View Full Version : Dark Cloud

10-02-2006, 08:26 PM
Dark Cloud

By Talia

Ominous Impending Disastrous
Hanging over my head
Scared of the next attach
You’ve clung to me like skin
Waiting to be claimed by your next terror
I’ve hidden under you for so long
Hoping you wouldn’t open up your doom
You’ve come
You’ve destroyed
You’ve taken everything
Leaving me with nothing
Screaming from the pain, the ache
Cursing the day you came to me
Yelling at your furry
Whimpering from my fear
Filling my life with your anger
Haunting my dreams
Steeling my waking hours
You’ve claimed so much
I fight but to no avail
Each step taken is destroyed
Fall back to the original pain
Oh how I fight
Oh how I scream for you to leave
You stay hanging
Hanging there for my next victory
So you can destroy again
Your thunder rolls across the sky
Taking all that I have
Eventually I am left with nothing
Nothing but the dignity I refuse to give you
My pride I keep, but fight for that
My ego damaged from your assault
Striped of all that I need to survive
I’m here naked and bare
Nothing to show for my work
Just the shell of a woman whose dignity will not die
Prevailing over the outcome of this day.
I’ll fight the pain you give
Fighting the outcome of the obvious
For I will not go down with out a fight
If I die because of this fight
I’ll do so knowing I fought
Knowing I will overcome even in my death
For the life I have lived and the good I have
Will vanquish me and the sun will shine
Shine on the body that’s known so much darkness
So lazy black cloud keep your distance
Defeating you is my cry
Taking back all that I know is waiting
Concurring all the pain
To have joy, peace and love
I’ve found it
Keep this for the day you should reappear
Saving this for when I have to fight
For my savior is coming for me
I’ll take this cloud and turn to the sun I crave
Open get this over with
Ready I wait for your furry to end
So I can stand here victorious
Standing over the wetness at my feet
For that is where you belong
Under me, forgotten for all time

10-16-2006, 05:45 PM

10-17-2006, 04:35 AM
Talia that was powerful.

10-17-2006, 08:52 AM
A painful and strong scream. This was hard to read.
I keep an open heart and open arms for you, if you ever need it.

10-18-2006, 04:44 AM
Thanks guys...I'm glad this was found....yes..it is filled with strong emotions...that night I felt a hell of a lot and had to get it out. I didn't even edit expect to fix spelling errors..glad you all liked it.

10-22-2006, 04:00 AM
Very powerful indeed *hugs* thankyou for sharing such a meaningful piece. xx