View Full Version : Strange twist of events

08-01-2006, 07:44 PM
ladies and gents, thank goodness this lifestyle has no "right way" or "wrong way" to do it, cos we just effed it all up....

in the early part of this year, kate and i verbally agreed to a written agreement where i top. our wording was "pet" and "owner" and we felt our own way around in the dark so to speak. we learned a lot about ourselves and about each other. it's been really sweet and cool and hot and all that.

two weeks ago, a stressful event arose. i was pretty wierded out, and our discussion took an unexpected turn. long story short, i dared kate to top me. i mostly wanted her to see how hard it was to be a consistent, fair, and affectionate top, but i wanted to show her how 'easy' it should be to be a bottom. i've allowed myself to make suggestions and recommendations along the way for her, and she not only allows it but encourages and appreciates it.

we made a breakthrough today. i've been 'acting up' and neglecting tasks, kinda hoping for a punishment. it's been mostly a game for me so far. then this... she shares how upset she gets when i don't finish an assignment, especially if it took considerable thought on her part to come up with. she also does not enjoy giving (or coming up with) punishments. it opened my eyes, and sparked a huge, wildly exciting conversation.

at the end of the day, we agreed to continue with her as top, with certain allowances. without going into hairy details, some of my prior ongoing assigments (for her, from me) will continue, but essentially as requests from me instead of assignments. this allows her wriggle room without seeming disobedient. it also allows her to still 'let go' of certain stressful aspects of her life without introducing new stresses.

i love that she feels free enough to discuss her discomforts, and we're working through them. all in all, we're both happier.

if you had asked me a year ago if i would ever be comfortable as a bottom, i would have called you crazy. even a month ago, it was completely inconceivable to me that this would be possible in any situation or circumstance. tonight, i can't ever imagine going back...

go figure! :)

thank you mistress, for letting me post this. :wave:

PS - changing my avatar was not only her suggestion, her wish, and her desire, but one of my first official assigments. ;)

08-01-2006, 07:57 PM
if you had asked me a year ago if i would ever be comfortable as a bottom, i would have called you crazy. even a month ago, it was completely inconceivable to me that this would be possible in any situation or circumstance. tonight, i can't ever imagine going back...

...if you had asked me before reading this post and checking out that cute new avatar of yours, I'd have called you crazy as well. *grins* Congrats to finding new exciting ways to have fun! ;)

08-01-2006, 08:09 PM
It's been interesting, to say the least! Evan has made many comments lately that had me responding "Welcome to my world!" You know, stuff like the rush you feel when you put on a "collar" for your top, how much the praise means, how giddy you feel when your top has time to spend with you. I don't think he really understood how much we subs want to serve. Now, having me on top, I am learning how hard it is to feel creative in making demands, how it feels to be the disapppointed one instead of the one who is crushed for letting down her master, and how enjoyable it is to have that obvious devotion. We are both having fun with this switch. And we have set up some interesting things, including where I can have him run the show for a while if I feel the need to serve ("You top for an hour, here are the limits" kind of thing). I don't know how it will all come out, and I definitely have a lot of learning to do in order to top him properly, but I know I can count on everyone here to help me out!

08-01-2006, 08:17 PM
Oh yeah, and I am a huge frog fan, hence his new avatar...

08-01-2006, 08:23 PM
*giggles* frogs ARE kinda cute, lol. And to see Evan as Kermit...priceless. :D

I hope you'll keep us posted about this new distribution of power between the two of you. How have you planned this? Taking turns? Or do you plan a more permanent switch? Oh man, it's so hard to imagine this still...he didn't seem the switching kind to me *grins*...and neither did you. Awesome! Can't wait to hear how the story continues...:)

08-01-2006, 08:31 PM
We've talked a little about taking turns, but for now I will remain the top and see how it goes. It's really hard for both of us to believe, actually. I've been a people pleaser all my life, so subbing was natural. But the rush on top has been amazing! We'll keep you posted!

Oh yeah, and Silke, I just read your rambling thread.... and could relate to it very well! Now I just have to figure out how to make sure my sweet pet frog doesn't ever get that lonely! :)

08-01-2006, 08:37 PM
Lol, I can't stop smiling and giggling...you guys rock! :D And I doubt you'll let him out of your sight for too long - so Evan, you cute frog...I'm sure you'll be spared the loneliness. ;)

08-01-2006, 08:37 PM
Don't go getting any ideas missy.....

Um, yeah- well I'll be darned:confused:

OK- thanks for that guys, good to see a more human side of this lifestyle. We hear far too much from the 'rigid club' on most sites.

All the best (goes off scratching head & shaking it at the same time)


08-01-2006, 09:40 PM
It will be interesting to see if you both settle into the new roles or revert to the original ones...

I suspect you've both found a better balance for yourselves. You always seemed to be straining to me before.

Good luck.

08-02-2006, 04:53 AM
Don't scratch too much, Tojo! People will start to wonder!

Ozme, interesting that you said we seemed to be straining. I thought we were just still trying to learn how to best handle our relationship, but looking back, maybe we were in the "wrong" roles before. Time will tell!

08-03-2006, 08:28 PM
Ok, I know it's only been a couple of days, but I just have to share... I have achy muscles in my face from all the grinning I have been doing lately! Now that Evan has discovered obeying really is the most rewarding, and that I really can handle this role, we've both been happier than ever. We even started discussing the collar I am going to present him with. The gift of submission he has given me has made my life happier than I ever imagined it could be. An amazing thing, considering we're long distance and have never met!

08-03-2006, 09:29 PM
Well as a switch this thread sure makes me smile anyway.

There's a rush I get from submitting to (the right) woman that's unlike anything else. All different kinds of rushes are different... but it's pretty hard to top that one. Very cool to hear that the two of you seem to be enjoying yourselves. :blurp_ani

08-04-2006, 04:19 AM
How amazing to hear that, Kate! I'm still struggling to shift my mental picture in my mind, lol, but it seems that you found the magic formula to make the two of you even happier! Congrats to you! :)

Do you ever miss being sub and letting go, though? Or is the rush of power you get from domming (is that a word?? *grins*) equally satisfying? What I find so interesting in following your strange twist of events, is that I never quite understood that particular rush a dom feels...and I'm hoping to learn more about this through you since both roles are still very fresh in your mind. ;)

Staying glued to this thread,

08-04-2006, 06:01 AM
I do miss it sometimes.... But I've also asked him to tell me a story to get me wound, then tell me when to go over. So for a little while, he's given the power to control the situation. I know I can do whatever I want, but having him say "now" just makes it so much more intense! And he is even more excited when I recover and tell him he did well. :)

I think the best part for me is hearing how happy he is. He seemed to always enjoy our roles before, but now he practically gushes his pleasure at serving me.

Silke, I know how you felt when your master was not able to be around for a while. On this side of things, somehow, I just don't feel as lonely when we're apart. Perhaps it's because I know how much I thought about him when I was the bottom, wanting to please, to follow the rules, etc, so I imagine he is now thinking of me that much. It feels really good, and I believe we are much closer than we were.

One of the things we discussed when we made the switch is that I know I will need to have him take over every now and again, so I can "let go" as you put it. He said he would be happy to serve me in that capacity for however long I want him to. Interesting way to look at it. Haven't used that yet, but I might when things get stressful at work... We'll see!

Timberwolf, I may look to you for guidance every now and again, if you don't mind. I have read many of your posts, and I think you could really help me when I get stuck, as I'm sure I will!

08-04-2006, 06:43 AM
*smiles* yes, I think I'm starting to understand the appeal and it's a wonderful thing, that. You know, I've always struggled with understanding what the domly ones get out of the equation. Yes, there's the rush of knowing that 'my' sub would do anything I ask of him/her, but that couldn't be the whole story. Experiencing the joy and dedication that a sub feeds back to you makes the picture a lot richer, and me feel a lot less guilty about 'taking' so much. That's what it always felt like for me, like I'm taking and taking and trying to find ways to give just a little bit back.

Thank you for sharing, Kate. It's amazing to follow your and Evan's journey. I'm looking forward to the next chapter. :)

08-04-2006, 09:03 AM
"Timberwolf, I may look to you for guidance every now and again, if you don't mind. I have read many of your posts, and I think you could really help me when I get stuck, as I'm sure I will!"

I'm honored you'd say so! If I am able to offer advice, then I would be happy to... but I'm sure your mind is full of devilish ideas for your new pet. ;)

08-04-2006, 02:43 PM
I'm shocked, surprised, taken aback, whatever you want to call it, but SO VERY enjoying the role. No, I don't know why. No, I don't see it "going back" but am not closed to the idea. The first few days were the strangest. I found myself "topping from the bottom" in many ways, mostly trying to 'make' her top me actively. It's getting better, and my role as submissive is growning more comfortable every day.

With her permission, I will continue to post as frequently as Kate permits or requests me to, and let you know how it's going.

Right now, one of the hardest things is not being allowed to orgasm until further notice. It's as exciting as it is frustrating, waiting for the nod. ;-)

Later, friends!

08-04-2006, 04:59 PM

08-06-2006, 08:39 AM
Something else very strange... I find myself being much more polite to people in general. It seems the impacts are more than I expected...

08-11-2006, 07:46 PM
:yahoo: Just thought I would share the latest with everyone. Evan and I have amended our agreement so it now lists me as Mistress and Evan as my pet. We "officially" agreed to it this afternoon! :yeah: :woohoo:

As part of it, I decided I definitely needed to change my user name. I have PM'd Rabbit asking for a change from EvansPetKate to KermitsKeeper, and he finished it before I finished this note!

The deliriously happy Kate :bdsmsmile:

08-11-2006, 08:00 PM
KermitsKeeper?? Soooooo cool, Kate!! *giggles* And congrats to your new official agreement! Did you only change the names or anything else about the contract? Or better...have you really just switched places with the agreements left as they were or did you rearrange the whole wording?

*curious as usual*

08-11-2006, 08:06 PM
Thanks! I have an interesting picture of Miss Piggy I am thinking of using as my avatar, too... LOL

The names were switched along with correcting all the him/her references. There were also some very minor changes to some of the "Rules" within it. However, the majority of it is the same. The best part is how happy we both feel with this new arrangement - our faces hurt from so much smiling! :)

08-11-2006, 08:19 PM

News avs, new names, new roles.

What fun!

Am looking forward to hearing about your adventures as you continue to explore your new roles.

08-12-2006, 03:56 AM
LMAO...love the new av!! :wel on board, Miss Piggy, everyone beware of Kermits Keeper...:D

Thanks for the info on your new agreement. I'm soooo happy to see that huge smile on both of your faces. And yeah, looking forward to following what the two of you are up to. :)

08-12-2006, 09:50 AM
Sounds like all is going well between you two so far, that's very good to hear. Hopefully you keep on smiling for some time to come!

08-12-2006, 11:30 AM
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

08-12-2006, 12:45 PM
I`m so happy for both of you, it seems you have a wast amount of fun together. Hooray!:wave: