View Full Version : interesting day at work

09-07-2006, 11:46 PM
Ok...so you know you're in trouble when the work day starts off like this...

I went into our copy room, and sitting on the cabinet below the soda machine was a clothespin.

A simple wooden clothespin.

I work for attorneys, for crimonitly's sake, there's absolutely NO reason for a ferking clothespin to be in the ferking copy room.

And of course, my eyes were drawn to it like a magnet. And the next thing I know, it's in my hand. And the next thing I can coherently think of is "Oh my ferking god, it's 9:15, and I've been staring at this thing like a moron for twenty minutes" because I've been off in la-la-land thinking of all the wonderful places my Sir could put it!

And in walks the Partner for the firm, and says she's happy that I've got such a big smile on my face - I must have had a relaxing day off.


If she only knew....

It took hours to get the smile off my face, and my mind back on work. I'm still grinning. :rolleyes:

09-08-2006, 01:27 AM
Someone sure knows how to tease you.....


09-08-2006, 03:48 AM
*laughing* that's sooooo cool!!! I could actually picture this as a scene in a movie...and I'd be cracking laughing! :D Awesome day at work - here's to many more...;)

09-08-2006, 03:52 AM
mmmmm I wonder...did you keep the clothespin? and if you did..WHAT did you do with it at work? mmmmmm very interesting....

09-08-2006, 04:13 AM
Clothespins having a whole new and much more interesting dimension now a days. Now when seeing one in a perfectly innocent place like laying on top of the kitchen bench, my eyes longingly hangs on it as i walk past. Every time....heehehe.
I recognice that happy smirk, i love the feeling of such fun naughtyness.

Yes, did you keep your treasure?


09-08-2006, 06:09 AM
Oh how funny! It is nice when a seemingly innocent object can take on a different view all together.

Wonder why it was there? Maybe someone else at your work likes to play a few games as well!

09-08-2006, 06:33 AM
*smiles* I know exactly how you feel waterbaby

I cannot smell ginger without getting completly and utterly turned on

09-08-2006, 06:34 AM
Oh how funny! It is nice when a seemingly innocent object can take on a different view all together.

Wonder why it was there? Maybe someone else at your work likes to play a few games as well!

i was thinking the same thing aussiegirl lol. i bet there someone that works there that has the same kinky thoughts as our waterbaby.
It is Oregon afterall;)

09-08-2006, 07:52 AM
ROFL... thinks you should go around the firm asking if anyone misplaced a clothespin...

09-08-2006, 08:13 AM
Yes, I did keep the clothespin. :D And yes, I was very tempted to ask around, but these are very close-minded (sorry about the pun) people I work with. And I was a very good girl and didn't use it - it was VERY tempting, and very frustrating, but I didn't, because I knew I would be absolutely, utterly and completely useless the rest of the day if I did. Instead, it sat in the top of my desk drawer where I saw it every time I reached in for a pen or paper clip. It's still there today. Damn. :woohoo:

09-08-2006, 08:48 AM
I too have the problem of getting lost in my office. While living in Africa, I used lots of office supplies on cleaning lady. Once, I used a heavy duty paper clip on her nipple. As I applied it and was shocked to hear her quitely and submissively say-"it hurts a lot'. I quickly removed it. I often used large black markers on her tits while I talked "chatted" with her about her performance.


09-08-2006, 09:09 AM
Sounds like you could use a nice "do this at work" task waterbaby.

09-08-2006, 09:36 AM
See, now I relaly want to know how the clothespin got there in the first place.

Kinky people. They walk among us.

09-08-2006, 11:52 AM
Maybe it was a plant to see your reaction. My curiosity would have caused me to announce over the PA system for the person who was hanging their clothes in the copy room to dry please retrieve the clothes pin at Waterbaby's desk. That may have gotten some interesting results. Also if it were a plant that could have turned the tables on whoever it was.

09-08-2006, 08:03 PM
Sounds like you could use a nice "do this at work" task waterbaby.

I probably could...I guess I need to tell Sir of this little predicament, then. :rolleyes:

09-08-2006, 08:05 PM
See, now I relaly want to know how the clothespin got there in the first place.

Kinky people. They walk among us.

Personally, I think it was left there to torture and tempt me by its presence alone.

You put it there, didn't you?!?! *snicker*

09-08-2006, 08:07 PM
Maybe it was a plant to see your reaction. My curiosity would have caused me to announce over the PA system for the person who was hanging their clothes in the copy room to dry please retrieve the clothes pin at Waterbaby's desk. That may have gotten some interesting results. Also if it were a plant that could have turned the tables on whoever it was.

If only we had a PA system...I probably would have. But I didn't want to give up my treasure! :D

09-09-2006, 07:37 AM
I would have loved to seen your face when you found it. Also I would have been watching closely to see if it became one of those times when you masturbated at work.

09-09-2006, 10:18 AM
I would have loved to seen your face when you found it. Also I would have been watching closely to see if it became one of those times when you masturbated at work.

I'm sure I got quite a stunned look on my face...kind of blank and staring into the middle distance...and it was a very close call; I very nearly did make a side jaunt to the loo for a bit of private time. The run in with the partner was kind of like ice water on the libido, though... *sigh*

09-09-2006, 10:19 AM
I'm sure I got quite a stunned look on my face...kind of blank and staring into the middle distance...and it was a very close call; I very nearly did make a side jaunt to the loo for a bit of private time. The run in with the partner was kind of like ice water on the libido, though... *sigh*
I, as I said, would have been watching you closely.

09-09-2006, 10:21 AM
*giggle* And knowing that would have fired me right back up! :)

09-09-2006, 11:23 AM
*giggle* And knowing that would have fired me right back up! :)
I could have told by the look in your beautiful eyes when you emerged from the loo. They would have had that extra gleam in them. I hope my knowing wink wouldn't have made you blush.

09-09-2006, 01:34 PM
Personally, I think it was left there to torture and tempt me by its presence alone.

You put it there, didn't you?!?! *snicker*

Now would I really do such a thing? Oh wait. Yes. Yes I would.

09-09-2006, 10:08 PM
Waterbaby, what will you find next?

And you only found the one. Hmmmmmm

Maybe someone got interupted in their task.

* wicked grin *

09-10-2006, 02:35 AM
This rather makes me want to start leaving clothespins in random places...

09-10-2006, 04:14 PM
This rather makes me want to start leaving clothespins in random places...

Now that's wicked!!

09-12-2006, 12:57 PM
This rather makes me want to start leaving clothespins in random places...

ROTFL!!! After reading this the first time, I left two laying at work for a certian employee that I suspect may be at the minimum kinky. She found one, grinned and looked around quickly and slipped it in her pocket. About 15 minutes later she found the other, and seeing I was watching her, she exclaimed..."Look!! Now I have a pair of them!" rotfl!! Needless to say I just HADDA ask her what good only 2 clothespins were and she blushed very deeply. So, to make her feel better I commented..." A 10 pin zipper is even more fun" then I winked and walked away. Now, she's dying to talk to me alone... and it's killing her! lol

I'm just soooo naughty!! (OK who had that story in the writer's section about the 2 men "punishment" ????? :idea:


09-12-2006, 01:05 PM
Hahahahahahahahaha...way to go, Ds!!! :D

09-12-2006, 02:35 PM
Needless to say I just HADDA ask her what good only 2 clothespins were and she blushed very deeply. So, to make her feel better I commented..." A 10 pin zipper is even more fun" then I winked and walked away. Now, she's dying to talk to me alone... and it's killing her! lol


Oh, that is so, so funny. I bet she is dying to talk to you! I hope you don't leave her to ponder things for too long and that you share what happens when you do speak to her!

09-12-2006, 05:55 PM
There are some evil wicked people on this forum, funny I seem to fit in well despite my relative innocence.... :rolleyes:

Nice sig Aussiegirl, it is an honour to be guiding you on the path to your true calling.


09-12-2006, 06:25 PM
ROTFL!!! After reading this the first time, I left two laying at work for a certian employee that I suspect may be at the minimum kinky. She found one, grinned and looked around quickly and slipped it in her pocket. About 15 minutes later she found the other, and seeing I was watching her, she exclaimed..."Look!! Now I have a pair of them!" rotfl!! Needless to say I just HADDA ask her what good only 2 clothespins were and she blushed very deeply. So, to make her feel better I commented..." A 10 pin zipper is even more fun" then I winked and walked away. Now, she's dying to talk to me alone... and it's killing her! lol

I'm just soooo naughty!! (OK who had that story in the writer's section about the 2 men "punishment" ????? :idea:

You'll have to keep us posted on the outcome. that was a good one to pull on her.

09-12-2006, 06:54 PM
Ok, ok, so now does this officially make me a troublemaker?? Ds, I hope that you have fun with your co-worker... :D

09-12-2006, 06:55 PM
Ok, ok, so now does this officially make me a troublemaker?? Ds, I hope that you have fun with your co-worker... :D
Only when frankee is around.

09-12-2006, 08:21 PM
Uh-oh, frankee...methinks that is a challenge...

09-13-2006, 12:03 AM
There are some evil wicked people on this forum, funny I seem to fit in well despite my relative innocence.... :rolleyes:

Nice sig Aussiegirl, it is an honour to be guiding you on the path to your true calling.


I still so want to know what happens when you talk to her, Ds.

Tojo, it is me who is honoured to have you to guide me! As to your relative innocence, hmmm, I will have to think about that one!:)

09-13-2006, 03:51 AM
I'll be seeing her today at work.... will let ya'll know if we talk. lol


09-13-2006, 05:15 AM
Lovely, I will be very curious to hear about what happens, unless you plan on being more of a tease!!

09-13-2006, 03:22 PM
Lovely, I will be very curious to hear about what happens, unless you plan on being more of a tease!!
Sweetie you know you are loved by me, very much so.

09-14-2006, 12:35 PM
I took a pair of clover clamps to work with me, and out of the blue I pulled them out of my purse and showed them to a customer. I started talking about how handy these "quilt clamps" were and how they could be used for SO much more than just quilts. The customer (a regular) agreed and we talked and talked about them. lol... I thought my co-worker was going to explode with a stroke. :yeah:

Well, she caught up with me later in the day. I just smiled and she was trying to passivly ask me if I was into the lifestyle. Did I make it easier one her? Noooooooooo! :284: I made her come right out and ask me. *WEG* Well, she fianally did, after much himming and hawing. I just smiled and asked her what gave her THAT impression that "I" would be into that? Then, I started giggling and lost the edge. Well, come to find out that she and her bf are lifestyle and had no clue that there was anyone else in the area into it as well. I told her there were pleanty and that we even had a munch once a month. Was a very informative day to say the least. She still wonders how I knew.... to that, I say she may never get the answer. lol


09-14-2006, 12:43 PM
God, had I been her I'd have killed you for making it so hard on me, lol. You're plain evil...*giggles uncontrollably* Poor girl!! ;)

09-14-2006, 12:46 PM
I took a pair of clover clamps to work with me, and out of the blue I pulled them out of my purse and showed them to a customer. I started talking about how handy these "quilt clamps" were and how they could be used for SO much more than just quilts. The customer (a regular) agreed and we talked and talked about them. lol... I thought my co-worker was going to explode with a stroke. :yeah:

Well, she caught up with me later in the day. I just smiled and she was trying to passivly ask me if I was into the lifestyle. Did I make it easier one her? Noooooooooo! :284: I made her come right out and ask me. *WEG* Well, she fianally did, after much himming and hawing. I just smiled and asked her what gave her THAT impression that "I" would be into that? Then, I started giggling and lost the edge. Well, come to find out that she and her bf are lifestyle and had no clue that there was anyone else in the area into it as well. I told her there were pleanty and that we even had a munch once a month. Was a very informative day to say the least. She still wonders how I knew.... to that, I say she may never get the answer. lol

That was a good one. I would have like to be watching it all play out.

09-14-2006, 12:56 PM
LOL... She was a tad upset with me (I think) for how I handled it. *hehehe* She said something about she wishes I had a Dom to ummm... how was that worded?..... "Whoop my ass when I got home". rotfl


09-14-2006, 12:58 PM
LOL... She was a tad upset with me (I think) for how I handled it. *hehehe* She said something about she wishes I had a Dom to ummm... how was that worded?..... "Whoop my ass when I got home". rotfl

I'll bet she would help you open up a can of whoop ass if you asked. LOL

09-14-2006, 08:07 PM
Now that's wicked!!

No...that would be quite wonderful, actually! :D

09-14-2006, 08:33 PM
No...that would be quite wonderful, actually! :D

Which is exactly what I meant. :D