View Full Version : Bold Daughter?

11-05-2006, 04:50 AM

Answer me this: is the whole Daddy/Daughter roleplay thing a big part in BDSM. Would you encounter it often? Or maybe it's just another type of turn-on? Frankly I find the idea of this role-play gives me goosebumps. I think I'd be reserved to say the least of bringing up the subject with a GF (I guess you'd both have to feel comfortable with it...) but would love to some day

My main fantasies revolve around these images: hot Daughter, of legal age, a born cocquette, long black hair that she twiddles with her fingers. Full, red lips that she licks a lot when she knows I'm looking. Often she'll suck a little on her fingertips or bite her bottom lip, playing all innocent for me...she comes home from a date...I wait up for her, telling her she has been very bold. She talks back to me, mouthing obscenities that actually end up turning me on even more...then I roughly grab her and spank her over my knee with her wriggling and moaning and eventually she starts to purr for me...such a bold girl but she wants to be good for me...Then the fantasy ends by her sitting in my lap, I'm inside her...I rock slowly back and forth...she looks over her shoulder...I run my hands up and down her deliciously bare and curved back...her feet entwine with me legs to give her more thrust...I reach around to rub her bare breasts...she bounces up and down...moans....moans...and explodes for me...a quivering little mess of desire and lust...

Oh, sorry...got a bit distracted there...sorry about that...where was I? Oh, yes...so GIRLS, tell me what do you think about this Daddy/Daughter roleplay? Is it perverted? Have any of you done it? What was your impressions of it??

Thanks ALL...

11-05-2006, 06:57 AM
Is it perverted?

Thats part of the turn on :) For me the taboo of doing something with Mine is something that makes it so fun. Like driving a car as fast as you can, regardless of the speed. Its partially fun cause its not supposed to be done, and its fun cause of the intensity of the thing that you do.

So heres to being perverted!


11-05-2006, 08:58 AM
Yep, I'll second that!

11-05-2006, 09:01 AM
Oh My!! That was a hot little scene. Took my breath away and I never even considered Daddy play before. Perverted is fine by me.

11-05-2006, 10:50 AM
So it's perverted. If that made something wrong, we'd all be in big trouble. :D

Though I'm a bit young for Daddy/daughter scenes (at 25), I will admit when I first broke into my real exploration, I started with a lot of the Mother/son theme for me. I found myself drawn towards older, more experienced women, and that theme worked well... what I really was looking for was a Domme though at the time it hadn't yet dawned on me. Eventually I combined the two, for a time. Good harnless online roleplay fun, that, and turned out to be a relationship I learned a ton in.

11-05-2006, 12:04 PM
I would like to say that a big part of the Daddy/daughter play might have something to do with the wish and need to be cared for and looked after. And for the Daddy to feel needed and responsible. I know for me the idea of sexing my real dad...... oh noes, no no no.
But the fantasy..... Yes. Very hot. Very perverted. Suits me just fine.

11-05-2006, 12:11 PM
Real daddy, nononono, as MsUther says, but a Daddy - ooooooh. Yes, I did like that little scene... bring on the perversion, I say!

11-05-2006, 12:50 PM
I'll be the minority here it seems...
Daddy play has absolutely no appeal for me. Clearly it works for a lot of people, but it's not a dynamic that I would look for at all. I find the whole thing kinda squicky (For me anyways, I don't judge others who do it).

11-05-2006, 12:56 PM
Thanks ALL.

Glad you enjoyed my rambling words StillBehindBlueEyes...I could go on and on and...ahem...

You're right MsUther - it is about caring. It's all psychology, isn't it? Maybe a fantasy like this is better with someone you really love because with real love comes trust.

I dated a girl once who I'd have loved to try this fantasy with. She actually WAS Daddy's little girl (in the normal meaning of this term; and an only child). It was the first time I was really romantically in love. Head over heels. It was a great physical love. It was a long-distance relationship and the hurt and longing were physical. That pain, that pang you feel really is a pain or a pang. A little avalanche inside you...

She used to tilt her head sometimes at me (and oh how this drove me mad with desire) and hunch her shoulders and act the perfect Little Girl Lost. She knew exactly what turned me on and played on that to the Nth degree. One time, in her family home, with her Folks in an adjoining room, I slipped my hand inside her panties and fingered her until she exploded. I know it doesn't sound very naughty but believe me it was. I had to thrust a few fingers into her mouth to stifle her moans as she came. Her hand squeezed my cock as she came. Delicious.

...and there I am getting carried away again. What will I do with me?!


11-05-2006, 03:42 PM
I agree about the difference between real and fantasy. Real = bad, fantasy = good.

Same way I feel about slave auctions for that matter. :)

~hellish one~
11-05-2006, 04:15 PM
gotta agree with others here. Daddy/daughter roleplay is something i've had a little experience with. nothing at length though. it can definitely be fun!

the real thing? ewwww NO WAY! but fantasy...~grins~ very hot. i don't think it is something i could do 24/7...having a "Daddy" instead of a Dom. i know some people are able to have relationships like that and i think it is so cute!! i just don't think i could be one of those people. i'm all for a good roleplay scene every now and then w/ a Daddy Dom type ~smiles~

hell we are all perverts! what's it matter? ~wink~

11-05-2006, 05:09 PM
Daddy/daughter play isn't necessarily an incest fantasy.

Think father figure/young girl who needs guidance. That can manifest itself in many ways. Guardian/ward, headmaster/student, even governess/youthful charge.

A very hot pseudo-incest version would be two fathers who swap their hot daughters into each others' care.

If you're worried about the girl friend's reaction, any of the above could make it palatable to her and you can be imagining anything you want while playing.

11-05-2006, 05:28 PM
Enchanter, please feel free to ramble anytime. I'd love to read a little story...or a big one. Giggle. Yes fantasy is good. R/L ewww, as it's been stated above.
I agree with Oz, the need to be "Held tightly" controlled, it's a real turn on.

11-05-2006, 05:47 PM
Wellll I have a Master who I consider a father to me. Even out of roleplay, he'll refer to me as his daughter sometimes. The only thing I didn't like about your fantasy was the legal age part, lol. I was 16 when I met him in his mid-twenties, so I was still going to high school at the time. That certainly made it more interesting. That was the first time in my life I'd ever gotten straight A's lol. I guess you could say I had very good motivation ;)

But yeah during that time it seemed like he really was my father, I had to show him my report cards and he even signed all my papers that needed a parent signature, because it's not like the teachers check the name of your legal guardian or anything. Plus my real guardian didn't care about what was going on in my life much less my schoolwork anyway.

Daddy/daughter play isn't necessarily an incest fantasy.

Oh but it's so much hotter when it is =)

When playing around in real life it's more fun to be the one begging Daddy to fuck his little girl or begging to suck Daddy's cock, but on the rare occasion that I read incest stories online, I usually like when the dad forces his young daughter into it for the first time and she only goes along with it because she trusts him and doesn't know any better. And yes I agree that's horrible when that happens in real life... but just like savage rape stories, it's so much fun when it's just purely perverted fantasy.

11-05-2006, 06:01 PM
Thanks MINA and OZME for your clarity. I think it is all about FANTASY and ROLEPLAY so the idea of a FATHER FIGURE and a YOUTHFUL CHARGE works a treat. I guess it's all about the spin you put on it. It takes two to...make a Daddy/Girl scenario.

And, StillBehindBlueEyes (...OK if I abbreviate you - as it were - to SBBE?) thanks for the invitation to ramble with my perverted thoughts. I'm quite dirty deep down but on the outside I appear very conventional. I suppose that's part of the thrill...so here's a little spiel just for you then:

11-05-2006, 06:22 PM
Dramatis Personae: Yours truly and his 'fictional' wayward daughter
Scenario: Her bedroom. The small hours.
Temperature: 18C (and rising)

I've heard you come home late again. I've stayed up. It's 2am. If you've been drinking you know you're in trouble. We've spoken about this before. You always test me. Test the boundaries I have set. You don't believe that I would actually spank you, do you? Test me, then. I've threatened you like this many times. If you're going to behave like a naughty girl you'll be treated like one...

I approach your door, a slight skip in a heartbeat says more than my words ever would. I slowly open the door. You're reading some glossy mag. You don't see or hear me. I feel a quiver in my loins because of what I see: you lying on your tummy on the bed. You wear a tight white top, your bra-strap showing from behind, just slipping off your shoulder. You wear pink panties with a small lace-trimmed edge (oh God, I think...that is so sexy...the God is in the details) that goes right up the crack of your ass. Your legs, tanned from the summer are long, bare and smooth. The lamplight casts an ochre shadow over your nubile body. You wear colourful toe-socks, and swing your feet gently in the air behind you, rubbing them together. Watching this, just this, has my cock straining against the fabric of my pants. I can't stand this much longer. I need release.

You still haven't heard me. You have music on. Suddenly I see your body start to undulate gently up and down. I notice you have a pillow under you. Your legs stretch out, long and coltish and devilishly cute, and your toes curl as you rub your sex against the pillow, slowly. Your hands have started to raise your top and rub your bare breasts and pinch your nipples. You let out a long and lustful moan: "Oh, Daddy!" Have I just heard you right?

I move slightly along the room so I can see you from the side. Your face is toward me but your eyes are closed. You are deep in your world. Your forehead is slightly matted with sweat and smalll tendrils of your raven hair are stuck to your face. Your cheeks are blushing, a deep and rich shade of pink. You're such a cute girl. My good girl. You love to please Daddy.

Your hand slips down into your panties as your face scrunches up. Your bum is humping hard and fast against the pillow, fucking it. Your bite your lips and mumbe incoherent lusty words. I only hear: "Daddy! take it...it's yours...I'm your hot wet flower...your little bitch". I know this fucktalk is just a means to an end: Orgasm.

Her breathing gets deeper...deeper...her moans louder and louder. Her mouth opens in a wide O as she shudders before me, my good girl writhing and coming on her bed in front of her Daddy, oblivious to me standing there. I wait a few minutes as she comes down slowly.

And now it's my turn...

That's all for NOW. Hope you enjoyed it.


11-05-2006, 07:41 PM
Oh my Word, what a naughty Daddy. Giggle.

11-07-2006, 12:28 PM
my wife likes this kind of roll play once in a while, but I just can't get into it.
It actually makes me feel strange to for her to call me daddy... but I'm strange like that..

11-07-2006, 01:46 PM
my wife likes this kind of roll play once in a while, but I just can't get into it.
It actually makes me feel strange to for her to call me daddy... but I'm strange like that..

You're not alone. But, I put up with it with my ex to make her happy. All relationships is give and take :) What wouldn't I do to see my slave in pleasure.

11-07-2006, 05:47 PM
ummm errrr damn!

11-07-2006, 06:14 PM
ohmy enchanter *pants* please tell me your going to continue with that story!!!

i kinda thought the Daddy/little girl thing was....erm...weird......until i met a Daddy Dom.....He got me hooked then brought about the Daddy Dom thing. now everytime i say Daddy i get wet....lol, luckily i don't have a real father of my own or wouldn't that thanksgiving be interesting??

i agree with Oz...it's just alot easier to say Daddy than Guardian, hehe.

but please continue with that story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11-07-2006, 06:34 PM
i'm not a big fan of Daddy/daughter personally.
i have tried it and i guess maybe i just wasn't in the right mindset for it - it just was yucky to say "No Daddy..." i didn't like it at all.

i am not sure what the underlying reasons are, i am sure there are many - lol - but for me, there was no turn on associated with that particular session at all.

11-07-2006, 07:46 PM
Timberwolf, my friend, you are never too young to be a Daddy! I'm 27 and my BF is 45, and he calls me "Mommy" all the time. Well, not *all* the time. :-) But it works.

I agree that the Daddy/Mommy stuff is not at all about actual parents, with whom each of us have very healthy relationships. For me, it means "big, strong, gentle man who takes care of me and loves me and shows me lots of affection." Daddy is a good word for it.

11-07-2006, 08:11 PM
"I agree that the Daddy/Mommy stuff is not at all about actual parents, with whom each of us have very healthy relationships. For me, it means "big, strong, gentle man who takes care of me and loves me and shows me lots of affection." Daddy is a good word for it."

Makes a lot of sense to me anyway. I get why some people can't get by certain hangups with it. Maybe it has something to do with how close you were to your real parents as kids. Me, I was never very close to my family so I guess I don't get much of a creepy vibe to things.

11-08-2006, 12:40 AM
Daddy/daughter play isn't necessarily an incest fantasy.

Think father figure/young girl who needs guidance. That can manifest itself in many ways. Guardian/ward, headmaster/student, even governess/youthful charge.

*nods* That's exactly what I'm thinking.

I find it more reassuring to develop 'some' of those factors, mainly the guidance issue, wanting and craving such things, when the person hasn't had that positive mentoring from their own parents. I see it as another level of care.

11-08-2006, 09:45 PM
yea wow enchanter that was really hot! I deff enjoyed