View Full Version : What do you want?

10-23-2006, 11:36 AM
Today a friend asked me a very important question. The question isn't as easy to answer as i initially thought it would be. Out of curiosity i thought i would post it here as well...

How do you see your life in...
15 years?, 10 years?, 5 years?, 3 years?, 6 months?

How do you see your submissiveness (or Domaniance if you are a Dom/me) fitting into that life in...
15 years?, 10 years?, 5 years?, 3 years?, 6 months?

When the question "How do you see your life" is asked it is meant to question what you see from your marriage/current relationship(s), your family/children, faith/nonfaith beliefs, etc. So...as an example, an answer of "being rich" although isn't wrong it isn't complete either.

It was suggested that i look VERY long term (15+ years out) and then work backwards, that is why i posted the time frames from larger to smaller. If you would prefer to answer from 6 months to 15+ years that is fine as well.

It was also suggested that instead of looking at all of the variables (such as i will be married if my spouse does xyz if not then we will be seperated) to look at the long term, decide what you want and then work the years backwards to achieve that. (Such as i want to be married to the same spouse in 15 years... in 10 years i would need for us to be doing xyz... in the next 6 months i will stop provoking arguments...etc.) Basically to start working an "action plan" into the long term vision.

I know businesses do this type of planning on a regular basis and i have a very (VERY) general plan of the next 5 or so years in my mind but personally this is more of a challenge then i anticipated.

Anyone care to share their thoughts?

10-23-2006, 12:44 PM
I think it's important to have a plan, but I seriously don't think my life will be in any way as I'm planing now. And when it comes to love. Who knows? That's the mystery of woman.

10-23-2006, 04:55 PM
I've never really planned ahead. That attitude has left my eyes open to unexpected opportunities from which a plan might have steered me away.

So here I sit, better off than I might have been otherwise. :cool:

10-23-2006, 05:38 PM
I think that it is easier to plan the goals in your life regarding your job or your health status, than it is to plan for your relationship.
The difficulty lies in the fact that the people involved are constantly growing, evolving and changing. You can set goals for yourself because only you know what you are capable of doing. When you involve another it becomes that much more difficult, you almost have to change thier mindset to yours, or vice versa.

Not that it is impossible. I have friends that can attest to that. They have all set goals to be married and to have childeren by a certain age, and they have all acheived those goals. And yes they do have plans for the future which includes their spouses and childeren. Thier desire for this is so strong, I know they will be sucessful.

I on the other hand am an enigma to the whole relationship business, it also drives my friends crazy. I could never conceivably plan ahead for the future, nor would I want to, nor do I care. I could not even consider six months from now. I have never looked at my relationship in the long term.
My boyfriend and I live our own separate lives, and do at times compromise for each other. We care about each other a geat deal, but have also agreed that if one of us wants to leave, the other needs to understand and move on as well. We never think about nor discuss our lives together in the future.

Discovering my submissiveness side though has put me in a position to make plans to try and incorporate what I want into my relationship. I can only hope that I am sucessful, and if not then both of us will move on in a different direction be it together or not.

Good luck with your plans, I know that they will seem difficult, and sometimes almost impossible, but in my opinion preserverence and determination make for great companions in any goal that you want to acheive.