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02-03-2006, 01:55 PM
The Unsuspecting Accomplice

I have never learned to write short. Everything always seems to novella with me, including journal entries! I would place rating on this, but I will leave that to the pros. ~sujet

Part One
Chapter 1

She pulled into the garage to see the guard her keeper had installed after her last attempt to run. She got out of the vehicle and started to unload the trunk trying to ignore his presence as much as he was going to allow her.

“You’re ten minutes late.” He said.

She contemplated telling him to go fuck himself then decided to be quiet.

He was almost cheerful as he helped unload the groceries and bring them into the kitchen. This made her suspicious, as he was never helpful in anyway. After the bags made their way in, he removed the tracking device from her ankle and headed for his apartment downstairs in the basement. As he went to leave he stopped at the kitchen entrance to stare at her.

“Call Brent bitch.”

With that, he turned and left after activating the alarm system. He never used her name, which would have proven she was human in any capacity. She had become immune to the names he often used for her and this was the nice one. The turmoil and fear started as soon as she knew she was late, Bryan only added to it. Being ten minutes late was enough to get her privileges revoked for a month. She had worked hard for this small right to leave the house to go grocery shopping and visit the local library. In the beginning, Bryan had to go with her, and then came the ankle device. Brent allowed three hours once a month to run his errands and to go to the local library to get one book. It was one of her few freedoms she had and she enjoyed the serenity of being away from it all for those few hours.

She picked up the phone and dialed the only phone number she could dial.

“Headmaster’s office, how may I help you?”

“Good morning Miss Lee, it’s Sunni, I was told to call Headmaster.”

“Hey Sunni, let me put you through to him.”

As the moments ticked past waiting for him to answer, her stomach tightened more. Bryan acted strange, which meant he knew something she did not. That was always bad.

The deep, sinister voice came on and broke her thoughts.

“You’re back, good.”

“Yes sir.”

“You have anything to tell me I need to know?”

There it was. Bryan had already told Brent. He never missed that chance to get her punished.

She sighed, “Yes sir.”

“Tell me.”

“I was ten minutes late getting back.”

“Any particular reason why?”

“No sir.”

“No excuses for me today?”

“No sir.”

She rolled her eyes; making excuses would just make it all worse than it was at this very moment. Pissing him off would not help.

“Well, we will deal with this later. For today, I want you to tend your chores and then just spend the day freely; within the confines of the house, of course.”

Wait! What did he just say? I can do nothing all afternoon.

“Any questions?”

“Yes sir.”

“Go ahead.”

“I really can just go read, watch television, take a bath, or just sleep?”




“I am very appreciative of the free time. Thank you very much, but…”

Her voice was stuck there; did she dare to question it?

“But? Go on, ask.”

“What is the catch?”

He chuckled; it was almost an amusing laugh for him. She knew him well enough to be concerned or suspicious.

“No catch, just a small present for this special day.”

She said nothing, as she had no idea what was so special about today. She knew it was Valentine’s Day, but that never held anything special before.

“You have no idea what today is, do you?”

“I’m afraid I don’t, my apologies sir.”

“Today is you one year anniversary among other things.”

Her mind was reeling and spitting questions out to her. From surviving his torments for the past several years, for his selling her off to others, for being fifteen feet away from freedom but knowing it is just out of grasp, or all of the above?

She blurted it out with no thought, “Anniversary of what?”

“I see you will also need a few reminders on top of that punishment you have already earned for being late. Hang on a minute.”

He placed her on hold and she started to cry. A reminder would mean he would make her remember, with as much pain as he felt appropriate, and only get worse which would mean she would never get it right. His voice returned to her making her tears cease as fast as they started.

“I am in an exceptionally good mood today, so I will be kind and tell you. One year ago today you finally came to your senses and accepted what you are and who you are.”

The memory of it came to her in a rush.

“He is celebrating the day he broke her,” she thought to herself, “It is his anniversary, not mine. It is her day of death and my day birth into accepting to stop running. The day she came to realize there was no way out and she was his property and nothing more. He is celebrating something I wish I could run from.” Knowing she had better respond, she collected her thoughts fast.

“Thank you for your thoughtfulness Master Brent.”

She choked on the words to get them out, more in the hope of minimizing the punishment she would be receiving for “forgetting” such a momentous occasion in his mind.

“Now, I will not be home until tomorrow morning. Bryan will be fending for himself and has been told to leave you be. I have planned a little something special for you later. I am sure you will enjoy.”

This statement produced his sinister laugh. If they had been facing each other, she would have known that it was beyond what she ever thought he would do to her. However, she was not dismissive of the thought that his idea of “something special” and hers were two completely different ideas.

“Yes sir.”

“Alright, hop to it, daylight is burning.”

As she hung of the phone, the tears fell freely. She was in as deep as she could get now. Two strikes in one call. Tomorrow promised to be a bad day, as he never waited more than 24 hours to implement his correction of an infraction to his supreme authority over her.

She turned to her chores and the past 15 minutes of her life. The telephone conversation with Brent was too calm, normal conversations with him always entailed him making her submit to some form of humiliating statement. Maybe she was reading too much into all of it. Maybe Brent had just decided to give her these few precious hours of free choice. She needed to stop worrying and enjoy it, as she rarely had much more than an hour here or there usually at any given time when left alone. Brent always had something for her to do from household chores to learning something new when she was not working or sent to another. The learning something new was always the scariest, as he would pick something and then quizzed her on it thoroughly. Rarely did she ever pass his oral exams without missing a question or two.
With her chores completed, she grabbed her new library book and headed for the sanctuary of her bedroom. This was her one place she knew she was safe; no harm had ever entered this one room in the house. No bad memories or nightmares followed her here.

She found herself lost in her book as minutes passed into three hours. The sound of the doorbell scared her right off her bed and the book across the room. She jumped up and almost tripped down the stairs as the knocking and ringing were constant. She stood at the foot of the stairs wondering if she should buzz Bryan since she could not open the door without tripping the alarm.

She had little time to wonder as Bryan came slamming through the basement door, stopping to turn off the alarm and spew obscenities at her. She followed behind him to the door. He threw open the door.

“What the fuck is your prob…”

He never finished the sentence as she barely caught sight of the person slamming into Bryan hard. She tried to avoid the two men hitting the ground but was slammed into by Bryan’s body, which was starting to go limp as they fell to the ground hard. She never got a clear view of the man. As she slammed into the floor hands came over her face to obstruct her breathing. She tried to fight the hands off her face, but Bryan’s body was blocking and crushing her ability to stop the hands from letting her breathe. As darkness surrounded her and she slipped into it, her last thought was,

“Finally, I am released.”

Death was never that easy.

02-03-2006, 02:11 PM
Chapter 2

As she came to in a haze, she was not surprised to find herself in an all too familiar position, unable to move, see, speak, or scream. She tried to figure where she was and what the noises around her were. She knew she was on a hard wood surface, her hands told her exactly where she was. She was still in the house, in the study, tied down to the desk. This was good she felt and even better, her clothing was still on. The sigh of relief must have given her away to being awake.

The voices stopped, they had been angry voices. That was all she could tell as she came to completely. Fear enveloped her as she realized this might be Brent’s “something special”. Her body started shaking in the fear of that reality, but her own mind calmed her.

“No, Bryan would not be injured or he could not make sure I did not run if the opportunity presented itself. Brent would hand me over to a stranger with no warning, but Bryan never injured in it. At that point, Brent would just hand me over to Bryan.” This made her shake more. No, Brent used that against her, which was his promise to her if she ever tried to run again. She knew what Bryan was capable of; she had seen it. She calmed herself with these rampant thoughts.

“Ah, the whore is awake.”

“You know Brent is going to kill you when he finds out.”

Laughter came, she heard a slap to skin, and then a female sound cried out in a muffle. Her mind became aware of the people around her and cried suddenly at the other female sound. She went into an almost trance state of fear now, another female. This was not good. She barely heard the following sentences from the unknown male.

“Listen, you can play with her, help me, or you can sit there tied up watching. I don’t give a fuck, either way; you will not get in my way.”

She felt someone approach her. She was familiar with the sound and feeling of someone closing in on their captured prey. She felt the material to the long skirt she was wearing moving, then she heard the material cut off her, making her naked from the waist down. Hands came to rest on her stomach as they grabbed the bottom of the blouse she wore and ripped it open. Buttons went flying and the small “ting” sounds stopped from the buttons hitting objects in the room. She was completely exposed as the blouse rested at her sides open. The hand was warm and gentle as it guided up the outside of her right leg to her upper torso. The pain was sharp, hard, and unexpected. The man had slapped her across the face with enough force to make her eyes water and nose start to run. The gag stifled the startled scream from being very audible. He was breathing on her neck then the whispering.

“You are allowed clothing now I see. Brent should have turned you over to me a long time ago. He has gone soft with you. From my understanding, he is to be home late this evening correct?”

She was unsure if this was a trap or not, she decided for truth and shook her head no.

“Hmmm, he will be home at his normal time then?”

She shook her head no again.

“He will not be home until tomorrow?”

She nodded.

“Do you know when tomorrow?”

She shook her head yes and then no.

“I am going to remove the gag as a reward for being honest. It will go back in if that mouth opens without permission, do you understand?”
She nodded her head.

As he removed the gag, she felt a fear creep in her about the whispering voice. She knew this voice and was straining her memory to place it to the person it belonged.

When she was able to move her mouth around, the taste of blood mixed in her saliva, making her aware the slap had been as vicious as it felt when it connected. She now knew the clothing remained on for effect. He wanted her awake when he made her accessible to him.

He moved away from her and heard voices talking, they were still angry voices. Bryan was pissed, that she could tell, the man was getting angrier with Bryan she assumed by the growling she was detecting, yet the words were lost on her as to what they were arguing about. Suddenly the voice was clear.

“Fine, sit there and watch you stupid fuck. Emily, come.”

The man approached her again.

“Bryan over there thinks he has a choice in what I do to you. I beg to differ with him. You tell me, can I do what I want or does he get a say?”

“I have no choice in whether he gets say or not, so I leave it in your capable hands sir.”

What else could she say? He already had control of the situation. From what she could tell, Brent had no role in this, so his rules did not matter now. She was at this stranger’s mercy.

“We can do this easy or hard. It is up to you. What do you want?”

She sucked in air and answered slow and careful, “I prefer to do this easy; I am at your mercy and will try my best to cooperate, sir.”

What did she want? Was this man insane? She wanted him gone, she wanted a normal life whatever in the hell that was, she wanted her say back in what happens in her life. They were all not to come though, so she resigned herself to what was to come.

“Alright, let us try easy first and see how cooperative you are going to be. We will start with a few questions, and then move on to better things. Tell me who you are.”

“Sunni, property of Master Brent.”

It was an automated response and one she should have thought about before opening her mouth. Fingers came to her left nipple, then a tongue gently teasing it erect. The snap of the clamp came, she sucked in a breath, and the initial pain subsided. The process repeated to the other nipple. She braced herself and was ready for the clamp this time. The fingers and tongue moved to her clit. The realization hit her that this was the female not the male. Her body tensed and the tears welled, but the sensation of the fingers and tongue made her react even though she did not want to. The clamp went on and a small pained cry came out. Once the clamps were attached, each slightly tightened; the male whispering began again. She breathed the pain, but kept her mouth shut.

“Tell me who you are.”

“Yours sir”

She heard him snap his fingers and the female fingers and tongue were back. They ran up the inside of her thighs and start fingering her, the tongue was circling her clit. This was enough to make her know the clamp was not as tight as it felt to begin with. She was trying to concentrate on the man’s whispered words. She wanted to cry out and plead for him to make her stop. She had done this before, had it done to her before, but it never ceased to make her cry and feel violated and dirty. She knew it was not wrong; it just always bothered her to have sex with another female. It always made her feel even worse when the other woman made her orgasm. Brent had made her have sex with other females often. It amused him that she would cry every time all the way through it, but still perform as ordered. Other slaves hated her for it since their owners would often punish them for her crying. Others were not pleased with it, submitting her to punishment for her crying after the act was over, while others found it just as amusing as Brent did.

“So we have established who you are, who am I.”

“Master, sir?”

“And how do you address me then?”

“How ever you wish to be addressed sir.”

Another finger slipped inside her and the tongue sped up some. Fingers started towards her back entry and the tears started flowing harder. Fingers felt the intruder already present inside the anal passageway. A small noise escaped the female licking her into frenzy.

“Problem slut?” The male voice said.

“Kind of Master, there is a plug inserted in her already.”

“Oh really? Continue.”

The whispering returned.

“So your previous owner did have some control.”

She had forgotten the plug was even there. It was common to have something there for days, except for bathing and cleansing. This small thing just humiliated her a little more. She chastised herself for the feeling as she was used to it and it really should not bother her. This was a stranger though, however familiar he was with Brent or even her for that matter. The female fingers on her turned and pulled the plug in and out slightly, while the other fingers were plunging slowly in and out in time with the plug movements, while making wet slurping sounds. The tongue was increasing pressure and circles on her clit and bringing her closer and closer to orgasm. This all just added to a fresh batch of free flowing tears.

“What are you?”

She had to concentrate, what had he asked her. What was she? Through her tears, she panted out an answer.

“What ever Master wants me to be.”

The fingers snapped again. The female moved away. A moan escaped her as she had almost hit her orgasm and denied it. The swoosh sound came and then the impact on her inner right and then left thigh. Quick and hard, back and forth, five times each. The clamps on her nipples pulled hard by unknown hands, but remained fastened securely to her. Someone had pulled the attached chain hard and released it. The initial contact brought out a small scream, the following only brought forth groans of pain.

“What are you? I want the words you hate so much.”

She remembered what she hear as just came to and decided this was the probably the best answer for him.

“Your whore Master.”

02-03-2006, 02:19 PM
The fingers snapped again and started the process all over, the female was buried in her and bringing her back to where she was. Her nipples were throbbing and crying to her internally. She wanted the clamps off. The pain exploded in her clit, the tongue on her flicked it and the chain pulled taunt. She could feel it all the way up in her throat making her arch into the pulling chain and the pain as she cried out. The release of the chain came and the fingers and tongue went back to their initial gentleness and urgency to bring her off.

“Are you allowed to cum without permission?”

“Rarely Master.” She managed to get out.

She had played this game enough to know the consequences for disobedience. She took her thoughts to what Brent would do to her if he walked in at this moment. It never crossed her mind that he would not be angry with the man, but angry with her for letting another touch her without his consent. It did not matter that she had no choice. This cooled her need for orgasm enough to gain some composure to hear the whispering man who claimed to be her new owner.

“Brent walks through the door, whose orders do you follow given the choice?”

Now he was going for the throat if this was a set up.

She sighed uncomfortably and felt her blood run cold through her body. This was good for obeying the “No cumming without permission”, but bad for her body as it brought all the pain back to her brain surrounding her nipples and clit.

“Yours sir.”

He pulled the chains attached to all three clamps and made her squeal in pain through gritted teeth and clenched jaw.


“Yours Master.”

The tears started harder as she fought back the yearning to plead with him to remove the clamps and just let the female let her cum. She wanted the unwelcome female off her, she wanted the man that proclaimed to be her new Master and owner to fade away and leave her be. He leaned over her and whispered again as soon as the female brought her to where he wanted her.

“Beg your new Mistress to let you cum.”

This brought on the sobbing and a small “no” escaped her mouth. It was a pleading no, one of disbelief, not defiance. It did not matter, it was out, and the man would do as he pleased, so she did not try to explain it.
She expected a hand to connect with her face as she braced for the impact. Instead, she heard a loud snap and pain seared from her right breast. The snap came again and the pain seared from her left breast. The clamps felt like they had tore into her flesh and the small cries shook her throat as a hand came over her mouth to muffle some of the sound she thought. The hand was stopping all air intake and outtake as it was covering her nose as well. Then the snap came four more times to each breast. The pain was starting to take over and make her fall into darkness with the lack of air. The need to scream for it all to stop was yelling at her inside. She wanted to beg forgiveness for her stupidity and do whatever he wanted just to be able to breathe or die.

Chapter 3

The hand left her face as sudden as it had come. The painful snapping had ceased. She was recovering her breathing and the ministrations of the female had increased to bring her to the edge once again.

“Beg your new Mistress to let you cum.”

Through the tears she began her begging and pleading with the female.

“Please Mistress, may I cum.”

She needed this humiliation over. She felt the head shake no. Neither was going to let this go easy. The fingers became increasingly faster and harder, and then slowed along with the tongue.
“I think you had better try harder than that.”

The newly proclaimed Mistress started plunging into her harder then slower and she tried to meet the thrusts of the fingers and tongue as she cried and gurgled through the pain and the increasing need for it all to be harder to get her closer. Then everything stopped. She was panting and crying. She wanted this over. She had to admit she needed to cum, she had to admit she needed the female to make her cum. She knew exactly what she needed to do and struggled to get in out of her mouth like she was almost always made to do to get any release of the frenzy inside her or relief from the pain crying to her.

“Please my new Mistress, please make me cum, hurt me, shove your hand inside me and fuck me hard, and make me cum, please Mistress.”

The male whispering in her ear returned, the female returned to making her need her while shaking her head yes.

“Better, we will work on it, now cum whore.”

The command was there, the pain was there, the female making her cry was there, and she exploded into pain and the ecstasy of the release. The clamps ripped off her in the middle of her orgasm, eliciting the first real scream from her of the afternoon.

“Go blow Bryan, he needs something after that.” The voice ordered her newly proclaimed Mistress as she recovered her small amount of control to her body. The tears were dying down finally, but all she wanted to do was curl up, nurse her sore body parts, and cry for forgiveness to a god she never felt mercy from or had seen.

“Get the game whore?”

“Yes Master.”

“Explain it to me then.”

She sighed and tried to control her tears and fears. It was a common game. One she knew well.

“Obedience equals reward. Disobedience equals punishment, Master.”

End Part One

02-03-2006, 03:10 PM
Very good story ---thanks for sharing it with us :ra

02-03-2006, 06:20 PM
great story, thanks for sharing :D

02-04-2006, 04:45 PM
I am still messing with correction's to my typing and such. When all done playing proofreader for the 1000th time will post the finished text with the remainder of Part One.

Thanks Rabbit1 and goodlilcowgirl. :)

02-06-2006, 11:53 AM
Made my corrections I missed in proofing. Here is the corrected text :)

02-10-2006, 02:13 PM

I read the story with your corrections and enjoyed it very much. It is D/s in all the right places...where it hurts! :whip2: