View Full Version : Writing Task 2-Cold Dark Room

02-25-2006, 06:59 PM
I feel so cold and it was dark in the room I am in. I have no way of knowing the time of day because it was so dark. I feel I have been here forever but in reality, it could be only a short time. Occasionally, I would hear a noise; turn my head toward the sound and peer into the darkness looking for the cause, onely I couldn't see anything.

The room smells like a wet, dirty basement. The heaviness of the air had me light headed and breathing was difficult. The smell reminded of my childhood and how my grandmother’s basement smelled. Remembering my grandmother brought forth sadness and longing to see her.

There’s the noise gain. Lifting my head I look where I heard the noise, I stare into the darkness only to see black nothingness. I can’t move much more than little movement of my arms and legs because I was tied to a bed. My wrists and ankles were rubbed raw from my attempts to break free of my bonds. Each time the bonds won panic would spring forth, each time more overwhelming.

Chills often raked my body, sometimes shaking my body violently. Often, my teeth would chatter from the chills that raked my body. I had a blanket on top of me but that did little to ward off the chills or the cold damp air.

Struggling again, I pulled and twisted my arms and legs to free myself but to no avail. The pain on my wrists and ankles were becoming excruciating. Still I would try only to be riddled with more burning pain. Settling for a time, I could hear my stomach growling telling me I haven’t ate in a while, how long that has been I haven’t a clue.

I hear the noise gain and this time I was able to make out the of shuffling feet. “H-H-Hello?” I said fear unconcealed in my voice. I hadn’t meant the fear to show in my voice but was unable to disguise it.

Gathering my courage I ask, “Please if someone is there, answer me.”

No response is forthcoming. Frustrated, I lay my head done and groan in defeat. The hair on the back of my neck begins to tingle. The feeling of someone watching me overcomes me. “This is crazy,” I thought, “ the room was too dark to see anything.”

Trying to roll onto my side I am reminded of the binding on my wrists and ankles. Going limp on the bed, helplessness overwhelms me and I begin to cry. Thoughts of my family, children, and my life flood my mind causing my cries to become raking sobs; then full bodied crying as I lie on the bed.

As I lie here crying, cold, hungry, helpless, and vulnerable I didn’t hear the key being inserted in the door’s lock or the door opening, until I see the glow of a light. Startled I lift my tear-streaked face toward the light. Momentarily blinded by the light, I squint until my eyes adjust to the light. Once I am able to focus, I couldn’t believe who was standing in the doorway, which caused me to cry even harder.

02-25-2006, 07:04 PM
Most excellent ----very discriptive exactly what I was hoping for

you my student are ready for level two congrats:ra

02-25-2006, 07:09 PM
Thank you Rabbit1! I am so excited. Level TWO COOL!!!

03-19-2006, 12:54 AM
gives a very frightening feeling of isolation...effective writing =P

03-19-2006, 07:42 AM
Thanks Rubinoff, I hoped that would be the effect. Hearing that was successful means a lot.

03-19-2006, 08:37 AM
you're welcome =)