View Full Version : Confession Box

09-09-2006, 10:07 AM
Asia has returned and with her, 1000 ideas in her head. It's true what she has said, it would be nice to go to a place to just get things off your chest, or as Asia said 'sins we have committed but can't tell anyone else'.

Give as much detail as you want or don't want. And make sure confessions are legal. If you killed a fly, and feel bad, confess. If you killed your neighbour, and feel bad, go and tell the police! :eek:

This isn't my idea btw, blame Asia, she does seem to have a religious fetish which makes me laugh because she's a Catholic Communist but that's Asia for ya!

I better start ....

Dear Father, forgive me for I have sinned. It's been 60000 years since my last confession. Two years ago, when my best friend was sleeping after having too much to drink, I went upstairs with his fiancee and we had sex. Things felt bad in the morning so I ignored her and ended up telling him a week later. They broke up and never made up and they are still both single.

On a scale of 1-10, that's only a 3 I think :rolleyes:

09-09-2006, 10:18 AM
Confessor, who can give you absolution?

09-09-2006, 10:46 AM
Excellent Ed *smiles* I may spend a wee bit too much time in here but for now - I shall ponder on which sin to confess to first *looks through her long list*

WB - I just want my punishment or forgiveness then I will be redeemed again *smiles*

09-09-2006, 11:19 AM
Excellent Ed *smiles* I may spend a wee bit too much time in here but for now - I shall ponder on which sin to confess to first *looks through her long list*

WB - I just want my punishment or forgiveness then I will be redeemed again *smiles*
Your too lovely to be punished too much. A reward now that is another story.

09-09-2006, 12:48 PM
*WB - You will disagree after reading this*

*Takes a deep breath*

Dear Father,
Forgive me for I have sinned. It has been 2 weeks since my last confession. I have lived by the moral that it's better to regret something you have done than to regret something you haven't done. I now think this is an immoral rule to live by.

My man (AJS) was raised by his Grandpa as his own parents were not very loving. I got on very well with Grandpa and he was a beautiful, charming man and he always told AJS to look after me or he would 'skelt him waan'. Grandpa passed over after suffering a long series of illnesses. He has a large family - all of whom are very devoted to each other - very Scottish. Grandpa's funeral was on the 2nd of August - Church (Kirk) of Scotland - Protestant - heartbreaking and unbearable. At the wake, next to the church, which started at noon, we all toast Grandpa with many malt whiskies, some went home after a few hours, others did not. About 6pm, the few of us that remained were quite drunk. It hadn't escaped my attention that AJS's Uncle James, who I had only met once before, was paying a lot of attention to me - I was doing the same back. Uncle James started stroking my legs under the table while we were all sat around talking - I admit, it felt good ...he snaked his hands up my calves under my dress and across my thighs...I then pushed my chair forward and opened my legs, placed my hand on his and led him to my pussy. I don't wear panties unless I have to. I was soaking wet and with each stroke, I felt myself getting more and more horny. AJS and Uncle James's wife and son were sitting opposite us but I didn't want him to stop. I have no idea why, especially as we had buried Uncle James's Father that morning. *wonders why she can't write in a more consise manner*Uncle James continued to finger fuck me under the table while we both attempted to continue normal conversations with the rest of the mourners. As smoking is banned in Scotland, we had to go outside for a cigarette. Once outside, I saw how stunning this 65 year old uncle in law of mine looked even more - and his sparkling blue eyes. He told me to take a walk with him - knowing his intentions, I agreed..... Basically, I stopped by the church, took him inside and knowing the minister had left (small communities in rural Scotland), he kissed me ... something took over and we ended up having very hard and rough sex. He is a natural Dom (it seems all AJS's family are) and I didn't need to ask for anything apart from no marks on my skin. At no point did I think of my man, the fact that Uncle James's Father had died or that we were in a church. While he had his hands firmly gripped around my neck and was forcefully fucking me, his nephew walked in and asked 'what the fuck is going on?' - then it occured to me it looked like he was assaulting me. He was told to leave by both of us and I jumped up and did my usual thing of running away - hard to do when you're in the middle of nowhere. While trying to run away - AJS ran up to me and asked where me and Uncle James had been for the last hour. I couldn't lie and I couldn't tell the truth. I just said 'I can't lie to you' and kept walking. Many other things happened after that but that is the source of the problem. I had to finish with AJS because I have committed the ultimate sin and I can't ever tell him the truth as this would cause friction in a very close-knit family. I have no intention of being with a man after being unfaithful - I never thought I could be. I have told no one about this. So forgive me and I will accept my punishment.
*with regret*

On a scale on 1-to-10, that's an 11

09-09-2006, 01:06 PM
Sometimes even wondreful people do things they may not be proud to admit. You have proven that you are one of these people. I love you for you and not what you may or may not have done. Yes, there are things that we don't want to forgive ourselves for doing. It may well take you time to forgive yourself, but please know that you will hold it against yourself longer that anyone. Especially those of us that care for you.

09-09-2006, 01:21 PM
*WB - You will disagree after reading this*

*Takes a deep breath*

So forgive me and I will accept my punishment.
*with regret*

On a scale on 1-to-10, that's an 11
Asia, my sweet friend after reading this I only wish that uncle had been me.

09-09-2006, 01:22 PM
Sometimes even wondreful people do things they may not be proud to admit. You have proven that you are one of these people. I love you for you and not what you may or may not have done. Yes, there are things that we don't want to forgive ourselves for doing. It may well take you time to forgive yourself, but please know that you will hold it against yourself longer that anyone. Especially those of us that care for you.

For those words honey - I can only thank you from the bottom of my heart - and admire how I threw away 10 years of bliss for a foolish moment of pleasure - for which I still play over and over in my head - this makes me a very bad woman, in every sense of the word. Thank you so much sweetie.

09-09-2006, 01:25 PM
Asia, my sweet friend after reading this I only wish that uncle had been me.

Forgive me Father for I have sinned. My last confession was about an hour ago - an e-confession. I confess that the above words by WB represents a thought or several I have had anyway. Wrong or right - that is the truth.

09-09-2006, 01:27 PM
Forgive me Father for I have sinned. My last confession was about an hour ago - an e-confession. I confess that the above words by WB represents a thought or several I have had anyway. Wrong or right - that is the truth.
Remember God is a woman. She may already have forgiven you.

I do feel very fortunate that you feel that way about me. It is very flattering.

09-09-2006, 02:35 PM
Dearest Asia,

Don't fret. I understand that which everyone else seems to mistake about you...

So when you're ready, come on by and I'll give you the whipping you deserve... and want.

The Wizard Knows...

09-09-2006, 02:47 PM
Dearest Asia,

Don't fret. I understand that which everyone else seems to mistake about you... So when you're ready, come on by and I'll give you the whipping you deserve... and want.
The Wizard Knows...

Is that what happens behind the curtain?
*pretends to look worried and bends over ready for her punishment*

09-09-2006, 04:21 PM
Hiya Asia, WB, its been dull without you an straight away, here's a Asia dilhemma! lol.
Darn these older men, they get everything! I wouldn't worry about it. It must hurt but think about this. A funeral, your man's dad more or less, your uncle's real dad, alcohol, grief, this thing you have for forbidden stuff and churches and dom older men. It all adds up. And you have done the right thing for now by finishing with him because you cant tell him. But people who are really in love, and it sounds like you 2 really are, get over these things. What he doesnt know wont hurt him. Hes lucky to have a lover like you who has been faithful for 10 years in the first place. Good to have you back!

09-09-2006, 04:27 PM
...Darn these older men, they get everything! ...

I paid my dues as a youth. :rolleyes: Karma maintains the balance. :cool:

09-09-2006, 04:55 PM
Geez don't worry about it Asia- we all stuff up sometimes. Or at least feel like we do.....

*thinks- like yeah I'm really going to put some of the dumb things I've done up in public*

Let's just say I still pay for things I've done many many years ago.


09-09-2006, 10:03 PM
Sweet Asia,

Everybody has done something that they feel remorse over, at one time or another in their life. ( i could tell you some dumb ass things that i've done)

Don't beat yourself up about it, that will just do more harm than good. i know, i know easier said than done. Trust me i kow what i'm talking about .

Warbaby is right, God is a Woman, She'll understand:)


09-10-2006, 04:38 AM
Asia. i could say some stuff ive done but got to admit, this ones a corker! but you really seem to move fast so maybe slow down and take time to realise your man is lucky never mind whta you did. everyone makes mistakes. my turn to be the ear and not the mouth piece!
s_s x

09-10-2006, 09:20 AM
Sweet Asia,

Everybody has done something that they feel remorse over, at one time or another in their life. ( i could tell you some dumb ass things that i've done)

Don't beat yourself up about it, that will just do more harm than good. i know, i know easier said than done. Trust me i kow what i'm talking about .

Warbaby is right, God is a Woman, She'll understand:)

Wait a minute frankee I only know that because Asia told me so. lol I can't argue with her. Don't want to lose her again, now do we?

09-10-2006, 11:11 AM
We have a need to ask for forgiveness when we truely feel remorseful for our transgressions but what many fail to do is to forgive themselves. Once you ask forgiveness and then forgive yourself you will be free of guilt.

09-10-2006, 11:15 AM
Aww...WB - ~kiss~ xxx

09-10-2006, 11:18 AM
frankee, Lady K, she screams ...

It's seems that WB is right (or was it me - smiles) that Goddess are full of forgiveness. Taking baby steps but getting there and with all my heart - thank you. It's something I couldn't tell anyone in r/l, it's so good to be back.

09-10-2006, 03:24 PM
Wait a minute frankee I only know that because Asia told me so. lol I can't argue with her. Don't want to lose her again, now do we?

Hell NO!!, We want her to stay and not go again!!

*sees the rope Warbaby has behind his back-just in case*;)

09-10-2006, 03:55 PM
This is my thread isn't it?! This is what I think.
Asia, I think you need 4 Bloody Marys and a large G&T. As far as I can see it, this man, your uncle-in-law took advantage of you, pissed or not, funeral or not. You said he was naturally Dom and you didnt have to ask for anything apart from no marks. Excuse me but most of the girls I have had sex with and have as friends would find immediate sexual dominance in a church after a funeral deviant and even a possible assault. He was probably in heaven. I think only other women could comment on this.

Maybe because, as you said, you started upside down with BD and SM first then vanilla, you didnt think this was out of order. But if anyone should feel guilty sweetheart, it should be him, not you. He is your man's uncle as well. Dont tell your man but it looks like the cousin knew the score.

Please women, give your opinion on this.

Even as a Geordie, Im quite annoyed that you're the one feeling guilty, even finishing with AJS and his uncle probably couldnt believe his luck. Please take care of yourself pet, I might be younger than you but trust me, most men think alike and some men act it out. Consent for forced sex for those in non-BDSM relationships are rare. But then again, the pubs have just shut and I am wishing I could look after you. You are an hour away on the train.
Ed. x

09-10-2006, 06:58 PM
Hell NO!!, We want her to stay and not go again!!

*sees the rope Warbaby has behind his back-just in case*;)
You bet. If we have to restrain her to keep her we'll do it. Just don't want to gag her. I like listening to her.

09-10-2006, 08:46 PM
You bet. If we have to restrain her to keep her we'll do it. Just don't want to gag her. I like listening to her.

Good Man!!! i like listening to her too:)

i agree with Confessor_Ed, i think he was taking advantage.

09-11-2006, 05:20 AM
I agree Frankee and The Confessor. He was in his 60s and even at my age, im still taking those aging pills, I would never have rough or forceful sex with a girl unless I knew her really well. And he's a relative. He took advantage but seeing that you have been in a rl bdsm relationships all your life, you probably didnt notice. Throw that guilt out the window Asia. You might have enjoyed it but HE was wrong.

I also agree with Warbaby and Frankee. Her lips are too sexy for a gag :)

09-11-2006, 05:30 AM
I agree Frankee and The Confessor. He was in his 60s and even at my age, im still taking those aging pills, I would never have rough or forceful sex with a girl unless I knew her really well. And he's a relative. He took advantage but seeing that you have been in a rl bdsm relationships all your life, you probably didnt notice. Throw that guilt out the window Asia. You might have enjoyed it but HE was wrong.

I also agree with Warbaby and Frankee. Her lips are too sexy for a gag :)
She's also too beautiful and too nice a person to be sad for any reason.

09-11-2006, 11:10 AM
Well said Warbaby.
Asia, You know what I think about the whole situation. And stop visiting churchs doll, they kick start that trigger you have. A lot of wisdom showing in the above posts. And don't give me any lip girl, or you KNOW what will happen 0=0

09-11-2006, 01:29 PM
Okay - all taken in and that was one thought that did cross my mind.... You live and learn I guess....

And hello Dundee *smiles* I'll give you as much lip as I want honey and you know it *stern look*

WB, frankee, t. shirt - sounds delightful *gets a quiver*

09-11-2006, 02:35 PM
Okay - all taken in and that was one thought that did cross my mind.... You live and learn I guess....

And hello Dundee *smiles* I'll give you as much lip as I want honey and you know it *stern look*

WB, frankee, t. shirt - sounds delightful *gets a quiver*
I sure you give more quivers than you get. Now quit worrying that pretty head of yours and smile for us, you wear them (smiles) well.

09-11-2006, 02:58 PM
You're a complete honey - now never forget that

09-11-2006, 04:56 PM
You're a complete honey - now never forget that
But you make it sooooo easy to be.

09-12-2006, 04:16 PM
Dear Asia.....this is the last I will say on the subject of the uncle. Being and adult when this happened you have to take responsibility for the actions. You could have said no. So you did something you regretted later. Who doesn't? THE ACT DOES NOT DEFINE THE PERSON. I don't know you but from all the love that is poured out to you, I have concluded that you have to be an awesome person. You have a very calm demeanor. You are articulate and if that is your photo on the string...your beautiful too. I do believe your true beauty, however, is in your heart. Forgive yourself and go forward. After all....forgiveness is for you. .....and keep hanging around so I can learn something from you. Love to you sweet Asia.

09-14-2006, 02:20 PM
Eloquently put LadyK.

09-16-2006, 12:27 PM
Dear Asia.....this is the last I will say on the subject of the uncle. Being and adult when this happened you have to take responsibility for the actions. You could have said no. So you did something you regretted later. Who doesn't? THE ACT DOES NOT DEFINE THE PERSON. I don't know you but from all the love that is poured out to you, I have concluded that you have to be an awesome person. You have a very calm demeanor. You are articulate and if that is your photo on the string...your beautiful too. I do believe your true beauty, however, is in your heart. Forgive yourself and go forward. After all....forgiveness is for you. .....and keep hanging around so I can learn something from you. Love to you sweet Asia.

Dearest Lady K,
You probably wouldn't believe me but I'm touched to the core of my heart by your words. That you thought about someone else, an e-stranger (but not for long hope) and their stupid mistake, and then took the time to respond a second time and to almost instantly calmed me down and prevented me from making further mistakes. If I could hug you, I would. I'm so honoured.
My deepest love - this is something I will never forget honey, I have learnt an important lesson from you and I am indebted more than my words can express....