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View Full Version : Ball-gag Maintenance

09-20-2003, 12:57 PM
Anyone have a good method of keeping ball gags clean that doesn't either dry out the rubber ball or the leather? I've a beautiful (fairly) new gag and I don't want the ball to disintegrate like the last one I had. I used antibacterial soap on the ball and saddle soap on the leather. It kept the leather nice and supple, but the ball dried out. :( Suggestions please?

09-20-2003, 01:50 PM
Unfortunately kiddo, all the balls I've seen disintegrate real quick as the saliva and chewing just reduce them to nothing. Only recourse I've had to date is to buy a few sizes of balls from toys are us and replace them as necessary. Sorry I couldn't be of more help.

Originally posted by kittenfemme
Anyone have a good method of keeping ball gags clean that doesn't either dry out the rubber ball or the leather? I've a beautiful (fairly) new gag and I don't want the ball to disintegrate like the last one I had. I used antibacterial soap on the ball and saddle soap on the leather. It kept the leather nice and supple, but the ball dried out. :( Suggestions please?

10-15-2003, 06:53 PM
You could try making your own with a hard rubber ball (like a SuperBall, which has a pretty comfortable diameter) and the leather frame you already have. I like hard rubber because you can drill a breathing hole through it without shredding it (I always like a breathing gag -- less claustrophobic and fewer problems with stuffy noses).

For maintainance, a little Joy detergent and dry thoroughly.