View Full Version : Talia's Memiors ;)

10-08-2006, 01:45 PM
Ahhh what a wonderful weekend with my Master. The most memorable evening this weekend was last night. Ohhhh damn it was fun....

Last night Master and I was having so much fun. Playing the normal stuff...he knows I love my hair pulled..his hand around my neck...Oh I so love this.

Master and I were having quite a lot of fun. My first orgasm was quite intense. My body needed him as much as he needed me I think. While he was fucking me I had this intense need to have all of him in me. I mean, him...everything. I wanted him to possess me, through my body to be ONE.

I expressed this and asked him to take all of me, and to possess me. Master got up got some lube and put it on his hand. I looked at him, a tinge of fear coming over me. I trust him with all my heart so I let him take my body and possess me. He put his hand to my very aching and needy cunt and looked at me. I looked at him and I nodded. I relaxed and slowly Master put his hand in my cunt. The pain at first was unbeleiveable the feeling so intense. He put his hand into me up to his wrist. I was so full and POSSESSED. I asked Master not to move his hand, because when he did it hurt like hell. So slowly, and tentively, I moved my hips against his hand. OMG I came hard. My body had a mind of it's own as I fucked his fist.

He removed his fist from me at my request and he looked at me and must of have read something there. He put his hand back in my cunt, a little faster this time, since I was already open for him. Had to see, I had to look. I looked down and see his wrist entering my body. The sight of that sent me into another intense orgasm. I asked him what he was doing in me, but I knew he wasn't moving, but I was having an orgasm. He smiles at me and says, "You are doing it love, you are moving against my fist on your G spot. Damn I didn't want it to end. I laid back and started playing with my clit and Master moved my hand and started licking me. Oh hell....As he licked I rode his hand again. The most awsome orgasm I have ever felt claimed me as I came. I screamed my orgasm and Master tried shushed me. I didn't hear him, I continued to orgasm and love the feel of his hand in my cunt.

As usual, we got to talking and started to telling him about some of my childhood fantasies...a wicked gleam in his eyes he takes the part of my childhood fantasies and we act one out.

You know, I love my Master and after last night I know I have made the right choice for my real life Master. I trust him so completely. To take and make me his for the rest of our lives.


10-08-2006, 02:35 PM

It sounds like you had a most wonderful experience with your Master.
I understand the feeling you describe, the need to be entirely filled and consumed by the one you love. To feel every ounce of them within you, for them to physically fill your body as they already do your mind and soul.
Im glad you found a way to appease/create this feeling for yourself and had an amazing time doing so!


10-08-2006, 02:49 PM

I understand the feeling you describe, the need to be entirely filled and consumed by the one you love. To feel every ounce of them within you, for them to physically fill your body as they already do your mind and soul.


I'm glad you were able to put this into words....I had a hard time finding them. Consumed!

10-08-2006, 04:32 PM
It is a very intense and wonderful feeling, rather overwhelming as well for a long time after too. Thank you for sharing this.

10-08-2006, 09:05 PM
WOW! I have always fantasized about being fisted. The problem is that I can barely fit in my fiance's dick, let alone his hand! I would just love it. It sounds like you had a great time, and I got quite turned on by reading your post. Have you ever thought about anal fisting? Maybe both at once? Now that you've done it once and loved it, do you think you'll be adding it to your regular play and sex life? *is jealously living your fisting experience vicariously*

10-09-2006, 03:17 AM
WOW! I have always fantasized about being fisted. The problem is that I can barely fit in my fiance's dick, let alone his hand! I would just love it. It sounds like you had a great time, and I got quite turned on by reading your post. Have you ever thought about anal fisting? Maybe both at once? Now that you've done it once and loved it, do you think you'll be adding it to your regular play and sex life? *is jealously living your fisting experience vicariously*

I have considered the anal fisting, but I'm not that brave. I'm not an ass girl so I don't know if I will reach that far. Will this be added to our play? I don't know, but I told him next week I want to do it again. ;) Both at once.....very scary thought but it's getting me hot over the thought.

10-09-2006, 04:01 AM
All those years wasted in school studying business administration when gynecology was my calling:) But seriously , I am the luckiest man in the world to call this awesome lady as my own. I am looking forward to her next session.

10-09-2006, 04:57 AM
Talia, that sounds amazing. The amount of trust and confidence you have in your partner has to be wonderful. And the experience itself! WOW.

This is certainly something that i would LOVE to experience. Congratulations :)

10-09-2006, 08:00 AM
Talia, I'm so happy for you since you seem very happy with your life now. It is great when you can connect like you do with your Master and I truly hope it lasts the rest of your lives. Your post was very descriptive of your time last night and I hope you have many more times just like it. Hope too your childhood fantasies all get fulfilled.

Only the very best of wishes to you, my friend. :bigkiss:

10-09-2006, 08:50 AM
OMG Talia, thats one hot experience, and it was very... interesting reading :p
So happy that you enjoyed the time with your Master.
I would not hesitate to compare the pain with giving birth, not as bad and very much more controlable, but still ;)
Go Talia!Go Talia!:cheerlead

10-09-2006, 06:15 PM
All those years wasted in school studying business administration when gynecology was my calling:) But seriously , I am the luckiest man in the world to call this awesome lady as my own. I am looking forward to her next session.

*blushes* your quite awsome yourself!

Thanks everyone..it was a wonderful experience and one of many more I hope.

10-11-2006, 07:48 PM
I can't believe I forgot to comment on this! Damn, that was HOT, Talia! That sounds absolutely wonderful... thank you for sharing, hope to hear more :)

10-18-2006, 04:13 AM
I find it easier to fist after I make her come first.
Natural juices flows more and more fun .Also makes for an almighty 2nd orgasm!!

10-18-2006, 04:20 AM
Oh he did do that and it was an awsome experience.

10-18-2006, 06:06 AM
I expressed this and asked him to take all of me, and to possess me. Master got up got some lube and put it on his hand. I looked at him, a tinge of fear coming over me. I trust him with all my heart so I let him take my body and possess me. He put his hand to my very aching and needy cunt and looked at me. I looked at him and I nodded. I relaxed and slowly Master put his hand in my cunt. The pain at first was unbeleiveable the feeling so intense. He put his hand into me up to his wrist. I was so full and POSSESSED. I asked Master not to move his hand, because when he did it hurt like hell. So slowly, and tentively, I moved my hips against his hand. OMG I came hard. My body had a mind of it's own as I fucked his fist.


sighs. i love this description talia. very intense reading as well!

10-18-2006, 06:14 AM
Talia you story very Interesting !

10-18-2006, 01:36 PM
*sigh* I have tried that and failed. It sounds like you had a fabulous time, though! I sincerely wish you the best and look forward to more posts.

10-19-2006, 10:27 AM
HOT DAYUM Talia! Your weekend with your Master sounds so freakin' hot! And when you said you had to look and see, and how you came again when you saw his hand up to his wrist inside of you! *melts* Thanks for sharing your time together with us love, and for bringing back some awesome memories for me! ;) :)

10-19-2006, 05:51 PM
It was a wonderful weekend....can't wait to post more fun adventures.

11-14-2006, 04:01 PM
This weekend past, I moved from the horror of a life I had, to be home with my Master. Saturday started cold and rainy. Argh! But it was the first day of my new life with Master. After we finally got to be at my apartment (won't bother with the details of the actual move), we moved my stuff into my apartment. Master and I then went to his house where I made him dinner and we both went to bed early. Both of us were so tried from the days events we feel asleep instantly..but in each other's arms. Master vowed to show me what it's like to be his possession. GOD I HOPED SO. *giggles*

After midnight Master woke me and used me, then he did again three different times that night. I loved every moment of it. Every touch, caress, stroke and word spoken, my heart felt more at home than ever before. Knowing that I am close to him to be his as he pleases. It's now Tuesday, and I am having a wonderful time being his. Submitting to his every whim. Serving has he needs. The laughter and fun we shared has been so less stressfull than it had over the last few months. I needed this more than anyone could understand. Well....maybe a few of you might. ;)

So this is to my Master.

I love you so much my Master, my savior, my heart, my love.

Thank you for bringing me home.


11-14-2006, 04:20 PM
I'm happy for you Talia!

Out of curiosity, does your Master sometimes go by Aesop? Or did I get that all backwards??


11-14-2006, 04:30 PM
I'm happy for you Talia!

Out of curiosity, does your Master sometimes go by Aesop? Or did I get that all backwards??


*giggles* Nope Aesop is Daddy, whom I have never met real life. Aesop and my relationship is internet. Master and I are real life.

11-14-2006, 04:32 PM
ahh ok, thanks for the clarification.

11-14-2006, 04:43 PM
To quote the sweet LTP, hot dayum on the first described weekend!

You also spoke so eloquently of the desire to be so filled, possessed and consumed by someone that is loved so deeply. Our bodies and souls amaze me... the depths to which they can open (err- I actually didn't mean that in reference to the activity that occurred!! haha I hope you understand what I mean!)

*takes foot out of mouth*

Anyway Talia, glad you're home and congrats to both of you for finding eachother. Your relationship sounds beautiful.

11-15-2006, 02:35 AM
To quote the sweet LTP, hot dayum on the first described weekend!

the depths to which they can open (err- I actually didn't mean that in reference to the activity that occurred!! haha I hope you understand what I mean!)

*takes foot out of mouth*

hahahahaha yes I did understand what you meant....it been great to see you and LTP posting again...I've missed both of you around here.

11-15-2006, 03:46 AM
I'm very happy for you Talia, you deserve every moment of bliss sweetheart.


11-15-2006, 09:43 AM
Congratulations Talia on finding such happiness.

11-15-2006, 08:14 PM
Thanks everyone, Master is wonderful..and I'm having the time of my life the last few days.

11-15-2006, 11:36 PM
hahahahaha yes I did understand what you meant....it been great to see you and LTP posting again...I've missed both of you around here.

Awwww, thank you darlin'! :) And orchid luv is right! Your first time home together sounds just delicious! I'm super happy for you hun! You deserve the best! *kisses*

11-16-2006, 03:12 PM
hahahahaha yes I did understand what you meant....it been great to see you and LTP posting again...I've missed both of you around here.

Thank you darlin' :) xo

11-17-2006, 12:33 AM
i've enjoyed reading your thread, Talia.

i am so happy for you and wish a lifetime of happiness:)

11-17-2006, 04:07 PM
Omigod I did it...I actually did it...I really didn't think I could do it. I went...and I did it. Wonder what it is? I got my nipples pierced today.

Master surprised me..he had me dress up to go out, he had a surprise for me. We drive, and drive, and drive and when we stopped we were infront of a tattoo parlor. I thought I was going to get a tatto...but next door was a tattoo and piercing place. We walk up and the people asked...What do you want, a tattoo or a piercing. I looked over at Master.....We had talked about doing both before so I wasn't sure what we were there for...He said, "Piercings". Ok..since that was pural...Nipples. Dread, excitement, apprehension, and fear all well up in me at once.

So after I'm prepped and they are ready to do the first one, I nearly stopped them. But I took the deep breath like they told me and when I started to let it out...OH MY GOD! The guy said it was an intense piercing...Intense was right! The next one....HOLY HELL! Damn glad that was over!

Stay tuned for tomorrows post...the clithood! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

11-17-2006, 04:38 PM
Im so excited for you lovely lady!!!!!!!

Nipple piercings are something I have mused over for a very long time ....
tell me how they are after the initial puffiness and pain dies down!
I can however help you out with a bit of advice with the one your getting tomorrow ;)

I got my VCH done when I was 19 and had read The story of O for the first time and the reality of becoming a slave was still 10 years away. It was one of the most liberating thing I ever did, granted I did it entirely for myself but it was amazing and it has certainly come in handy since. Not only has it aided me during play it always helped me get rid of the wrong type of guy....
the ones who freaked when their fingers first fumbled across it and I would innocently say "Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention that"!

Its going to be a walk in the park in comparison to the piercings you got done today, hardly remember it hurting at all.

All the best to you in your new life .... so jealous

11-17-2006, 04:38 PM
Damn girly!!!!! Good for you!!!!!!!!!

Considering it, myself...did it really hurt?? lol

Can't wait to hear about the clithood!;)

11-17-2006, 05:10 PM
hugs to you Talia, I have always thought and wondered about nipple...and :p clit piercing but never had the courage. Does one say congratulations on everything, I have loved your memoires...thank you for sharing these

softest hugs

11-17-2006, 07:12 PM
did it really hurt?? lol

Not at all thought I would just say that.

Seriously, it was an interesting experience. I keep looking at them and smiling. I've surprised myself and well...I'm proud of myself for actually going through with it.

I'm hyped for the clithood. I told Master I don't think it would be a good thing to wait too long because I would probably chicken out after a while..henseforth the reason we are going tomorrow to get the other done.

slave..thank you so much...I'm really kind of excited about all this. Going to a new life really has made changes for me....figuratively and literally speaking. ;)

11-18-2006, 02:25 PM
Ok...that hurt...but not like the nipple piercings. It does look so pretty. I was even more scared than with the nipple piercings.

The attendant was happy and a little surprised to see me again today. Didn't take as much time today to get things started. Today having to get ready for this one, I couldn't help but want to die. Taking the panties off. *blush*

So as the piercer and Master talked about my anatomy I talked myself into not covering myself, after all..they did need access. All ready and the pinch came and I yelped. After that...everthing was ok. The ride home was interesting. Going over the bumps in the road provide great..ummm well...pleasure and Master's smiling the whole time as I am enjoying the ride. I've not had any pain since the initial sting..which I'm hoping will continue to be so. The only thing that is hurting is the nipples and as long as I keep those tight within the sports bra..I'm good. No pain for most of the day.

I can handle this!


11-18-2006, 02:38 PM
Talia, I so enjoy reading this thread, thank you for sharing with us - Jeez, I don't think I could ever get the courage up to get pierced, clit or nipples. Good on you.

11-18-2006, 02:43 PM
Thanks moptop...I think the only reason I didn't chicken out is because I have wanted my clit done for a very long time...Nipples only just recently. I'm glad I got the nipples done first...today's was very much easier. Only poked once...well, by the piercer anyway. ;)

11-18-2006, 03:59 PM
I'm glad I got the nipples done first...today's was very much easier. Only poked once...well, by the piercer anyway. ;)

~dirty giggles here!~

11-18-2006, 04:35 PM

You're my hero!!!

Now, i have images of pierced nipples and a clit, dancing around in my head *sigh*

The Master
11-21-2006, 02:57 PM
I've always liked reading about Masters and submissives, their stories, their lives and more.

You are doing quite good with what you are reporting here, I know your Master is proud of you. Keep making him proud of you.

11-21-2006, 03:53 PM
Oh brave brave Talia!

Congrats on the new piercings... yes images running amock in the mind now :) Thank you kindly.

Glad you were poked more than once today ;) *giggling*

11-23-2006, 02:08 AM
Oh congratulations Talia!! I'm so happy for you lovey!!


I'm glad it was a lovely experience for you aswell. :)

11-23-2006, 08:12 AM
Thanks everyone for the well wishes. This past week and a half has been wonderful.

11-23-2006, 10:34 PM
Wow Talia that's great!!! Congrats :)

12-02-2006, 04:24 AM
Great going, Talia. I very much enjoy reading your thread.
Thank you for sharing your brave and hotttttt experiences.
**Oouchieee** :p
Please keep writing. :am: