View Full Version : Interested in Stories!!!!

04-03-2002, 12:21 PM
I am always looking for story ideas. I have a number of stories posted on BDSM Library. I enjoy female fantasys involving bondage, rape, humiliation, anal, enema's and etc.

04-03-2002, 01:08 PM
Oh, yeah, I know about that, powerone :D If anyone want to see a list of Powerone's story on this site, check this: http://www.bdsmlibrary.com/stories/author.php?authorid=321


04-15-2002, 03:34 AM
There are many Ideas I have, but... I read the stories Jinn suggested and couldn´t enjoy ´em. Okay, they started the fever, but the total lack of even a slight trace to a consensual background only fans my rage. Involving a minor less than at least 16 years old is beyond of what I see fit fer publication.
It´s even way beyond of a healthy common sense. :mad:

Okay, there´re diffrent tastes and views and everybody should´ve the freedom of expression and all democratic shit. But Powerone´s stories are a real test fer my sense of democratic principles. I can´t get off on this stories. They only encourage me to train harder. They remind me of borders never to be crossed by anybody. BDSM Stories is a great site and I´m greatfull fer it and the possibilities there. But on these particular kind of stories I´d like a stronger disclaimer or .....whatever. I don´t know. I truly believe in this free web-Space and shit but I can´t stop of thinking what these kind of stuff may cause to less mental balanced characters. It´s a delemma. I´d fight to prevent anybody from things happening to him/her as pictured in this stories. (I´m member of Amnesty) But I feel I´d also fight fer the freedom of expression and so fer Powerone.

So, Powerone. This had to be said. No ideas from me fer you. There may be less drastic stories in yer background I´d might have enjoied reading, but....ah..f*ck. This is not personal, okay?
I know only the stories and so can´t judge you.
I truly hope you know the diffrencies between phantasie and reality. And so do yer readers. Amen!

04-15-2002, 04:40 AM

I can't say anything about Powerone's story, I had to read it first.

But I think your view towards non/consensuality is somewhat limited:
Hell, 70 % of literature is based on non-consensual phantasies and story-lines:
Or do you think, the victim in an Agatha-Christie-mystery-novel likes to be murdered?
Or what would you say to one of the biggest virtual mass-murderers of all times: William Shakespeare?

A story-writer doesn't have to care for imbalanced minds, who want to copy the fiction in reality.
Otherwise a "Superman"-artist would be responsible for every idiot, who jumps off the roof thinking he is from Krypton.

Even real consensual BDSM-relationships are often based on non-consensual fantasies.
A couple engaged in a BDSM-play isn't stopped by non-consensual talk like "pity, pity, I can't take it anymore". No, they fix a code-word before the session to obtain the fiction of non-consensuality as long as possible.

One of the main principles of fiction is:
You can hurt people all you want, because they don't exist. Why should there be other rules for BDSM-fiction?

04-15-2002, 08:08 AM
Hey Ho! Didn´t ya read the part about the freedom of expression? Powerone can do whatever he likes to. That´s his choice. I don´t freakin care of any numbminded idiot who can´t keep tracks on reality and throws himself from an 50 stories building thinking hes superman. But this particular nut will only hurt HIMSELF. While some kid new to the whole thing without propper upbringing may (read this: MAY) get the idea of hurting somebody else would be fun. He´d be responsible for his actions anyway. In my book (meiner Meinung nach) BDSM literature should be more aware of loonies in the whole wide world ´cause of the topics they use. In most murder stories I read, nobody thinks of the killing as an act of sexual fun. I get sick from any kind of nonconsensual torture in any kind of literature by the way.
And writers concentraiting on bdsm sometimes should keep in mind that stuff we do, games we play, roles we act in are supposed to be fun for BOTH in the first place. And Yes. Over f*cking 70% of the Stories are nonconsensual. Almost no Examples of the realy deep Relationships possible in a bdsm Surrounding. That´s what I long for. The LOVE in the bdsm interaction. The SUBMISSION by FREE CHOICE. Any Nut with enough power and brutality can hurt anybody serious enough so the victim finally gives in. For the sheer cause of survival. That´s no big deal.

Humanity is in deep shit and every fool and his brother know that people are able to do god knows what to each other. So I think literature should show up different ways, different possibilities. How should I persuade anybody of the joys hidden in the world of bdsm if all they can see are examples of brute force, mentally and physically, against helpless vistims, huh?

Again, everybody can just write what they please. Be my guest. Do whatever you want. But please keep in mind that we all live together and everyone must look over his plate and think in a big picture way. Or at least should.
And please read this stuff before you jump me again. Involving minors is sick and not to be tolerated without at least some resistance. Even in an fictional story. Don´t you think people consuming child porn are involved in the creation of the photos and videos? That´s NO FUN!!!:(

Oh, und noch was. I´m no newbie to the play. I f*cking know about safeguards, codes and words.

04-15-2002, 10:30 AM

one of the most important tasks of fiction is to provide a way to act out our darkest needs and fantasies without harming REAL people.
Everyone has this dark side. So what do you think, is the better way: denying and oppressing it or finding a catharsis in fiction and fantasy?

The problem is: If 1000 people read a violent nonconsensual BDSM-story, you will never hear from the 999, who satisfy their dark needs with the cathartic effect of the story.
But all tabloids will tell you about the one sick idiot, who got an inspiration from the story to commit real atrocities.

History proves, if you allow nonconsensual/violent fantasies, you risk criminal/cruel INDIVIDUALS.
But if you oppress these fantasies, you risk a criminal/cruel SOCIETY.
Or do the dictators of the world encourage their people to find catharsis in dark fantasies?
For example, what movies did we have during our "Third Reich"? Almost everyone was about love, music, romance and fun...

So much for a better world in fiction and fantasy.

04-15-2002, 11:06 AM
Strangly I don´t have the feeling you dig what I´m after. Even more, I get the feeling If you really have read my latest reply, you didn´t give it much thought.

As a said before, everybody do as him/herself see fit. If you´d read the last reply thoroughly you would´ve find that I´m completely with you on the catharsis thing. And even if 1000 people satisfy their "dark" phantasies on non-consensual stories I´ll try revealing that one sick idiot who´ll maybe rape minors or do even worse things. I´d like you to admit that I never asked fer Powerones stories to be removed, censored or else.

I simple disagree in his tastes. And I´d like the folks to show some common sense even if they supply their "dark fantasies" with fictional stories. To give a hint that they know KIDS ARE NEVER TO BE RAPED. Even if they phantasize about that. Okay, let´em have the stories, maybe even drawings. But never, ever let´em produce photographs or videos!!! You´re with me on that or not?

And before you write the next, not fully thought through reply, consider the possibility of me having some personal expierence on the whole subject.

And now to something completely different:
You seem pretty well doing in English. What do ya need a translator for?:cool:

04-15-2002, 12:37 PM
No, I think you're the one, who doesn't understand.

I don't accuse you of supporting censorship, but on the other hand, an attitude like yours (consensual stories are good BDSM, non-consensual stories are evil/bad BDSM)is often the cause for censorship. (In January, one of the most important German BDSM-sites (www.zarthart.com)died, because people with your strict disapproval of "noncons"-fantasies fought a law-suit against the webmaster.)
Nobody denies you the desire for your personal ideal BDSM-story, but operating with moral terms of "right" and "wrong", judging other people's fantasy life, will educate no one to be a better writer or human being, but it's the root of censorship.

I also have my likes and dis-likes. For example, in another post I said, that I don't care very much for scatology/zoo-themes. But I would never tell the fans of this genre, that their taste is evil, immoral or tasteless.
(I'd tell them only, if I think, that their stories are badly written.)

As tragic a personal experience with violence and crime may be, but in a free society it's impossible, use- and senseless to tell the people how to adjust their fantasy-lives to every possible personal touchiness...

If you manage that, we'll all have to live in a political correct hell....

04-15-2002, 02:23 PM
I don´t have the feelin I´m making progress here. Pressure creates pressure. Sorry about that. My mistake. For everybody who reads this besides Simons and myself:

I´ll write a paragraph in german for my:) "Opponent" in this discussion, hoping I can clear these misunderstandings using my native tongue. But first, just fer the record:

- I despise any form of censorship.

- I´ll support every form of action for more freedom of BDSM Lifestyle.

- I´ve had absolutely no influence in the shutdown of "ZartHart.com" and feel grief about the shutdown.

- I´ll support BDSM Stories and related Sites with all my heart.

- I do not divide between "Good" and "Bad" BDSM Stories.

I just whish to be able to tell my point of view, too. As everybody can write stories which any content they desire.

Dear Simons.

Hier kurz in Deutsch und etwas ausführlicher und persönlicher als im Thread möglich.:)

Druck erzeugt Gegendruck. Ich werde diesen fruchtlosen Thread bis auf diesen kurzen Statement zum Abschluss, nicht weiterführen und hoffe ich kann den Druck damit ein wenig auflösen. Mehr als auf Deine Argumentation eingehen kann ich nicht. Leider scheine ich mich Dir nicht wirklich verständlich machen zu können. Tut mir echt leid. Kein Sarkasmus hier.

Nur für das Protokoll:

- Ich verwende mich in aller Form gegen jede Form von Zensur.

- Ich unterteile nicht in "Gute" und "Böse" BDSM Geschichten.

- Wenn jemand eine Action für mehr Freiheit im Bereich BDSM führt, mache ich mit.

- Ich unterstütze freie Seiten wie BDSM Library.

- Ich bin nicht für den Untergang von Zarthart verantwortlich und ich bedauere ihn aus ganzem Herzen.

Aber ich möchte auch meine Meinung sagen dürfen. Diskussion setzt anhören/ durchlesen der Argumente des "Gesprächspartners" voraus. Ich habe mittlerweile den Eindruck, du bist mit ähnlichen Vorurteilen belastet, wie die, die Du mir vorwierfst. So trägt halt jeder an seinen Erfahrungen. Ich habe im Thread mehr als einmal in voller Deutlichkeit meine Unterstützung der Rede- und Meinungsfreiheit betont. Gleich dem Inhalt der Verbreitet wird. Mehr kann ich nicht tun. Ich gehöre mehr als nur einer Minderheit an und weiß genau um die Kostbarkeit dieser Werte. Vielleicht können wir, eine Abkühlung vorausgesetzt :cool: das ganze unter ruhigeren Vorzeichen, im privaten, zu einer gütlichen Einigung bringen. Ich glaube nicht das wir wirklich als Gegner agieren müssen. Schick mir doch einfach eine pm falls Du dazu lust hast.

Alles Gute


04-16-2002, 10:03 PM
Topic Drift afoot!

Why not start a new thread in GENERAL and leave poor Powerone's topic alone?

The discussion's great, and I'm hoping it will continue as the participants desire, but I was thinking I'd be reading some newly suggested ideas. And instead there's a series of great exchanges... but not really germain to Powerone's ideas, yep?

04-17-2002, 12:27 AM
Yep! A new thread it is.
I pity it a bit that Powerone didn´t join the disussion.
Maybe he could´ve provided some usefull insights. :cool:

See y´all in the next thread.

04-25-2002, 04:28 PM
I was waiting for a suggestion for a story. Since that is not going to happen, I guess I will reply to the rest of the discussion.

First, regarding under 16 year old stories. I think I explained my reasoning in one story, but I will add it here. I have had numerous conversations with my readers regarding this. The reason I chose 16 is that I like the female in my stories to be virgins. In my earlier stories, this was the way I explained it. Since I live in the part of the country where a little girl was taken and killed (and the subsequent outcry over the perputrator and his child pornography collection) I have changed my stories to over 18 (with other reasons for being a virgin ie. in all girls boarding school). If you think this type of story is bad, go to a website like Mrdouble.com where pedo sex is rampant (down to sex with a 15 month old baby). BDSM has very little.

Second, I enjoy non-consensual sex. Obviously so does my readers. Just on this site, I have 6 stories in the top 30 for the month. Most of the e-mail I get is from female readers, most submissives, that enjoy this type of story. They have desires that they do not realize in real life, so they like the stories where they get to do things that they would not willingly do.

Third, I write what I like. That is what writers should do. I do not write for you or anyone else. I get a large quantity of suggestions for storys that I do not write because I would not enjoy writing them. I do try to expand my horizon (I added a chapter with male-male sex this month in The Enemy's Daughter.

Fourth, if you notice three of my stories are written with other authors. All of these authors are female and to tell you the truth, they come up with more extreme ideas than I do.

I hope that helps this conversation.

I am still looking for suggestions.


04-26-2002, 12:46 AM
I was toying with the idea of writing the "fFeddy vs. Jason" script (Friday the 13th meets Nightmare on Elm Stree), as I hear the current script sucks ass. I will never get around to doing this, but the idea was fun, so I thought I'd offer it up in case anyone else wants it. If the genre interests you, here are some fun BDSM wrinkles...

One of the Production Assistants of a reality-based "ghost" gameshow (read as: MTV's "Fear") took the kids visit Camp Crystal Lake, home of Mr. Jason "Teenagers having sex really pisses me off" Vorhees. Jason is trapped in hell, but someone crapping on his grave for a gameshow gives him enough strength to burst out, and the PA slowly turns into Jason. Some of the PA's fellow staff members begin to die under suspicous circumstances. ("chee chee chee ah ah ah")

The next "haunted" place the show goes is the asylum where Kruger was conceived (a nun was kept for days and raped by inmates). Kruger was the last of hell's minions to have a grip on Jason, and he uses the asylum as a fetter to get back to the world.

The show goes berzerk and the asylum is filled with awakened, evil spirits of the former inmates, who've shown they have a predisposition to rape when they can... Our cast of kids (18-25) soon figures out that they're in a fight for their lives, and hte only way out is to somehow trick One of the two evils into pissing the other off so that they can get away.

There are sites where you can find the name of the Asylum that Kruger's mother worked at.

04-26-2002, 09:43 AM
Hi All :)
I am new to the site, but just had to give my opinion on this.
I have recently submitted a story and I hope some enjoy it, if it is accepted.
I like to write about all sorts of women and men. The youngest being around fourteen years old.
In some of my stories I want the reader to realize that the victim/s have never had any kind of a sexual experience.
Here in the US, most have at least experienced some form of sex before the age of sixteen. (Remember this is fiction and I would never break an age of consent law in real life, of course I would never murder anyone either, and that law is broken in ninety percent of literature).
I noticed that one poster said that in Agatha Christie novels the reader isn't made to think that killing is fun and cool.
Perhaps AC is not a good example. There have been many novels and movies that depict murderers in a way that make them very appealing to the audience.
I feel that people who are going to commit crimes such as murder, rape, pedophilia, torture, etc. are going to sooner or later, no matter what they see or read.
I actually believe that pornography and stories such as are found on this site, might hold someone back from committing a crime by allowing them an alternitive outlet for their fantasys. Where as, I don't think they would ever make a person who has no intention of committing a crime (child or adult) do so.
Thats just my two cents :)

05-04-2002, 11:05 AM
I like stories set today or in the future when the buying and selling of slaves is part of society, complete with stores that sell slave training and maintaining equipment, auction houses, even discount stores. These stories emphasize humiliation more than torture. and scenes are not just sexual, but domestic, and public. The slaves are totally at the mercy of their owners. I particularly enjoy scenes in which slaves are forced to undress for inspection or to perform household chores in scanty clothes.

05-04-2002, 11:47 AM

Do you know the three "Slaveworld"-novels by Stephen Douglas published by Silver Moon.

(Look at

They might be exactly, what you look for.

05-04-2002, 12:56 PM
May I recommend M. Quayle's "Late For Dinner"?

80 chapters of anything-goes M+ / f+ fun. Set in an alternate world where few women have rights to their bodies and families learn about sex through their parents.

Actually, Late For Dinner is the reason I got to this forum in the frist place-- I should have put it up in the Classic Stories section a long time ago.

Here's the link-- hope you enjoy it!


05-05-2002, 02:02 PM
Powerone, You seem to cover an excellent selection of the stories.

What I would suggest is the women in prison strory. I know it has been done to death, but it has so many slants.

The young female revoluntary sent to the prison camp, raped and tortured. She has to endure the heat and dirt of the jungle, where they are sent to work.
All the other females tell her about there lives and life since coming to prison. Ones addicted to drugs, one the prison whore, one the innocent virgin who has been knocked up but still has to work and gets raped as often as the others and another the mother figure.

All the women have to perform their bodily functions and front of each other and the guards - who take pleasure in this (essential for this type of story). No provision for personal care, and how they adapt in such surroundings.

There is a break out but they don't get far due to the country they are in and also they are tracked by dogs. So a bit of bestiality may come in at this point, though I think the other ideas are enough, as a good description of a woman beaten, raped and worked till she drops in the fields or jungle, gets me hot enough.

05-06-2002, 08:17 PM
Thanks for all of your suggestions. One source that you did not mention, I'd like to share: Olympia Press

Their books tend to be pricy, even if you download, but authors such as Ian Smith are particularly enjoyable.

Anyone know of Web sites that deal in modern slavery: so far the ones I've found on yahoo are more geared toward gays then heterosexuals

05-08-2002, 01:59 PM

Yes, "Olympia" is indeed a good but very pricy publisher.

But if you have for example a predilection for Allan Aldiss (an author specialized in large and detailed epics of modern and historical slavery: the "Barbary"-series); don't buy them from "Olympia"!

"Olympia" chops up a full-length Alldis-novel into three expensive volumes, while you get the complete and uncensored version from www.bdsmbooks.com (E-books only) or Silver Moon - www.adultbookshops.com for a much more reasonable price....

05-08-2002, 02:38 PM
I have been buying ebooks through both olympia and adultbookshop.com. However, we missed one out BDSMbooks.com.

Though you do pay through the nose you do get quality BDSM stories, what I hope is that these other sites encourage future authors. We need more and when the stories dry up from the ebooks site then we need our new authors, with new ideas and twists in this area.
All these book sites are starting to slow down, and some only have a new book once a month. How about more sites like this with free (or relatively free - being a member) with the vast choice of stories, catering for all tastes!!!:confused: :confused:

05-12-2002, 04:16 AM

Do I understand you correctly?
Do you say, that it's a positive thing, that sites like the "Library" possibly supersede the commercial publishers?
Then, I strongly disagree...

A "public domain"-enterprise like the "Library" is definitely a fine place to discover new talents, but the possibilities of the "Library" to reward, to encourage and to care for these new talents are limited.

The "library" answers only one question of a young ambitious author:
"Are people out there, who like my writings?"

It doesn't answer the questions:
"Would these people pay for it and is someone ready to risk money and publish it."

On the other hand, a reader, who doesn't have to pay for his stuff anymore, tends to be more forgiving, when he is confronted with bad quality.
(I don't talk about the minority, who writes thoughtful story-reviews for the "Library"; I talk about the silent majority, who only consumes the stories.)
And finally the "why should I pay for something, that I can get for nothing"- attitude could cause a disaster not only to BDSM-storywriting but to literature in general.

I remember the Fifties, when the "Big Screen" was almost killed by TV...
And I think, the community of BDSM-readers is too small, that our kind of "Big Screen" could survive such a competition...

So my appeal:
"If you like BDSM-writings, don't rely on unbalanced nourishment:
"Read the "Library"-stories AND buy from good publishers!"

05-12-2002, 06:11 AM

I just have to say that you have some valid points.
Though I would disagree with you on the point of readers who will disregard bad literature if its free and not say a word.

Some may know me has doing some cutting reviews of their stories. I would "pay through the nose," as I put it for good stories, and I'm not just talking about the well established websites selling ebooks and print. I may have given the impression that I dislike well established book selling websites, through any format, but this was wrong. I have been a reader for years, and it was encouraged by the early days of Silvermoon on the topshelf, to its introduction on the web.

Though I would wholeheartedly encourage good writers wherever they are, or for whoever they write for and will buy from any site. I do feel that we need to encourage those that write for BDSM library, though that will not deter me from telling some one they are rubbish as I get a free story.

One problem with these stories is that we do not answer the question, would this or could this be published. Though the first question should be, don't you think, does any one like my work? It sems that by writing in a safe environment then budding authors may get advice, reviews and knock backs.

06-30-2002, 01:08 PM

i love your stories, and will email you today personally, as i AM one of the submissives that simply adores the non consenual aspect .........

not wanting to get into a discussion...just a statement, in bdsm play, the consent to non consent is a fantastic and erotic play,
however........ it IS based on the fantasy aspect of total non consent... can ONLY work between loving and trusting devoted D/s partners.....

still...... *wink* ya got to feed the desire someplace.. and here is a terrific place to do it!!!!

thanks Powerone, You have great style......

07-10-2002, 06:18 PM
*smiles at the post by veru_skjava*.......
thank you for that post, i too enjoy the female nc stories. and i also agree that TRUST is key in any D/s relationship. i lay down my life for Master, and i know He would defend mine with His. the love W/we share is based on trust for O/one A/another, and my submission for Him flows from that. as for the topic at hand, i think that Powerone has a talent and i do so enjoy His works, keep it up....im reading.

07-28-2002, 11:04 PM
pkcccc: If you got story ideas, why not you just try to write a story out of it?

07-30-2002, 02:55 AM
I agree with Jinn

You may get lucky and find some who will write the story for you, but nobody knows exactly the story that you have in your mind.

So please have a go, and share the story. I'm sure most writers on this site would agree that to writing BDSM stories helps can help you develop writing skills (such as spelling and grammar) that you could use later in other ways.

It's fun once you get started as well!

03-24-2003, 11:38 AM
luv your stories man!!!!!! especially strip searching rebecca, a soon to be classic!!!!! i was wondering if you or anyone else on here has ever thought of doing a story on Elizabeth Smart. maybe something about what they think what really happened to her. just a thought.


05-05-2003, 07:02 AM
I try to stay away from real life characters, especailly those that were involved in a crime. I live near where the VanDam girl was killed. I could imagine me writing a story about what I thought happended and having the police at my door the next day. Their new chief suspect. LOL

Originally posted by adderallrules
luv your stories man!!!!!! especially strip searching rebecca, a soon to be classic!!!!! i was wondering if you or anyone else on here has ever thought of doing a story on Elizabeth Smart. maybe something about what they think what really happened to her. just a thought.
