, with respect and love," and not "wild aggressive cannibalism "that can appear as a result of the collapse of human civilization, for example iz-za" gradually reduce the volume of the brain in humans "(really would not want -" I hope for the best, then the mind, the human common sense will win ").

In today's world, cannibalism (some forms of) people already have.

There is a formal, ritual cannibalism - "Christian Eucharist the body and blood of Jesus Christ" (it helps cohesion, common people).

Also, some people - "eat human placenta" (which is quite natural in the animal world and for people not too much - the placenta has a positive therapeutic effect on the human body).

China - "eat as human embryos" (rather than simply thrown away, or receive them from stem cells - presumably this also has a positive, therapeutic effect on the human body).

warning Films (which happens when the "taboos and conventions - are placed above the human mind," common sense):

http://tfilm.tv/26206-oblachnyy-atlas.html (film "Cloud Atlas" (2012) Cloud Atlas directors Andy Wachowski, Tom Tykwer and Lana Wachowski.)

https://my-hit.org/film/15007/ (film "Soylent Green" (1973) Soylent Green Directed by Richard Fleischer)

And completing the theme of "people-livestock ( HUCOW) can be added:

Rights Homo sapiens animal cow ( HUCOW) - to be protected, civilized, humane ( "of the robust") rights to the protection of animals ( "equally, without exception, for both conventional, classical" four-legged farm animals "and" people, two-legged farm animal "").

The idea for this ( "theoretical fabulous fabrications"), borrowed from science fiction writer "Piers Anthony" is purely theoretical, it is a theme HUCOW and the real life of the people has nothing to do.

Piers Anthony "in the barn" ( "IN THE BARN" Piers Anthony).

http://www.e-reading.club/chapter.php/92013/60/FATA-MORGANA_4_(Fantasticheskie_rasskazy_i_povesti).htm l (Eng.)

http://www.lycaeum.org/mv/BX/piers_anthony_stories.html (Eng.)

2) People, pets ( Homo sapiens animal sapiens).

The "people-pets' living conditions are not such as the" people-livestock ( HUCOW ), since they are not" deprived of mind and full human status "(so that" they can live in the human habitation ", optional their owner), they have a "life is a legal contract" - on "human pet".

For the "human-pet pet" possible "two kinds of contract":

1) "The full right of my life", "man-pet" - the owner ( "owner") and its possible slaughter in the future - "people-pets" are also edible, although their meat is ecological and tasty as such as the "people-livestock ( HUCOW).

2) Or "personal definition of the term of his death" - the most "man-pets".

(By the owner ( "owner"), or of the "home-human animal" - the ability to send this "human-pet" to "zhivodёrnyu ( knacker's yard for dogs ), for" pet-pets ").
Be sure to complete lifetime nudity ( "pets do not wear clothes"), "the collar and leash" (occasionally "muzzle" - where this is required by local regulations for pets) and status - "intelligent pet ( Homo sapiens animal sapiens ).
Rights "human-pet" is equivalent to "the rights of incapacitated small child", besides the owner ( "owner") "is obliged to buy everything you need for your pet alone in a pet shop."

(In a pet store should be adapted for products of this kind of "human-pet" - different accessories for pets and a "special, nutritious, complete food" for "human-pet ( Homo sapiens animal sapiens)).

"The host-owner" shall drive a "human-pet" to the vet (for vaccinations), as well as to do all that is necessary for this kind of "human-pet", in accordance with the instructions of care for "human-pet pet '( Homo sapiens animal sapiens).

All this should not be "BDSM" is not a game, but a "new way of life" - the life of "human-pet pet" and within a generation, it will be perceived by people as "something natural and self-evident."

All this may affect only a small group of people ( "voluntary") and negative adverse effect on the whole of humanity will not ( "can even be a benefit - the realization of mankind relationship, the unity of man with man and of man with animals").

Thanks to my readers that have read these my "fantastic fabrications" (possibly delusional) to the end - in the end "it is just a fantasy," and please do not take it seriously ( "to heart").