View Full Version : mini-skirts and hose

10-05-2006, 03:54 PM
I have fallen in love with my mini-skirts and hose. Woman wear pants, why not men skirts. MY Mistress seems to like them and I'm happy for that. I'm new to BDSM but this fettish?? Why fettish? why not just choice in dress, but find it so comfortable. I've become more relaxed and starting wearing skirts more and more, to the store or just out. A choice when I get dressed in the morning, I put on hose and a skirt, natural?? Is it cross-dressing for a man to wear a skirt? woman to wear pants? take care all

10-05-2006, 06:04 PM
Who's to argue with success? If it feels right, do it. What's underneath, boxers, briefs, panties, or nothing at all? Let it all hand out, as they say.

10-07-2006, 07:59 AM
I would call it cross-dressing, but then again, I guess it is up to your Mistress to decide.

10-07-2006, 09:21 AM
A guy wearing a skirt (or nylons without long pants), yeah I'd definitely say that's crossdressing in the modern world. I'm into dress-switching myself (on the boards here I'm a female bondage sub) and like the feel of a skirt, but I wouldn't want/dare to be seen in open daylight on the town wearing a knee-length skirt, though it fits my figure (and I seldom wear one without "enhancing" my looks a bit: make-up, breast filling etc). I never tried mini-skirts or printed dresses. Pants (trousers) have ceased to be a gender marker of any kind.

It's interesting you have an army background though that was before any acquaintance with BDSM? The folks there wouldn't have accepted it of course. Skirts are very different, move differently and profile your figure in other ways than pants. The mental and social barrier is still very high but I think it's eroding, at least in the big cities. Some recent types of wide boxer shorts are not that different from skirts in contour and it might be that within five or ten years the acceptance of men wearing skirts (contoured skirts, not kilts) will be stronger than it is today.

10-07-2006, 11:28 AM
Although when David Beckham wore a sarong there was still widespread bigotry in the UK and that was only a couple of years ago. It's a sad and unfortunate fact that many people are exceptionally stupid and intolerant.

Do you get aroused when you put them on? Do you feel that you are expressing something when you wear them that is otherwise frustrated? Or are they really just very relaxing? I have to say I would choose trousers for comfort compared with tights and a short skirt. But either way, more power to ya. And respect for having the balls to go out wearing what you feel you should wear.

Don't try and tell me that heels are 'just more comfortable' though;)

10-09-2006, 01:08 AM
I very much enjoyed the several times I've worn a kilt. I love the feeling going regimental (commando for the youngin's among us) gives.

I guess it really depends on how you choose to accessorize. LOL