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08-01-2003, 07:59 PM
you cringe in disbelief.

for example but there was a story published to the libary I do not remember the title but one of the harlets was impaled on a pole so High that she could not get off without assistance.
It was used as a form of restrant.

Ok I am not a doctor or a gyno but I do know female physiology.
The pole would hit the ladys cirvex and she would be in horendus pain. This would not work.

or the master with a 14 inch cocks I am so tired of reading about 10,11,12,or what ever cocks with the girth the size of a wrist.

or woman with 44dd and a 16 inch waist.

hanging a sub by her thumbs.
A woman coming so offen that it changes her physcology.

Ok yes I know about poetic licence or the the fact it is fiction but come on, lets have a basis in reality.

before you start flaming me let me make this statement.

I am not picking on any one author I am just making a very unqualified opinion.
No I am not an author and I do not have the talent to be one.
But I do know what could pass for real and what is fantisy.

what do you think.

08-01-2003, 08:09 PM
Originally posted by bbeale7
you cringe in disbelief.

for example but there was a story published to the libary I do not remember the title but one of the harlets was impaled on a pole so High that she could not get off without assistance.
It was used as a form of restrant.

Ok I am not a doctor or a gyno but I do know female physiology.
The pole would hit the ladys cirvex and she would be in horendus pain. This would not work.

or the master with a 14 inch cocks I am so tired of reading about 10,11,12,or what ever cocks with the girth the size of a wrist.

or woman with 44dd and a 16 inch waist.

hanging a sub by her thumbs.
A woman coming so offen that it changes her physcology.

I dont read these stories... I usually rate them low too...

I hate SCI-FI and Fantasy (Dragon Type Fantasy) based sex stories... Usually if something involves Tenticles, then it shouldnt be involved in a sex story.

But ofcourse this is my 2 cents... If you like this, then enjoy...

08-01-2003, 08:25 PM
it is to late then you have to read the story but to see how it ends.

There is no code for 14inch cocks , huge boob's or pole impalement.

08-01-2003, 08:45 PM
Originally posted by bbeale7
it is to late then you have to read the story but to see how it ends.

There is no code for 14inch cocks , huge boob's or pole impalement.
Have you ever seen a porno with a GIGANTIC COCK...

I saw an anal film with this guy who could only get his tip in the girl, and it was the size of a LARGE fist.... I wouldnt have beleived it if I saw it...

Of course, this is WAY to big to make a difference in the pleasure received by a women. The pain aspect is interesting, but that pain isnt good or healthy...

As a fantisy, I only like realistic women... Even my porno is full of "cute" girls rather then the idealistic barbie. If a porn actor has a barbie image to her then I am not interested... I am to intimidated to aproach almost any women, little less a perfect girl. And I find myself attaching a negative stero type to women who are just a bit too perfect.

08-02-2003, 04:39 AM
freaks out there that have surgicly or vacume assisted organs ok.
but they sorry to say are the minority.

My point was just to point out that some of these storys were bording on the obserd.

another one is when a fair maiden is blackmaled by a "picture"and to protect her honer she becomes a mindless fuck bunnie.

Sorry not going to happen.

with todays morals you walk up to a woman that you cought doing something immoral and she would just say "so" and go to the cops or kick you in the ball's and spray peper spray at you and walk away.
yes a story based on 100% reality would proble be very boring.

Yes I admit that I am a sucker for any good yarn that will turn my crank. I can let reality go for a while and get into the story but some times I wonder what got into the authors head.

08-02-2003, 06:38 AM
I always wondered why BDSM lit has to be erotic in nature... I mean, couldnt it be a story of discovery and love rather then spanking material?

In fact I am writing a story based on my personal experiances. Unfortunately I am not quite the quality writer that I wish I could be at times... So It takes me allot of time, and I dont expect people will go crazy for it... but it helps me sort out my own feelings, so.,...

08-02-2003, 09:58 AM
I am spelling challanged so I would not bother to write plus I would probly just plagerise what others have done before.

Let your inner writer be free.

PS: I was unemployed for over 2 years I had to change career's and got a Mc'job. Driving a mini bus for special needs children. I feel for you. (No I am not into kids I am a cant spelliphile not a pedophile).

I had 2 years of sitting on my ass with a broadband conection to the internet. A very dangerous combination. I have a hell of allot of pornagraphy and Resume rejects.

Keep at it


08-02-2003, 11:27 AM
I remember one story that was very intense and I was very close to uhm yeah, that ... and then I totally lost it. The writer talked about his 11" manhood being thrust into this woman's throat, and how with all 11" down her throat she was not panicking, was breathing normally through her nose.

All I could think of was "she must have gills," I started laughing and it surely broke the mood.


slave ruthie
08-06-2003, 04:11 AM
it is very difficult to put together a credible story without stretching reality at times - i haveto agree that soemtimes the suggested tortures or sexual actions would be so damaging or impossible physically that the plot sort of becomes too far-fetched and loses the reader. its also hard trying NOT to justify or explain everything incase a reader says "hey,but this doesn't make sense/work or this is too preposterous etc" - for example what about sexually transmitted diseases or unwanted pregnancies or the other un-erotic stuff that would make the reality so much more unappealing or distatesful than the imaginary world created by a writer...

i guess i find stories that leave intriguing gaps more exciting than the ones that try to tell you everything and i hope i manage to do that myself - then again, isn't it a matter of personal taste? (and i haveto admit to a dreadful bad habit here - i always read the last part of a book before i buy it - i love to find out how the author reaches the ending LOLOL)




08-06-2003, 05:29 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by slave ruthie
[B]it is very difficult to put together a credible story without stretching reality at times - i haveto agree that soemtimes the suggested tortures or sexual actions would be so damaging or impossible physically that the plot sort of becomes too far-fetched and loses the reader

I think that a certain amount of reality-stretching is good and necessary in this genre. If our reality was all that hot, how many of us would be here, right? ;-)

Just as Hollywood films allow their action heroes (Stallone, Willis, Schwarzenegger et al) to escape armies of nefarious villains, some of us subject our (almost impossibly) beautiful heroines to a series of torments, predicaments, and humiliations that would soon reduce 99% of the women in the world to the brink of unconsciousness or madness.

I think the key for me is that if the characters, both heroines and villains, seem credible and interesting in and of themselves, we are willing, even anxious, to see them in reality-stretching circumstances. As we are with James Bond, Luke Skywalker, or Spiderman.


slave ruthie
08-06-2003, 05:41 AM
i'm still learning how to show the characters' depths instead of just the umm 'action' but i worry about the balance - too much of one or the other is going to polarise readers (and yes, i DO read soem romantic fiction and i hope this isn't going to be put down to my sex lolol) - i wish there was more stuff written from the slave/submissive perspective where we actually have soemthing to say instead of being just another 'fuck-toy', a passive victim, or merely for 'decoration'. but you made an excellent point about characterization and you've given me soemthing to think about in my own feeble efforts...

this is one of the truly wonderful things about the Library - the chance to read, to learn and share ideas :) -

08-06-2003, 09:37 AM
it is very difficult to put together a credible story without stretching reality at times - i haveto agree that soemtimes the suggested tortures or sexual actions would be so damaging or impossible physically that the plot sort of becomes too far-fetched and loses the reader.

In my opinion, one of the greatest challenges a serious writer should take on is to make the "ordinary" interesting . Stretching reality (and I do it too) is often the easy way out.

Read the opening to Dickens "A Tale of Two Cities" as an example. Isaak Denison's "I had a farm in Africa" (Out of Africa) is another. Ordinary circumstance rendered into a magnificent image.

A great artist - van Gogh, Rembrandt, etc - takes an ordinary scene and renders it into a memorable painting. Great writing does the same thing.

If the subject is fantasy - Hieronymous Bosch or Harlan Ellison - the same applies. Make the fantastic believable, make it real, make it credible. Shakespeare's ghosts are real characters to the audience because of the skill of the writing, not because ghosts exist.

With respect to BDSM stories, I agree that in much of the genre the fantasies are far-fetched, often too much so for my personal taste. But that is highly subjective - for example, I don't read Harlequin Romances or pulp science fiction but millions do.

I write to express my ideas and creativity, I work to provide entertainment for others. I believe it is incumbent upon the writer to know who will be reading the piece, and to deliver the plot in such a way as to captivate the reader.

Final comment: "It is very difficult to put together a credible story ..."
Of course it is. Writing is a creative process, it involves hard work, perserverance, and effort. I do not know of a single professional writer who does not work at it on a daily basis.

Striving for excellence requires a vision of something better and the determination to make it happen.

08-06-2003, 06:12 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Fox

[B]In my opinion, one of the greatest challenges a serious writer should take on is to make the "ordinary" interesting .

That is very well said, and I entirely agree. We've all seen thousands of sunsets and the interiors of hundreds of rooms. A writer who can make such an acquaintance memorable is one to be treasured.

Stretching reality (and I do it too) is often the easy way out.

Read the opening to Dickens "A Tale of Two Cities" as an example.

Ah -- but it was not only an epoch of belief, it was also an epoch of incredulity. Surely Dickens, as much as any great writer, was a reality-stretcher vis-a-vis character. Fagin, Jingle, Quilp, Squeers, Pecksniff, Miss Havisham, Micawber, that notorious Heep of infamy -- all of them were as much caricatures as characters. Not to mention his endlessly diverting but labyrinthian plots. From 30,000 feet Dickens is a realist writing about social problems; but from the page to the heart he piqued the reader's imagination with as unrealistic (and at times grotesque) a cast of characters as any great author has ever assembled

Isaak Denison's "I had a farm in Africa" (Out of Africa) is another. Ordinary circumstance rendered into a magnificent image.

A great artist - van Gogh, Rembrandt, etc - takes an ordinary scene and renders it into a memorable painting. Great writing does the same thing.

Even more so, Vermeer, I would say. But I'm not too sure that Thomas Hardy, that apostle of the ordinary, would find a wide following here. :-)

If the subject is fantasy - Hieronymous Bosch or Harlan Ellison - the same applies. Make the fantastic believable, make it real, make it credible. Shakespeare's ghosts are real characters to the audience because of the skill of the writing, not because ghosts exist.

"I could a tale unfold whose lightest word
Would harrow up thy soul, freeze thy young blood."

Thanks for a thought-provoking post,


08-06-2003, 06:45 PM
The erotic story's to Dickens or Van gouh makes me cringe.

These are storys that we read to put a little spice in our meager live's

The purpus of this thread is to slow down some of the clich's that I find in every single story that I read. And sad to say I read about 90% of each update. (sorry dont like the F/m or M/m.
Cant get my head into it.)

Lets slow down the 14" cocks or the massivly tortured woman having mind altering orgasams.
Or where woman are abused horendusly and get turned on.
and "she is betrade by her body"

yes a true real bdsm story would probly be boring but I could use a little less poetic licence.

Please do not be affended I do not claim to be a writer I do not have the talent for it and I apploud you all for your skill.

08-06-2003, 07:02 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by bbeale7
[B]The erotic story's to Dickens or Van gouh makes me cringe.

These are storys that we read to put a little spice in our meager live's

My apologies, if I 'Shanghai'ed' your thread, my friend, (sorry -- a little Jade Pavilion humor, there), but just as there is room for Beethoven, Gershwin, Lennon, and Tupac Shakur under the umbrella of music, there ought to be room for Raphael and Matisse and Bishop under the parasol of art and for Cervantes and Dickens and Pauline Reage (The Story of O) under that of literature.

It ought to be possible for an erotic story, like a nude by Rubens or Renoir, to be at once aesthetically pleasing and stirringly sensual.

In erotica one ought to be able to have one's, ummm, cake, and eat it too. :-)


08-07-2003, 07:08 AM
No Shanghainese here either ...

My post was a response to a comment by slave ruthie. I truly believe that good writing requires effort, research, and thinking. There is nothing magical, ephemereal or supernatural about it - you must sit down and carefully craft your ideas, build a plot, construct your characters, and above all, capture the reader's imagination. In other words (pun intended), the writer must work at his/her craft.

I too agree with Mr. Beale's original thought. I skip over most fiction with space aliens and 44 DDD mammaries, and supermales with 14" appendages, and housewives who secretly want their husbands to beat the crap out of them. If you want me to read your story, then you must entertain me.

As an example, I read just this week a snuff story that has received some high reviews ... not for the content but for the skilfull way the characters and the plot were developed. I do not like snuff as a rule, but this was well written.

I have read many fantasmagorical stories too - liquidsmooth is full of them - they are fine if you're into one-handed reading.

I posted some of my work on this site because what I had sampled indicated a sense of quality, and the review process showed promise of constructive criticism. Alas, this has been "shangahied" of late, in my opinion.

Bravo to BBeale for saying what many of us think! < And no, I am not comparing what we do here to Van Gogh et al - diamonds and kumquats, my friend>

- Fox

<aside to bocaccio: Dickens, like Shakespeare, was writing for the mass market, of his time, hence the caricutures. But that does not demean the quality of the writing. >


08-07-2003, 05:53 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Fox

Fox : I too agree with Mr. Beale's original thought. I skip over most fiction with space aliens and 44 DDD mammaries, and supermales with 14" appendages, and housewives who secretly want their husbands to beat the crap out of them.

GB: I agree completely; but there's a difference between outlandish settings and characters and exotic settings and characters, I think. Certainly 'making the ordinary interesting' (a fine phrasing, that) is challenging; but making the exotic credible -- as with Clavell, to name a fine modern example -- is also deserving of praise.

- Fox

<aside to bocaccio: Dickens, like Shakespeare, was writing for the mass market, of his time, hence the caricutures. But that does not demean the quality of the writing. >

GB: I didn't mean to suggest that it did. The success of those two writers gives us all something to aspire to, in our own little way. The great lesson we can learn from them is that it should be possible to write for a mixed audience (as we have here) without dumbing things down for them. There's no reason (save for the example set by a few generations of plain-brown-wrapper pornographers) that an erotic story can't have colorful well-motivated characters, interesting dialogue and a page-turning plot, while still generating enough sexual excitement to hold the interest of the most jaded reader.


08-08-2003, 07:09 AM
Boccaccio, I concur wholeheartedly.

Forgive me for saying this but I can't help myself ...:D






:D :D :D

08-08-2003, 08:58 AM
I dont Mind reading these storys, for they are Erotic... But why does the goal always have to be to turn on the reader?

Wouldnt it be great if someone wrote a story that went through a real life quest of Discovery and Learning. One that had points that were erotic, but mainly was there to tell the real life story of Discovering ones sexuality. This might have more "Lit Value" then simple spank material that fills most of these pages

Granted, I would still read the Spank Material Happily, but I would be interested in a no bullshit account of life. Include the low and high parts of life, and how they develop the character.

Something like this could even be more exciting then the same stuff over and over again.

08-08-2003, 09:45 AM
Kostly, you raise an interesting point:

Wouldnt it be great if someone wrote a story that went through a real life quest of Discovery and Learning. One that had points that were erotic, but mainly was there to tell the real life story of Discovering ones sexuality. This might have more "Lit Value" then simple spank material that fills most of these pages

My reply is that in my interpretation, the purpose of this site is more to allow the freedom of expression of individual fantasy than it is to provide for the publication of serious "lit" works such as you suggest.

I do not diss the works that are here - some are very good. But you are quite right: they are limited in scope. I have received comments from readers of my own material that it is "too soft".

I would say that the kind of writing you suggest is readily available at amazon.com, barnes and noble.com, and other bookstores, and your local public library.

I would guess there are many writers here who would gladly have a reputable publisher take on his/her work. I have spoken directly with a number of publishers myself. However, the sad truth is, there is a limited market for such work - in large part because of the internet and sites such as this.

Lord Douche
08-10-2003, 08:36 AM
Originally posted by bbeale7
The pole would hit the ladys cirvex and she would be in horendus pain. This would not work.

You learn something new every day. My poor characters :) I'll remember this for future reference.

I try to keep my stories as realistic as I can (apart from the sci-fi elements I can't seem to keep out of them ;) ) but not being an expert on female anatomy\psycology sometimes you have to make guesses.

I get sick of stories with the "stereotypical blone bimbo" type characters with large breasts, long blonde hair and hourglass figures. I mean really, there are other character appearances.

08-10-2003, 08:39 AM
I agree... Its kinda like the pictures in Favorite Pictures...

The best ones are of REAL people, in REAL situations. The staged ones are just not that good.

And I can always seem to tell when they are real and not staged. Its the look in there eyes, and the feeling of the overall picture.

feisty sub
08-15-2003, 03:05 AM
any story that involves a submissive being fed purely on come for weeks on end, or even worse, drinking from buckets of putrid souring leftover come. Thats the point at which my clitoris packs its bags and heads off on a long walk.

08-15-2003, 07:36 AM
Originally posted by Kostly
I agree... Its kinda like the pictures in Favorite Pictures...

The best ones are of REAL people, in REAL situations. The staged ones are just not that good.

And I can always seem to tell when they are real and not staged. Its the look in there eyes, and the feeling of the overall picture.

Where can I cash this check!

Lord Douche
08-15-2003, 07:46 AM
Originally posted by Mobius
Where can I cash this check!

So true. I agree. It's always the eyes.
Some of the best pics are when it's real and consentual. When it's not about money but about the moment.

I can't believe I just wrote that. :o Way too deep for 1 am.

10-18-2003, 12:06 PM
I agree with practically everything in this thread, BUT...

Is it just me? Is no one else surprised that it was MOBIUS who started this thread? I've just finished reading four or five other threads in which he was urging authors on to unbelievable extremes (implants, rib removals, amputations...) and here he's coming out on the opposite side of the arguement? I'd accuse him of playing devil's advocate if he hadn't been so consistant about his position in this thread.

What's going on here? Bored Saturday afternoon minds want to know!

10-18-2003, 12:54 PM
Originally posted by Curtis
I agree with practically everything in this thread, BUT...

Is it just me? Is no one else surprised that it was MOBIUS who started this thread? I've just finished reading four or five other threads in which he was urging authors on to unbelievable extremes (implants, rib removals, amputations...) and here he's coming out on the opposite side of the arguement? I'd accuse him of playing devil's advocate if he hadn't been so consistant about his position in this thread.

What's going on here? Bored Saturday afternoon minds want to know!
A failed attemped at a first work were I vialated every complaint in this thread too.

The Bottom line is if you are a no talent auther like me you can use easy artistic licence to spice up a story. IE
40 inch boobs
12 inch cocks
16 inch waist
Mind alterering orgasams or orgasimed into submition.
Etc Etc

It is not right but I did Iam guilty That is why I am a reader not a writer.

10-18-2003, 06:07 PM
There are a few things that seperate me from other writers, which can be good and bad.

-First off, I'm not really interested in the whole "slave" thing. That's a personal opinion. I would just PREFER to be turned on, therefore I only write short things with the intent of arousing the reader.

-Secondly, I despise the idea of a female being fed excessive amounts of "splooge". Sure, forcing one's tool into her mouth and ordering her to swallow it all is fine by my standards, but shooting it into a glass and putting it in the refrigerator? That I disagree with.

-I tend to aim for the "realistic" thing. I've never written a story where the girl has a picture taken of her and is suddenly blackmailed for all eternity. No, I prefer the "tie her down forever" approach. Or, if one plans to return the female to her rightful place, "tie her down and keep her blindfolded" approach.

-I don't particularly enjoy snuff. I mean, if you take a woman from her home, force any number of immoral acts on her, remove her from the presence of her friends and family to selfishly treat her like an object (in a lot of the cases, I'm not generalizing), why would you kill her? No, after all that, I would be nice to her.

-I don't like anything where the Male is being dominated. Uh, personal preference, nothing more.

-Boobs: Big boobs are good. Too big=not good. I am inclined toward the females with C-D, firm. Or, small is good, but not flat-chested. Again, a personal opinion.

-Mind altering orgasms? Sure, I once had an orgasm that altered my mind. It was so good, I still remember it. That's very mind-altering.

-12 inch cocks? Once again, I prefer the realistic approach. You know...six inch...the average size.

-Blonde Bimbo Approach: I don't particularly care for the dumb female whose IQ compares to that of a tennis ball's. I don't know what it is, because usually my females are gagged (and therefore cannot orally express their intelligence level), but it's good to have a smart female.

-Choose your own female approach: I've never encountered a story like this on the library, which is why I think it's good that I wrote it. Essentially, the girl is specified, along with who you are. I never describe the female, IE what she looks like or what her name is. Instead, I just describe the things done to her. For example:

You tie her down. She looks so sexy. You take off your clothes. You take off her clothes. She looks even sexier. Then you engage in sexual activities with her.

Needless to say, I don't write it EXACTLY like that-the above paragraph really sucked and I just did some dumb off-hand thing-but still, you get the idea.

Anyway, let me clarify: ALL THE ABOVE STATEMENTS WERE BASED SOLELY ON PERSONAL PREFERENCE. I'm very new here, therefore I don't want people to think I'm generalizing/being an ass, etc...I'm just saying what I like in a story, and that's all.

PS-I love tickling stories, and I wish there were more on the library.

10-18-2003, 06:08 PM
Wow, that's a pretty long post. Guess I got a little carried away, sorry about that

10-18-2003, 06:22 PM
Apparently you've never seen a looong post!

The best tickle stories I've ever seen were Tabitha's Tease and Tabitha's Tickle, by Robin Wilde and published by Masquerade Books. They go in and out of print, so could luck finding them. Since you don't like male/sub stories (I usually don't either), you may not be interested, though there is a fair number of females being tickled, in addition to the ones who are doing the tickling. Between the two stories, they're about 500 pages long, so there's quite enough to keep you (er, me) happy.

Welcome to the Forum! Put your feet up and make yourself at home.

Alex Bragi
10-19-2003, 06:06 PM
Yes, I understand exactly where you’re coming from, but let’s not forget they’re not called fantasies for nothing.

I think perhaps when the feeling of suspended believe is broken, that’s when the author has simply gone too far. And let's face it, some writers are better at stretching it than others.

As for size, length, etc. I feel its more intriguing to let the reader visualize exactly how big, ‘big’ is, rather than giving precise measurements.


10-20-2003, 01:26 PM
Yes, for example, there are the subtle ways of describing a size, by changing only a few words to give it an entirely new meaning, example:

His tool was the the size of her wrist, it was that big.

That makes it sound super duper big. However, if you change just a little bit...

She looked at his tool, noticing that it looked as big as her wrist, it was that big.

The second one is a bit more vague, an exaggerated description in the girl's mind, where the first one is the actual description of it. Not to say one of the above examples is better than the other, I have simply brought them up to compare them.

10-20-2003, 03:25 PM
I tend to think that porn stories are very much like science fiction stories. At least the stories I enjoy are.

It is the author's job to make the unbelievable believable. Read any of the top rated stories or most any that really sticks out in your mind. What are the chances of this actually happening? Slim to nill. However, if the author has done a good job, then not only to we stretch reality, we stretch the reader's imagination.

Who the fuck wants to read about someone getting off work, watching TV and then having dinner. We do it every day. Why the fuck should we read about someone else doing it?

Now a story where someone goes home, pops a beer, looks around at his/her messy house, and says to themselves, "You know what, I'm going to turn someone into my slave." automatically has my interest.

10-20-2003, 04:36 PM
Yes, that's a good point. I think where the debate came from was when the authors DO take it beyond the "actual life" aspect, to the truly fictional story, but take it too far to be entertaining, because it's far too obscure. They do make the "unbelievable believable", as you so eloquently put it, but then they take it a step further into making the "believable unbelievable". This is where the actual topic originated.

10-22-2003, 02:29 PM
I agree with Mobius .... I must say that I almost always agree with him, we are on the same wave lenght .... But I giggleg a littel when I red:

"for example but there was a story published to the libary I do not remember the title but one of the harlets was impaled on a pole so High that she could not get off without assistance.
It was used as a form of restrant"

Well, on the "personal pictures" thread, I have posted a couple of pics of my former slave caroline, asking the viewers to guess how she was restrained. The large lurker tribe watched, copied the pics to their disks, but nobody actually commentde nor tried to guess .... well she was impaled.

The pole was a 3cm wooden curtain bar blocked in one of those metal basements for large sun-umbrellas, a very large and heavy base, where the pole was blocked with some screws.

At the end of the pole we left one of the two wooden balls that are put as an ornament and stop the curtain rings from slipping out. This ball was 8 cm in diameter (a little over 3 inches).

On each of the two sides of the pole I piled three bricks (they are 6 cm high, about 2,5 inch). Caroline climbed on the bricks and tiptoeing sunk her cunt on the wooden ball (previously greased with gelly) and, with some effort, managed to get it inside her.
Then, on my istruction, she slowly and carefully kicked the first brick away from under her right and left foot and let the wooden pole start to penetrate her vagina. She repeated the exercise with the second brick and finally she pushed even the last two bricks away and stood on her tip toes, while the wooden ball entered her womanhood about 6-7 inches. At thispoint I tied her hands behind her back, pulling them up thru a hose on her collar, to give me a free access to her butts. Now I flogged her all over her exposed body while she was actually impaled and had no chance to free herself without help. As a consequence of the whipping she lowered herself even for another inch on the pole, as she could not permanently stay on her tiptoes.

After the punishment, I untied her hands and pushed the first two bricks near her feet so that she could climb over them. The exercise was repeated with the next two and the last two and she was free again and could leave the pole.

This is not an exageration, nor a fantasy ... it was made and can be safely repeated by anyone (with the due care). I have it all on a video, but I lack the hardware, software and ability to post it.

10-23-2003, 03:15 PM
If I hadn't seen it, I probably wouldn't have believed it *crossing my legs tightly*

Personally I like a little of the impossible. After a tentacle waving, alien story you won't look at a plate of calamari quite the same way. :)