View Full Version : The night visitor

09-06-2006, 05:23 AM
The night visitor

It happened again last night.
That, which by day visits me not, visited me then.

It locked me with its dreadful eyes ,
And was not sated by mere fear.

It demands of me a price,
Too much for my minds purse,
Takes me from rationality ,
To insanity.

Its road is pitted once,
Then smooth and slippery as ice.
It either sends me sprawling, helpless,
Or sets me sliding downwards.
I descend to the beast,
Feet rushing to meet my destiny.
And though I beg
It does not cease its pull.

But, (ah beautiful but ! ),
As I seem doomed to perish,
A sound outside crashes me back to reality.
No more the terror of the dark nightmare,
For day is here and will be well.
Until the dream begins again

09-06-2006, 05:37 AM
*shudders* Saved by the bell?

Your night visitor sucked me in...great tension there! Thanks for sharing. :)

09-06-2006, 06:22 AM
Very good and spooky, ty. I loved reading it.

09-06-2006, 09:11 AM
ANother enjoyable piece, thanks for posting.