View Full Version : Why Sheep

09-08-2006, 11:32 AM
I was thinking about a conversation I had with someone a few days ago, and trying to explain why the sheep thing to them. I've mentioned bits and pieces about it, but perhaps this will help a bit.

I have always considered sheep to be a very powerful symbolic thing. It relates to my faith as a Christian. In my submission, I have always felt very sheep-like, which can be defined as, bashful, meek, having a docility, willing to follow. Like the saying "lost sheep" I have often felt lost throughout my life. Being a Christian and having an interest in BDSM has been taught to me as wrong, not possible. (which as many of you can relate is total BS) Yet, being a sheep/ish fits with both sides of my life.

A few years ago I was going through some really rough times and tried to commit suicide. My therapist told me to find something that makes me smile. After getting out of the hospital, the one thing that made me smile, was seeing a sheep in the game i play. To this day, when I see a sheep, it helps cheer me up and reminds me of who I am, and where I have been in life.

I am a sheep in so many ways. I've been told that my love for sheep is a turn off, weird, creepy, wonderful, cute, and just plain childish. I cannot help those things. It's just a part of who I am.

I have decided to make this part of my life permanent. At some point in the future I will be getting a tattoo of a sheep on the inside of my left wrist. A reminder of how I almost gave up on life, a reminder of faith, submission, and who I am.

~brattyone, who should prolly just be called sheepishone :)

09-08-2006, 11:45 AM
Thanks for sharing your story. Now I'll always look at sheep differently. Glad you decided to stay in this world until you are called. It would no longer be the same around here without you.

09-08-2006, 12:36 PM
Aw hun, thanks for sharing. I can see why you sometimes get upset when people belittle your sheepy fascination.

I did wonder why you surround yourself with stuffed little sheep, now I only wonder why you don't have dozens more.

You're a special young lady, brattyone, and I'm glad the sheep helped you along so that you entered my life. Baa baa!

Q xx

09-08-2006, 12:51 PM
Having a friend who lived on a farm as a child has given me some of the most wonderful memories I have. I especially loved being there in the spring time when we helped with the lambing, nothing nicer than loads of lovely little white fluffy balls of wool bounding about the fields, so I too love the little darlings. They may always be seen as followers but I have seen a flock turn together when they have had to protect their own.

Keep that connection with you always brattyone, it will give you inner strength when you need it most, it will guide you through this bad old world.

09-08-2006, 01:09 PM

i'm glad that you are still around, that you battled your demons and remained strong. i wish nothing but happiness, inner peace and a long life for you.

Viva la Sheep!!:)

09-08-2006, 01:10 PM
Always wondered about the sheep ---lol but I do understand about it now ---

Glad you found something as lovely to like ---of course rabbits are more cuddly ---lol

09-08-2006, 01:31 PM
awwww ....bratty. how very brave of you to expose your inner most self to this community for the sake of your sheep. you are special.... {{{HUGS}}}

the world is a better place because of you...thanks

09-08-2006, 01:36 PM
*smiles* There's more to me than that, but it's a start eh?

and Rabbit.. you'll just have to prove to me that rabbits are more cuddly... till then i'll stick to sheep.

09-08-2006, 02:56 PM
*smiles* There's more to me than that, but it's a start eh?

and Rabbit.. you'll just have to prove to me that rabbits are more cuddly... till then i'll stick to sheep.

I would love but I don't think your new master would approve Hugs:blurp_ani

09-08-2006, 03:40 PM
Thank you for sharing such an intimate part of your life...sheep rock! And I hope they'll always be there for you. :)

09-08-2006, 04:17 PM
sheep rock!

Actually sheep prefer jazz. They would like to rock, but they can never get the hang of the power chords. Perhaps the best exponent of sheep jazz was Davey Mutton, who was the first sheep to play the Apollo theatre. He could play be-bop with the best of them, and was always willing to provide enough wool for Charlie Parker to make a quilt to keep away the shivers when he was doing cold turkey.

Davey Mutton's story ends tragically, as most jazz stars inevitably end. He had two wonderful years with Billie Holliday, until she prodded him with a fork, and then he caught up with Miles Davis to make "Bitches Stew", before driving a Rolls Royce into a sheep dip and drowning himself. Mind you, his coat was clean and nit-free when it came to the funeral.

We'll never forget young Davey Mutton, 1938-1971.

On the subject of Bratty, I can't give that gal enough hugs. She is just too nice.

Qmoq x

09-08-2006, 04:34 PM
Actually sheep prefer jazz. They would like to rock, but they can never get the hang of the power chords. Perhaps the best exponent of sheep jazz was Davey Mutton, who was the first sheep to play the Apollo theatre. He could play be-bop with the best of them, and was always willing to provide enough wool for Charlie Parker to make a quilt to keep away the shivers when he was doing cold turkey.

Davey Mutton's story ends tragically, as most jazz stars inevitably end. He had two wonderful years with Billie Holliday, until she prodded him with a fork, and then he caught up with Miles Davis to make "Bitches Stew", before driving a Rolls Royce into a sheep dip and drowning himself. Mind you, his coat was clean and nit-free when it came to the funeral.

We'll never forget young Davey Mutton, 1938-1971.

On the subject of Bratty, I can't give that gal enough hugs. She is just too nice.

Qmoq x

OMG i think i might have wet myself a little bit here, god rest Davey Muttons soul there was no other like him!
*pulling myself together and off the floor, clutching my sides and changing my panties*

09-08-2006, 04:43 PM
i think sheep are cute too, soft and cuddly...

09-08-2006, 04:51 PM

Like everyone above, I too thank you for sharing your story with us all. I am glad you found something to help you through this world, and something very cute at that.

I love how you describe the way you feel when you are submissive to feeling like a sheep. I hope you have a great shepherd to guide you on you way.

Take care love and don't let anyone tell you your sheep obsession is a bad thing. You know who you are because of it and that is all that matters.

09-08-2006, 04:55 PM
Fine style there Q, fine style- I'd heard something about that, but never knew the full story. Thanks for filling in the blanks & reasurring me that Davey Mutton died with a clean coat.

As for you b1, anyone who thinks that loving sheep is weird has never been in a paddock with a few hundred of the wooly souls & fed grain to them. I found a peace & contentment I'd never experienced before.

Reading the book 'Walk soft in the fold' gave me a sense of calm for months afterwards.

My father & his father before him were sheep farmers- simple creatures, but with a smell & sound that will always be with me (the sheep that is, not Dad)

Thank you for sharing that story b1- much appreciated. I too am glad you're still with us. :wave:


09-08-2006, 04:57 PM
That's really awesome, brattyone. I'm glad you're here. =) Yay for sheep!

09-08-2006, 06:36 PM
Thanks for sharing bratty. I am so happy that you are comfortable enough to share this with all of us.

I love the Christian angle - and i have to admit that it wasn't something I thought of before.

And I promise - from now on I will try to do a better job to keep Woogs from eating the sheep.


09-08-2006, 08:11 PM
B1 - I am so glad that you found some comfort in a cold dark time, and that you came through it. And thank you for sharing a part of your story. That takes strength, and no small amount of courage.

And having helped to raise a lamb, I know how sweet they are.

*hugs* Thanks for sticking around. I'm glad I know you.

09-08-2006, 10:03 PM

I think everyone else has already said it all. Like them I am glad you are here, I enjoy the fun we have in the chat rooms and your stories are just incredible

~smiles and hugs~ minx x

09-09-2006, 05:25 AM
Wow bratty, reading this was so fascinating! I thought your love of sheep was just a hobby. I had no idea it held such deep meaning for you. I am truly touched. :)


09-12-2006, 03:56 AM
I was in the same position as MC, I assumed you just appreciated sheep for the lovely things they are. Bratty, thank you for sharing that with us, and a huge hug.


09-15-2006, 12:50 PM
Thank you all for all of your kind words folks!

The person I've asked to do the tattoo said he'd be honored to. *dances around happily*

09-20-2006, 06:57 PM
*smiles* lets head off some confusion now.

2 years ago when i first started lurkering i created the name of brattyone. It's who I was at the time. I'm no longer that person. By now, most of ye would agree that "sheepish" is more me. Feel free to call me sheep, sheepish, sheepy, any variation is cool. (DW) is (DIS). Same Master. Same happy sheep lover. new names.

09-20-2006, 10:50 PM
Smiles. I like the new name, babe, it's much more you. I can probably think of 10 words that I'd use to describe you before I'd reach "bratty". Let's try.


There you go. "Bratty" doesn't appear in there.

Q xx

09-21-2006, 04:44 AM
Smiles - think I will think of you as SheepyOne since you are far too dynamic to be sheepish.

Love the new name, and congratulations on your new role in chat.


09-21-2006, 08:32 AM
New role in chat??? New name???? Geez....I miss everything. ~thinking..oh my, another kicker~

Congratulations, "sheepish" ..~giggles~ you're still a brat.

09-21-2006, 08:41 AM
And just what the hell is wrong with LovesSheep or SheepLover? Oh, ok, nevermind, Forshoresheep? Get the double entendre?

You stay with us now, y'here?


09-24-2006, 11:21 PM
And just what the hell is wrong with LovesSheep or SheepLover? Oh, ok, nevermind, Forshoresheep? Get the double entendre?

You stay with us now, y'here?


how about just... sheepish *smiles*

05-30-2008, 10:09 PM
damn...i got a little teary eyed over your post. Thanks for sharing and being yourself.