View Full Version : The Story.

07-30-2003, 10:42 AM
I don't think I've read a story like this yet, so someone may be in luck if their looking for a somewhat original idea.

The story could start off as someone inherits an old dusty novel along with a few other possessions from a passed on relative. The cover is worn away and blank and the pages yellowed with age.

At this point they could toss it into the trash and start going through the rest of the items. Later that night they could be watching tv or using the computer to stem away the boredom of living alone or having nothing to do when the power goes out because of a lightning strike.

Lighting some candles they move back to their bed and just try to sleep, but find themselves too awake yet for sleep. It's then they'd look over and see the book laying on their nightstand and finally decide to pick it up and read it.

By the time they finish the first chapter, they doze off and awaken the next morning. Trying to go about their daily tasks they find their thoughts always going back to the novel, they can't read anything else, they can barely do anything else but read it.

As the days pass, more and more chapters get read, and with each chapter they finish they can feel a change in themselves, and a change with how people react to them.

Soon things that only happen in erotic stories begin to happen in their life. Like workers brought to the house using them. As more chapters are read, how they are used begins to become more dominating and less casual.

Until just people off the streets when they are walking along are taking advantage of them, and no one around them seems to care it's happening or they join in. No one ever keeps them past being satisfied and they always return to their home, with a growing need to read more of the novel.

Which of course, only feeds the further siral into depravity.

The story could end with them copying the entire book onto the internet, and upon their task being completed, their slavery to the novel ends, and either they get let go, while others fall into it or they finally get taken into perminate slavery under someone else.

10-17-2003, 04:09 PM
Whoa! I like this. I like this very, very much!