View Full Version : Slave Girls in Bondage

04-28-2006, 12:40 PM
I have notice the Critic's Circle has turned in to what should be the authors forum with requests for proof reader---

So I would like to take one story a week and let see what the critic's have to say

Slave Girls in Bondage---is the first one since it is listed as the over all most popular story

Just Why is that so ?

You Critics tell us

05-13-2006, 04:06 PM
This is one of my favorite series on the site. It is really a collection of stories set within a common world.

Things I like about it.

1) Each story lasts just long enough to get you really into it, but leaves the ending open ended so you can use your own imagination to feel in the ending

2) several different themes are represented, I particularly love the self-bondage ones. Especially when it involves the girls not having any means of escape.

3) The persistant world is a nice touch and ties all the stories together.


PS anyone know if Kilogram is still writing this series. Last one I've seen was in December.

05-14-2006, 08:45 AM
This is one of my favorite series on the site. It is really a collection of stories set within a common world.

Things I like about it.

1) Each story lasts just long enough to get you really into it, but leaves the ending open ended so you can use your own imagination to feel in the ending

2) several different themes are represented, I particularly love the self-bondage ones. Especially when it involves the girls not having any means of escape.

3) The persistant world is a nice touch and ties all the stories together.


PS anyone know if Kilogram is still writing this series. Last one I've seen was in December.

I suggest you keep reviewing his stories as each time you review it ---it sends a email to him ----he may then want to continue publishing his stories for your pleasure

05-17-2006, 02:28 PM
You know... I thought my post count had been diminished... and reading this thread... I know I had posted here... In fact, you and I, Rabbit, had a conversation about it beforehand......

Was that a different thread or did we lose some stuff during the conversion to the new software?

05-17-2006, 04:56 PM
You know... I thought my post count had been diminished... and reading this thread... I know I had posted here... In fact, you and I, Rabbit, had a conversation about it beforehand......

Was that a different thread or did we lose some stuff during the conversion to the new software?

lol no it was a different thread ---Oz-----now click your heels three times there is no place like home ---there is no place like home:bondage:

05-17-2006, 11:20 PM
It's been hot here... I think the organic cpu overheated. LOL