View Full Version : More Than One Dom/me

11-10-2006, 08:41 PM
Ever since Q's more than one sub thread, this question has been plaguing me.

How does it work for someone who has more than one Dom/me??

I don't mean this to be any kind of judgement or anything. Not in the slightest. I am quite sure we hashed through that the first go round. I am much more curious about the logistics.

This is geared primarily to subs, but Dom/mes are welcome to chime in too.

I can wrap my head around a Dom/me having more than one sub. It's easy to order several people around. But how do you take orders from more than one?

Like if One wants to play, but Another has put you on restriction? Then what? Do they chat amongst themselves and sort it out (the horror!!)? Or do they have to limit what tasks they give you?

And how do you possibly find the time?

Again...this is in no way a judgement of anyone who is in this situation. If anything, I am in awe. This has just been a question that has plagued me for a while.



11-10-2006, 10:06 PM
When I first was collared by Master, I also had a Sir in r/l. The three of us had an understanding and an agreement that Master's orders were secondary to Sir, since Sir was my primary Dom at that time. It was difficult at first, but the key to making it work was absolute communication...if I had a task for one, I had to let the other know. If there was any conflict whatsoever, it was my duty to inform the other. And as for time...it all fell into place, really. I had my curfews, I was allowed playtime with both...Sir, Master and I made it work. Sir and I have since decided that our D/s relationship wasn't satisfactory...which resolved any conflict that existed between my two Doms and me. Would I have changed anything? Not in a million years.

11-10-2006, 10:09 PM
Well, at least in My mind, it seems only feasable if the sub/slave were serving a couple, then hopefully the Dom types would be on the same page, yet have different attributes to share with the sub/slave.

11-13-2006, 08:31 AM
Given the right situation and the right individuals, i most certainly thnk it can work. Of course, everybody involved, has to work at it and make it work.

Like waterbaby said, communication is very important.

11-13-2006, 09:38 AM
My submission is something that I take very seriously. When I commit to a Dominant, I do my best to do so with my whole being. He, nor I deserve anything less. I cannot give part of me to one person, and another part to another. I've learned the hard way that leading "two lives" just does not work for me. For some, it does. Like with so many things in this world, it really just depends on each of our own personalities.

11-13-2006, 10:01 AM
I agree with waterbaby. They all have to know what is going on. That way, there is no interference. It can work very well depending on the time available with each.

Happy National Indian Pudding Day, Sadie Hawkins Day and World Kindness Day!

11-14-2006, 04:59 PM
Well...lets see. I have two doms that are permanent in my life. I have one who is more of my mentor than "my" dom.

I saw this last week but didn't have the time to reply then so here it goes....

Some are not or don't feel comfortable with more than one dom. That's fine. Myself, I enjoy and give freely to two wonderful dominants in my life.

As most of you read in my interview with Alex in the "Who's Who Here" I have a Sir, a Daddy, and a Master. Sir I met almost two years ago. Daddy about 10 months ago and Master 6 months ago. Each have a roll in my life. All mean a lot to me.

Now, Sir and Master talk upon occasion and Sir would never do anything against Master's authority, only enhance it some. *rollingeyes*

Daddy and Master have never spoken...but they know about each other. I do submit to Daddy. Daddy does know that I will not do anything that would interfer with my relationship with Master.

Communications is the key. I will let both Sir and Daddy know when a task, command or order is going to interfer. They both understand and will either come up with another solution or drop it all entirely.

~hellish one~
11-14-2006, 08:02 PM
honestly, i haven't replied to this thread yet because i was waiting to see Talia's response! thanks for sharing Talia!

my theory is...if it ain't broke...don't fix it. so if it works for you...screw what others think! lol if you are happy with 2 Doms and it works, then that is what is good for you...if you are happy with 1 Dom and think that is all you want...then more power to you! :) Talia got it right when she said that communication is the key!

11-14-2006, 09:13 PM
I just want to say again that I never meant this to in any way be a judgement.

I am just curious how it can all work. Enquiring minds, you know....

Thanks for all of the responses!!