View Full Version : Disappointing A Friend

11-26-2006, 08:18 PM
Consider me the Anonymous Author's Agent. :D

I did not write it. Yet it must be published. :hubba:

11-26-2006, 08:19 PM
My Master is big on responsibility and accountability. As a matter of fact, so am I. I work in a demanding career that requires me to lead by example and take complete ownership of my actions and commitments. I accept nothing less from my employees at work. Master accepts nothing less from me at home. That’s why it was so out of character for me to neglect a commitment to an online friend for 3 whole weeks with barely an explanation.

Sometimes, real life just gets in the way of everything and my actions were a direct result of one of those times. A big project at work was requiring extended hours, which left me exhausted at the end of the day and took away from my normal routine at home. The loss of my daily routine was enough to drive me crazy as it was, but the loss of attention, routine and playtime as Master and slave drove me to distraction and into a fit of deep depression that I was happy to see the end of.

When life permitted it, I contacted my friend with a brief explanation and begged his forgiveness. He was kind enough to grant it and then, in jest, requested that I check with Master as to what kind of punishment he could assign to me. My first reaction was a laugh at his good-natured ribbing but that was immediately followed by the acute twinge of guilt knowing that I had disappointed him. I showed the request to Master, but didn’t really expect anything to come of it. I was surprised when Master not only replied with permission but also approved the punishment that he had come up with.

Master has shared me in the past – ordering me to give blow jobs or hand jobs to his friends – and has allowed friends to request a certain performance or activity by me – such as masturbating in front of them or serving them another drink. But this was only done with very close and trusted friends that we had known for years. This was completely new territory for us both – him allowing someone neither or us had met and he had never spoken to, to outline a punishment for me.

The assignment came back as follows. I was to write a punishment scene for myself. It was to include a punishment that had not been inflicted on me before and I was to write it as if it were a short story I intended to publish. Upon my Master’s approval of the story, it would become reality as he punished me on behalf of my friend, as the story had outlined.

I have been made to choose my punishment before and it is not a task I find easy, or enjoy. As excited as I was that our relationship was growing to include this new involvement, I was nervous that I would not be able to come up with something suitable and then, not only would I have disappointed my friend a second time, I would have disappointed and embarrassed Master as well. Not only did I want to make Master proud of me, I wanted to make sure that my friend felt that adequate punishment had been given to me on his behalf.

11-26-2006, 08:21 PM
Upon learning what my fate would be, Master sent me off to work that day with the last to have my idea ready to present to him, verbally, when I got home that afternoon. Needless to say, it kept me in a state of total distraction all day. I thought and thought and finally remembered an idea I had read about in the BDSM Library Forum involving a deck of “Yes Master” cards. That’s it, I thought happily to myself and proudly explained the idea to Master that very night just as he had asked.

Master was suitably impressed with the idea and approved it immediately. But, as Master’s have a way of doing, he quickly went on to up the ante and adjust it to his liking. The end result was this – I was to create not one, but four different decks of cards that would up deciding what my actual punishment would be. One deck would be time ranging from 15 minutes and increasing in 5-minute increments up to 3 hours, equalling 34 cards in total. The second and third deck would also be 34 cards each – one deck specifying 34 individual body parts and the other listing 34 places in our home and around town. The last deck was to be whopping 68 cards that outlined different activities. I was given until Friday to complete this portion of the task. Master then told me that I would draw 2 sets of cards for each week I had neglected my commitment for a total of 6 punishments that would be dealt to me over the upcoming Remembrance Day long weekend. Further, I would be required to document the entire story from start to finish and share it with my friend so that he may know exactly what happened due to his request. My friend seemed quite pleased when I relayed this information back to him.

I had more difficulty with the cards than I thought I would. It’s not easy coming up with 68 potential punishments or even 34 different places where they might be carried out! I was thankful Master had given me to Friday to complete them. I finally had my lists done on Thursday night and set about the task of making the actual cards. This also proved to be more difficult than I had anticipated – I couldn’t get the margins quite right and the wording was not centred on the card. In addition to that, when I tried to glue the paper onto the actual card, the paper got crinkly and they just looked like crap. In the end, I retyped all the 4 ‘decks’ of information, cut them into strips and decided to keep them in 4 small, decorative boxes that sit on our coffee table. Instead of drawing cards, I would draw slips of paper but the end result would be the same.

That decision earned me an extra draw for not completing the task as assigned and for altering it without Masters permission. In discussing it, Master admitted that my alternative was fine but he still maintained that I would have an extra draw for this. He had me draw my first set of slips on Friday morning before we left for work. I am sure he planned it this way on purpose, to build the anticipation as I certainly had a lot of time to ponder it while I was at work all day! My first draw revealed Spank – Other (spank with an instrument other than Masters hand), 45 minutes, outer thighs, loft. As we left for work, Master let me know that I should be prepared to receive my punishment when I got home. He also reminded me that I would be receiving 6 other punishments throughout the weekend as well as any others he saw fit – to really ‘test out’ the cards, as he put it.

11-26-2006, 08:23 PM
It may have been an unusual reaction, but my heart soared at his words! My Master wavers in this lifestyle while I do not. That makes things somewhat difficult for us at the best of times. It makes it downright brutal when other things are already affecting us, like my recent work situation. He had ‘fallen out’ of Master-mode some time ago and we have been struggling recently to get back to it. He was trying, and I was trying to be patient but it was hard. I was not at all excited about the prospect of being punished repeatedly all weekend but listening to the commanding growl in Master’s voice that morning…well, it told me that he was again ready to be an attentive Master to me.

Master met me at the door as I arrived home Friday night. He greeted me with a kiss, as is his usual way. Since we had not dedicated much time to the D/s side of our relationship lately, our general routine was far from the forefront of my mind. I stepped forward to follow Master into the house as he broke the kiss and turned to walk away. I had barely taken a step when his command cut through me. “Stop!” I froze. “Strip and kneel,” came the next command, “I have yet to give you permission to enter our home.” I felt myself grow wet at the familiarity of our routine and I quickly discarded my clothing. I lowered my head as I knelt inside the door so Master would not see my smile. Not only was I at home, I felt at home. I sighed contentedly at the calmness and joy I felt at knowing we were once again back on even ground, so to speak. It had been weeks since I had performed this small show of respect for him and as I thought about it, and what else the weekend might hold, I grew wetter still and goose bumps popped up to cover my skin.

Master disappeared down the stairs and left me there with my thoughts. I think I sat like that for over an hour but I lost track of time while I took the opportunity to focus my breathing and lull myself into a meditative state.

Masters voice was soft and calm when it broke into my reverie as he asked me to please prepare supper. I rose slowly, on stiff knees and made my way to the kitchen where I quickly set about getting the pork chops in the oven and the vegetables chopped and ready to steam. Master was most attentive to me during this time, staying in the kitchen with me as we casually chatted about our day. Every fibre of my being was alive again and I melted into him as he came up behind me to cup my breasts and pinch my nipples while nibbling along the sensitive nape of my neck. We ate together at the table before Master excused himself and left me to tidy up.

I went in search of him and found him downstairs playing his Xbox. I stood off to the side so as to not block his view of the game on the TV until he nodded towards the floor by his feet for me to sit. I settled down and rested my head on his thigh, watching him play. Master paid very little attention to me during this time but I didn’t mind. I knew he knew that I was there, simply waiting for whatever he desired next. It is when I feel my absolute best.

At 8PM he stopped playing and turned on the TV so we could watch Supernatural together. When it was over, he got up and informed me it was time and to meet him in the loft in 10 minutes. He suggested I best be prepared to be occupied for the remainder of the night and headed up the stairs. A split second after he disappeared, I raced upstairs myself.

I quickly brushed my hair, answered nature’s call and fixed my make up. I retrieved my collar from our bedroom and fastened it around my neck on my way into the loft. I smiled to have arrived there first. I thought that Master would be pleased to find me waiting there for him instead of the other way around. I walked to the corner of the room, and turning my back to the wall, I knelt, facing the centre of the loft.

11-26-2006, 08:30 PM
My eyes followed Master as he entered the room with a long, white, plastic wooden spoon in his hands. That’s gonna hurt I thought to myself, being careful to keep my expression neutral. He stopped in the centre of the room and just stood there, looking at me. A nervous flutter went through me as his eyes inspected me thoroughly. Fighting not to fidget, I managed to remain still.

“Come here, anonymous,” he ordered quietly but firmly. “Stand in front of me, arms up, hands clasped behind your neck.” I did as he bade without a word. He forced his knee between mine and thrust it upwards, wrenching my legs apart. “Spread your legs…..good girl,” he whispered when I had them spread almost uncomfortably wide. Master slowly circled around me, tapping the spoon on his hand as he went. “Do you know why you are being punished, anonymous?” he asked when he was in front of me again. “Yes Master,” I replied, my voice soft. “I didn’t complete the cards to your specifications and I made a decision to alter the project without your approval.”

He nodded, apparently satisfied with my response. “45 minutes on your outer thighs then,” he announced then landed the first slap on my left side about halfway up. I flinched and drew in my breath. I knew he hadn’t smacked me at anywhere near full strength but oh, did it sting! The next several smacks came in quick succession, alternating legs. Master circled around me landing well placed slaps as he went. The sting was intense as some of the slaps were landing in the same spot a second, and sometimes third or fourth time, or more. I remember I gulped and closed my eyes, talking to myself in my mind, trying to make him proud. When I opened my eyes again, I checked the clock through a blur of tears – 20 minutes – almost half way there. My thighs were on fire, more from the frequency of the slaps than from the force behind them – Master had yet to put a lot of muscle behind it. And my legs were trembling under the strain of trying to remain still while they were spread wide and repeatedly battered by the hateful little spoon. Master had yet to speak a word to me since he had started.

My teary gaze followed him closely as he came around into my line of vision again. Whap, whap! He landed two well placed slaps on my upper right thigh in such a way that the spoon part actually slapped against my ass cheek while the handle left a red stripe across my thigh. Whap, whap! The same process was repeated on my left. We were 35 minutes in now and the hardness of the smacks was increasing as the frequency slowed some. A sweat had broken out on Master’s brow and my sobs had turned into outright crying. I tried to watch the clock but it seemed to be moving so slowly. I tried to think of other things but the stinging in my legs wouldn’t allow it. I wanted to beg him to stop, and almost did as he pulled the spoon back with one hand, bending it, and then letting it go so it whipped forward to smack my thigh once more. I cried out, “Owwwww,” as he landed yet another sharp snap of the spoon on my flesh. Master was behind me now so I could not see him. I was gulping for air, tears streaking down my face and sobs wracking my body. My knees felt so weak and had started to bend as I struggled to hold my position. I had to adjust myself slightly by stepping inwards in order to keep my balance. Thankfully, Master said nothing about that. “You’re almost there, little one,” I heard him say behind me and I cried out, louder and harder, as I prayed for the end. I think there was another four or five sound smacks on each thigh after that but I had long ago lost count.

“Kneel,” he said softly as he stepped back from me. I tried to be graceful about it but I all but collapsed in a heap on the floor at his feet. My shoulders shook as I tried to hold in my cries. Master stepped in front of me and held the spoon out to my face. It took every ounce of will power not to glare as I puckered my lips and kissed it. Without a word, Master dropped it to the floor and turned and left the room, leaving me there in the silence broken only by my cries. I heard him in the bathroom, as he started a bath and I hoped beyond hope that it was for me.

I listened carefully for any sign that he would be returning but there was none. Yet suddenly he appeared. He gently reached out for me and took my hand, while putting his other hand under my arm, and helped me to my feet. My leg muscles screamed in protest and a new wave of cries washed over me as I slowly made my way to the bathroom with his help. Master settled me into the bath, on the warm side to help relax me and then left the room without a word. I sighed with relief as I sunk further into the tub, cringing as my tender legs rubbed the side. I breathed in deep gulps to still my cries and had succeeded in reducing them to infrequent whimpers by the time Master returned with a glass of water for me. He sat on the toilet as he spoke to me. “Tell me, anonymous,” he requested. And I did my best to recount my feelings for him.

When it was time to get out of the tub, Master patted me dry with a fluffy towel, taking extra care to not touch my thighs. I got my first real look at them in the mirror – they were criss-crossed with angry red welts, and some viscous purple bruises were already forming in the areas that had been struck repeatedly. Master applied some soothing aloe to me, pulling his hands back as I winced when the pressure was too much. He kissed each of my thighs in turn before he took me by the hand and led me to our bedroom.

He was as good as his word that night and did keep me occupied for a good while to come, though where he had been the strict enforcer before, he was now gentle and kind as he issued his directives. I was eager to obey and the night ended with both our pleasure. “You are forgiven, my love,” he whispered as he turned out the lights, “Sleep well. Tomorrow is a new day.”

11-27-2006, 09:02 PM
I really liked that Oz. Thank you.

11-27-2006, 10:50 PM

11-27-2006, 11:32 PM
There's more.

11-28-2006, 03:01 AM
I loved it, can't wait for more.

11-28-2006, 03:45 AM

Thanks Oz.


11-28-2006, 08:47 AM
If your anonymous friend is interested in sharing, I'd love to hear how the rest of the weekend and the other six draws went. This was a great story, and she told it very eloquently!

11-28-2006, 04:02 PM
more please?

11-28-2006, 04:47 PM
I found this compelling and moving. Thank you Oz for sharing it, and please thank your friend too, and congratulate her on her clear, straightforward but very involving narrative. I also look forward to reading the rest. And it certainly doesn't feel like a 'story' to me. I admire her humility and courage.

11-28-2006, 09:06 PM
eagerly awaiting more!!

11-28-2006, 09:12 PM
Thank you for sharing that. It was a beautiful account and had me tearing up.

11-28-2006, 09:22 PM
In that case, the saga continues:

On Saturday morning, I woke before Master and quietly slipped from our bed. I applied more aloe on my thighs first thing. There were still some pretty visible red welts and the bruising had darkened over night. I felt stiff, like I had been running for a long distance, but overall, I was pleasantly surprised that I was not in more pain.

I headed downstairs and put the coffee on, having decided to surprise Master with breakfast in bed. I didn’t quite get that far as he awakened before I was done and called me into the living room while the omelette was cooking. He directed me to draw my second set of slips – flash stranger, 115, nipples, transit. We laughed out loud, joking about flashing my nipples for close to 2 hours. He put the slips aside and we went back to the kitchen where I finished up breakfast.

I was permitted an hour of free time after I cleaned the breakfast mess and I used it to check my messages and play online. Master came up behind me towards the end of that hour and had one of the boxes in his hand. He put it in front of me and told me to draw again. I drew call control and showed him the slip. He kissed the top of my head as he walked away, granting me another hour of free time but telling me that at the end of that hour, I needed to be ready to run our errands for the day and dressed ‘appropriately’. I knew that he didn’t mean appropriately for the weather!

I set about getting myself ready. As any girl can tell you, choosing the perfect outfit is really hard! Before I was done, I had pulled many different combinations out of my closet, put them on, rejected them and tried again. I finally settled on white lace panties and matching bra set, a white button up fitted shirt and a chocolate brown mini skirt that I really liked. This was something I often wore to work – professional and business-like, not slutty at all but I knew that Master liked it too because he knew what I was really like under this presented image. I finished it off with a pair of skin colour thigh highs and my brown ankle boots with a 3” heel. I even twisted my hair up into a loose bun, completing my work look. I carefully applied my make up keeping with the same trend and I was ready to go.

I went downstairs to wait for Master in the living room. I stood as he entered the room, and smoothed my skirt, stepping forward for his inspection and approval. He took my hair down so that my blonde curls tumbled freely over my shoulders and of course, I should have known, he removed my panties before declaring we were ready to leave.
Just before we left Master had me draw another set of cards, my second of 6. I drew masturbate no orgasm, 25, back of knees, basement.

In the truck Master explained to me what we were going to do. Because I had drawn transit, instead of driving to the mall to do our errands, we were going to take the train. And I was to expose myself to the person of his choice while we were on the way to the mall. He also mentioned that we would be spending just under two hours at the mall and during that time he would be following behind me as I shopped and at his whim, he would call me on my cell phone with his next instruction thus implementing the call control slip I had drawn. He said that he would figure out a way to include my nipples as we went. I nodded that I understood the instructions and despite myself I was wet just thinking about him commanding me in public. It’s not something that we do very often.

Master stepped onto the train behind me and indicated a seat just inside the door. On the train there are rows of seats similar to a bus and in some sections there are two seats that face each other with a wider space in between, where wheelchairs can fit. Master had me sit in one of those seats, facing a row of 3 people across from me – one elderly lady who appeared to be sleeping and two young boys that I would guess were around 17 or so. He continued past me and settled into a seat a few rows away. I undid my long jacket and settled into the seat with my nerves running on high as I tried to check out the two young males.

It was easy to look them over; they weren’t paying much attention to me. They looked to be rough and tumble sort of types – one with a Mohawk and combats on and the other with ripped jeans and a lot of tattoos. The one on my left glanced at me as the train started up and sped on its way. I am fairly certain that I blushed, knowing what was to come. We had three stops to the mall. I squirmed nervously in my seat and waited. Master did not keep me waiting long. Before we barely out of the station, my phone rang. “Hello,” I answered it, trying to sound as normal as I could despite my racing heart. It was Master. I knew it would be. “Ready kitten?” he asked quietly, “I want you to slide forward in the seat so your ass is right on the edge. Make sure that your skirt rides up as you do that. I want you to cross and uncross your legs….very slowly…make sure that you spread your legs wide when you uncross them. Keep them spread until those horny little boys have had an eyeful. Do it now, princess…”

I am sure that my face must have been burning red as I listened to him breathily explain what he wanted me to do. My eyes sought out his and I could see the excitement in him from here. With a bit of a jolt I realized that he was enjoying this! He wanted me to show my pussy off for these two young men. I swallowed nervously and cleared my throat and then looked back at the guys, who were busy talking to each other, paying absolutely no attention to me. I slid forwards on the seat and used my hands to help adjust my skirt so that it rode high up on my thighs. More heat rushed to my face as I noticed my bruises from the night before showing through my stockings. When I was at the edge of the seat, I cleared my throat again, as I tried to gain the attention of the guys so that this could be quick. I had no such luck. I glanced back at Master uncertainly but he just nodded. Slowly, as he had instructed, I uncrossed my legs and set both my feet on the floor of the train. There was no indication that the boys even knew I had moved. We came to the first stop before I could do anything more.

At first, I panicked thinking to myself, oh no, what if they get off here? But they didn’t. The train was getting busier and about 5 more people boarded. A man of about 40 sat down at the other end of my bench but other than that, it was still just the two guys and the old lady in my general vicinity. The train started moving again. I knew that I was going to have to do something to get the attention of the boys who were still engrossed in their cuss-filled conversation. Fiddling with my purse I smiled as my fingers closed around my chapstick and I drew it out. Purposely, I caught it on the edge of my purse and let it fall from my fingertips to the floor before me. “Oops,” I said out loud and leaned forward on the seat to reach for it. I opened my legs wide as I reached down between them and retrieved the lip balm from the floor. I kept my head bowed as I slowly rose back into sitting position, watching the boys from beneath my bangs. The boy on the right looked at me again and I had to bite my lip to keep from smiling as I saw him do a double take and turn his head back to look at me. He elbowed his friend, who in turn caught his first glimpse of me. “Holy shit!” the one on the right exclaimed as he leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “Hey lady, do you feel a draft?” They burst out laughing at his apparent humour. I pushed myself back on the bench, pulled my skirt down and then re-crossed my legs as we pulled into the second stop.

At the third stop, I stood and moved to the exit door so that I could get off the train. The doors were right beside the two boys and as I stood there, I could feel their eyes on me. When the train stopped and the doors opened I stepped off with as much dignity as I could muster. Master was close behind me. I looked at him, wondering if he was pleased with how I had completed that task. I’m sure he could see the question in my eyes but he didn’t say anything. He just put his hand on the small of back and guided me towards the mall entrance. “Master?” I whispered, wanting to ask…“Not a word from you, anonymous,” he warned. “The only words you speak during this trip will be either to answer a direct question from me or a salesperson unless I tell you otherwise. Understand?” I nodded. “Good girl,” he smiled at me as he patted my ass, “Now, get going.”

11-28-2006, 09:23 PM
I looked back at him after I had taken a couple of steps but he just flicked his hand out, motioning for me to carry on. I got my list out of my purse, took of my jacket and draped it over my arm and started on my way through the mall. First stop, Clair’s Accessories for a birthday present for my niece. I was poking around amongst some necklaces when I came across one that I thought our niece would really like. I held it up for Masters approval through the store window. When he nodded, I turned around and took it to the cash register to pay. As I was standing in line, my phone rang. “Drop the necklace,” Master’s voice commanded as I picked it up. “Drop it on the floor in front of you and then bend down, and retrieve it from the floor. Keep your legs straight,” he said before I heard the click of the phone going dead. I turned around and looked behind me. There was a clear line from me to the door of the store and the open mall where Master was standing. Smiling playfully at him, I knew this show was strictly for his benefit. I dropped the necklace as he had instructed and then quickly bent to retrieve it. I fumbled it in my fingers twice before grabbing it and returning to my standing position. I paid for the necklace and exited the store, looking for Master but he was nowhere to be found.

The next few stores passed uneventfully and I am not sure if I was relieved or disappointed. I am not much of an exhibitionist but I have to tell you that I was really turned on by not knowing when the next command would come or what it would be. I felt like I was right on the edge and I could feel my pussy, slick with juice with each step I took.

My phone rang as I approached the far end of the mall. I didn’t say anything as I flicked it open. “Turn into the lingerie store,” came the order and I took a right turn to head into La Senza. “I want you to pick out some bras to try on,” Master said. “Get different styles and different colours. Call me back when you are in the change room.” I carefully selected 5 pretty bras and asked if I could try them on. When I was safely in the locked change room, I called Master back. His instructions were simple. I was to try on each bra in turn and come out of the change room to examine myself in the mirrored area at the back of the store. I was to cup my breasts and jiggle and adjust them in front of the mirror in each case and if anyone else was in the change area, I was to ask them how it looked. Master said he would be watching.

The first three bras were a piece of cake. I tried on a lace trimmed white one with little pink bows at the straps and in the centre, a strapless black push up that was quite uncomfortable and a lacy red, demi-cup that fastened in the front. When I first stepped out of the change room and there was no one around, I gained some confidence. I twisted and turned and examined myself in the mirror, cupping and adjusting my breasts as Master had said to do. I really liked the white bra, I liked how it felt and I liked the way it looked. I didn’t care for the black one at all and after a quick adjustment returned to try on the red one. As I was heading back to the change room that time, one of the sales agents came around the corner. I think she was shocked to see me but she covered it well. She asked if there was anything I needed. I just smiled and asked her if she thought the bra was a good fit for me. She went into quite a speech about it and I thanked her and returned to the change room. Next was plain black sports bra and again, I was left in peace as I primped in front of the mirror. The last bra was a beautiful champagne coloured one that was completely lace, very feminine. I put it on and gave myself the once over in the mirror inside the change room – I loved it, it was gorgeous. I opened the change room door and came out to admire it further. I could see my nipples clearly through the delicate lace and as I stared at them in the mirror, they puckered and hardened, making them even more visible. As soon as the change room door closed my phone rang. “Buy the two you like the best,” was all Master said. I selected the white one and champagne one, paid and exited the store.

As I stepped into the mall, there was Master talking to one of his buddies from work. Unsure what I should do, I stood there for a second before Master turned towards me and walked over to put his arm around me with a big smile. Robert smiled at me too, a big wide smile as his eyes scanned down to my breasts and then back to my Master. They chatted for a few more minutes and Robert left. We have known Robert for about 2 years now, since he started work at the same company as Master. He does not know about our lifestyle. As Robert sauntered away Master smiled and said to me, “Great show princess…” he let his voice trail off and then added, “Robert liked it to.” I wanted to ask him how but I bit my tongue as I remembered he had forbidden me to speak unless spoken to first.

At the bookstore he called me and made me approach a very good looking and muscular blonde worker and ask him to show me to the erotic book section and help me pick out a good BDSM book. I was mortified. I mean, I am not in the least embarrassed at my penchant for reading some very dark and heavy erotica and it does not bother me to spend a lot of time selecting just the right book for my tastes and then paying for it. But, to ask a complete stranger to help me select some bedside reading was unnerving for me, especially in light of how attractive this man was. Thinking back now, I am positive that Master carefully chose him because he knew that I would find him attractive. He recommended a book called Bound by Sasha White so that’s what I bought.

At the body jewellery kiosk he made me ask the lady who manned it to explain the nipple bars to me. I was to ask her to describe the process to me and any special care instructions. Before I left I was to ask her if she had her nipples pierced. She did. I was to ask to see them. She haughtily refused.

As I made my way towards the drug store for some household items, Master joined me. We checked our list together and realized that we had managed to get most of the stuff we needed. Master checked his watch – we had about 20 minutes left in the 125. The drug store took about 15 minutes thanks to the super slow cashiers. When we got back into the mall I excused myself to the washroom. Before he let me go, Master issued his last set of instructions. I was to give our parcels and my jacket to him. When I was in the washroom I was to remove my bra and put it in my purse. I was to play with and pinch my nipples until they were stiff peaks and visible through my white top. I was to walk through the rest of the mall like that and meet him back at the train.

I tried so hard not to feel self-conscious as I made my way back to the entrance of the mall but I don’t think I succeeded very well. I have had my share of catcalls and comments but it was nothing compared to what I felt as I watched men sneer, women glare and kids point and snicker. I work hard at my body and I am proud of it. I even enjoy showing it off on occasion…at my choice...being ordered to do so to a mall full of strangers was entirely different and not a lot of fun at all. What seemed like much, much later but was probably only 3 – 4 minutes, I emerged from the mall and began my brief walk to the train where I hoped that Master would be waiting for me. The cool wintry air did nothing to help my nipples, which were protruding through my top like two little soldiers standing at attention. I struggled against the urge to cross my arms in front of myself both to cover my nipples and to brace against the cold, windy air. I made it to the train stop without further incident but Master was not there. He did arrive a moment later though, and handed me my coat with a smile. He had been following me and watching as others ogled me.

When we got back to his truck and were headed home, he told me how proud he was of me. I know I flushed with pride. I love to hear those words from him and knowing that I had pleased him made all the embarrassment and humiliation worth it to me.

11-28-2006, 09:28 PM
When we got home Master put our purchases away while I prepared lunch. Over lunch, he made me run through the entire trip and share all my feelings with him. Master finally told me that he and Robert were standing, chatting behind a clothing rack in La Senza. Apparently there was a mirror on the wall that reflected the changing area. They were both able to observe me fully in the mirror, without even looking like they were doing anything at all. Sneaky! He shared with me what a turn on it was for him to watch me expose his cunt to the boys on the train. I told him how humiliated I felt in the bookstore, asking the clerk for a dirty book recommendation and how small I felt as I made my way through the mall with my nipples clearly visible through my shirt. Master teased me that he thought I liked behaving like a wanton slut but I said only for him. I did admit to having enjoyed myself though overall though, especially the uncertainty of knowing when he was going to call next and what he was going to say. We both agreed it was a good test of my willingness to obey. He admonished me a little bit for enjoying myself when it was supposed to be a punishment but he said that we can’t help what we feel.

It was 3:30PM on Saturday. Master had a new game he wanted to try out so I was granted some more free time. I spent an hour starting this story so that I could get most of it down while the feelings were still fresh and then I logged on the computer to play some more. We had a quick and easy supper as Master wanted to hook up with some of his pals in the live part of his game and so, I was left to entertain myself for the rest of the night.

Just before bedtime, Master led me down the stairs into the basement and sat me down in his computer chair. He had me spread my legs wide, draping them over the arms of the chair. With some old nylon rope, he made quick work of wrapping the tie around my knees so that my legs would be held open. He turned the chair so that I was facing the couch and then went and sat down. “You will play with yourself for 25 minutes, anonymous,” he told me. “You are not to stop and you are not to orgasm. If you feel yourself getting close to orgasm, I expect you to lay off enough until the urge subsides but do not stop rubbing or fingering yourself until I say so. Do you understand?” I replied that I did.

Masturbating for Master is actually something I really enjoy. I love the way he watches me, his eyes closely following my fingers and full of desire. I love to put on a show for him and talk to him about I am imagining his fingers touching me. Master sat down on the couch and simply said, “Begin.” As I slowly lifted the fingers of my right hand to my mouth to moisten them, I was horrified to see Master turn his attention to the TV as he turned it on and started watching a re-run of Friends. Tears welled up in my eyes at this blatant cold shoulder. I realized that this punishment would not be for Master’s watchful eyes at all and I felt humiliated to be sitting there, tied to the chair and fingering myself while being completely ignored. I thought about giving just a half-hearted attempt but I didn’t dare. I knew Master was enough aware of what I was doing that he would know in an instant. I reached down between my legs with my left hand and spread my lips with my index finder and thumb, holding them open to expose my clit. With my right hand, I slowly began to circle around it, occasionally roaming over it as I grew wetter and more turned on. Knowing that Master would not think I had done a proper job of it unless I fingered myself good, I slipped my index finger into my pussy and worked it slowly in and out a few times before adding a second finger. With my fingers probing my inside, I let the heel of my hand rub against my clit as pleasure jolted through me.

I had to slow down to almost a complete stop three times during my 25-minute session. Master didn’t say a word, nor did he turn to watch me even once, though I am sure he did keep a close eye on my out the corner of his eye. I was whimpering and my breath was coming heavily for most of the time I masturbated. I could feel my orgasm building and each time I slowed my ministrations, I wanted to cry out in frustration. I was so close to orgasm and so wet that I could hear my juices squishing against my fingers as the slid in and out of me.

When 25 minutes had expired, Master stood up and came over to stand beside me. He looked down at me and said, “Are you close, kitten?” I nodded quickly, “Yes, Master.” He gently untied my legs and took my hand to pull me forward in the chair. I leaned towards him, squeezing my legs together hoping for some release. “Kneel,” he said and as I slid out of the chair to kneel before him, he unzipped his jeans and took his cock out. It was already hard. I felt a small thrill in knowing that even if he hadn’t been watching me outright, that he will still affected by my masturbation. He stepped towards me, inching one foot in between my knees and then the other one so that I was forced to kneel with my legs spread wide. He thrust himself into me, and fucked my face hard and fast until he came. “It’s time for bed,” he announced and turned away from me as he did up his pants and headed up the stairs. I followed him miserably, and I knew then that he would not allow me to orgasm that night.

11-29-2006, 07:29 AM
(fanning self........) HOT HOT HOT

11-29-2006, 09:46 AM
Oh my goodness! Thank you again for sharing your friend's story, very well written and a definate turn on. Like someone else said, it reads like real life, if it is.. then she's definately a lucky slave. i hope there's more where those came from.

11-29-2006, 09:57 AM
I'm really enjoying this. May I suggest that you tell your freind she's a great writer.

11-29-2006, 10:58 AM
I have a sneaking suspicion that I might have been guilty of giving ideas to some of those cards.

11-30-2006, 12:09 AM
I have a sneaking suspicion that I might have been guilty of giving ideas to some of those cards.

If you're guilty, then as punishment... more ideas. :rolleyes:

11-30-2006, 12:17 AM

On Sunday, we had a nice sleep in and a leisurely breakfast together. I was still feeling worked up about not being permitted to orgasm the night before and I was on edge all morning. I did everything I could think of, including putting a shot of Bailey’s in Master’s morning coffee, and making his favourite eggs benedict that morning in an effort to allow him to reward me but he didn’t even mention it.

Right after breakfast he had me draw both sets of slips. For the first draw I got ear plugs, 150, waist and living room. Master apparently didn’t like that combination much as he made me draw another card, which was serve as furniture. For the second set I drew vibrator, 70, wrists and river path. Master immediately decided that we should do that one first and go for a walk on the river path that is about 10 minutes from our house. Unfortunately for me, it is also always very busy – families walking, people playing with their dogs – and it was a half decent warm day, which I knew would make it even busier.

Master decided on the remote control butterfly and did the honour of inserting it into me and fastening it himself. Over that I was permitted to put on some fleecy pants and a warm sweatshirt but no underclothes. Before we left, Master put the remote control in his jeans pocket and handcuffed my wrists together. The sleeves of my jacket were long enough that the cuffs were mostly hidden though I think you could see them if you looked hard enough. The walk to the river path was uneventful, though we did pass several families that smiled and said hello and exchanged pleasantries. We strolled at an easy pace. Master didn’t really seem to be in any hurry and finally, we reached the path alongside the river. Master said we would go left and he turned the butterfly on low as we headed down the path.

It didn’t take long before I was on the verge of cumming, what with having been left high and dry the night before. I glanced at Master and noticed he was watching me closely, smiling. Hope surged into my heart and I whispered to him, “Please Sir, may I cum for you?” He just laughed and turned it off and then went on to chastise me, ‘This is a punishment anonymous, you are intended to enjoy yourself. Perhaps you will think twice about neglecting things in the future.” I nodded and hung my head. After a few uncomfortable minutes of silence, we ran into a family that lives on our corner. Of course, they wanted to stop and talk. I was filled with a sense of dread and just as I knew he would, Master discreetly turned the butterfly on again. It was difficult for me to concentrate on Lilly’s words as she rattled on about her preparations for the kids Christmas concert – something I could care less about on the best of days, and certainly not anything I wanted to hear about with a vibrator teasing my over-sensitive clit! I struggled to control my breathing and keep my tone of voice even as I pretended to be interested in her story. I could see Master out of the corner of my eye, his eyes twinkling as he adjusted the speed up and down, turning it off and on. It was all I could do to keep from begging him infront of them. Thankfully, they said their goodbyes and we went our separate ways before it got to that.

I could tell that Master was enjoying himself and I wish I could have said the same thing for myself. We walked some distance, before turning around, thankfully not running into any more people that we knew. Master was relentless with the butterfly, turning it off and on, high and low right until I was on the edge of orgasm and then, cruelly, he would turn if off, while he chuckled and I whimpered.

Finally we were back at our front steps. I was relieved to know that the walk was over. I was so frustrated, I could have cried and I could think of nothing I wanted more than the offending butterfly removed. That was an interesting feeling on its own, let me tell you. I love the butterfly and I don’t recall ever wishing for it to be removed prior to that moment. While I waited impatiently for Master to unlock the door, our neighbour Nicole opened her door and came out. Of course, she wanted to talk! Master let himself in and moved far enough inside that he was not visible from the step, but I knew he was there…watching.

Nicole is a great neighbour and I really like her but of all days for her to come out and want to chat, I wondered miserably why she picked today. As she stood there asking me about our usual joint Christmas decorating plans, Master toyed with the butterfly further. I couldn’t concentrate on anything Nicole was saying as I struggled to separate myself from the arousing tap on my clit. I am sure I heard my breath catch in my throat on more than one occasion as Master expertly altered the intensity of the vibrations. I could feel my orgasm building and I wondered without being there to gauge my response, how Master would know when to turn it off, to leave me disappointed again.

The blood pounded in my ears as I stood there. I’m sure I must have been shaking as I fought to control myself. And all of a sudden I knew! Master had no intention of turning the butterfly off this time. Dread rushed through me and I felt embarrassment colour my face as I finally reached my boiling point. I fell to one knee as a powerful orgasm ripped through me, my insides convulsed over and over and I think I even cried out.

I barely registered that Nicole had knelt beside me, her hand rubbed my shoulder consolingly as she asked if I was all right. I managed to grind out that I was having a severe stomach cramp, which she seemed to believe. She helped me up and opened the door. She called out for Master as she assisted me inside. I obviously could have made it myself but I was grateful for her support as I had been left weak. Master appeared and looked appropriately concerned. Nicole left after she helped to settle me onto the couch and Master burst out laughing after he closed the door behind her. I’m glad he thought it was so funny. I haven’t seen Nicole since then and I am not looking forward to it either. While she is not one of the people we are open about our lifestyle with, we do think she is somewhat involved in the lifestyle as well and I am sure that if she is, she knows exactly what was going on. Only time will tell I guess.

11-30-2006, 12:21 AM
I so badly wanted to give Master trouble for what he had just done, but I didn’t dare. I was really beginning to think that this whole card decks for punishment thing was a rotten idea. I sat there on the couch, relieved but mortified at what had just transpired. Master left me alone with my thoughts for a little while and then came back to announce that it was time to continue with my other punishment for that day.

He had me strip down and prepare lunch for him, and told me that I would be permitted to eat later. After I prepared his lunch, hot dogs of all things (just what he had asked for) he had me place everything on a serving tray and bring it to the living room.

Master had gone and gotten the ear plugs from the upstairs washroom. He explained to me that I was to put them in and then kneel on the floor infront of the couch, where he would proceed to use me as a coffee table. I was not to speak or look at him during this time and I was to move as little as possible until he let me know it was OK. I was allowed to have a drink and go to the washroom before I had to start.

Our living room is hardwood floors, which is uncomfortable to kneel on anyways. I wasn’t sure I was going to be able to kneel there and be a table for over 2 hours but I knew I would try. I put in the ear plugs and glanced at Master quickly, watching for his nod. When it came, I lowered myself to my hands and knees, took a moment to adjust myself in what I hoped would be the most comfortable position and settled in to wait, hanging my head down and forward to keep my eyes from straying. I hate the ear plugs. They always make me feel so disconnected from the world without my sense of sound. I felt Master settle the serving tray on my back and I silently prayed to myself that I could hold steady and not cause the tray to wiggle around on my back.

I don’t know how much time passed but my knees hurt and my wrists were sore so I think it was a fair bit. Master had removed the tray awhile ago and was now resting his feet on me, using me like a footstool. I lifted my eyes and strained to peek without moving my head to see what he was doing. I think he was reading his book.

I had to adjust myself. I tried so hard not to move at all but my wrists were on fire. I could no longer feel my knees, they had gone numb. Carefully I flipped my wrists so that I was resting on the backs of my hands, while my eyes teared up at the sharp pain my stiffness had caused. I turned them back and forth a couple of times before I settled down again. I hoped that Master had not noticed but I was sure he had. I closed my eyes and just sat there. I tried to pass the time by playing games with myself in my head – talking to myself about things I had to do at work the next week, made lists for Christmas and mentally ticked off chores that needed to be completed. Finally, I had exhausted all topics of interest in my head and I just let myself to empty.

I felt Masters hand in my hair a split second before he grabbed it and yanked my head up and back. He slid into me slowly from behind, and my muscles groaned as his thrusts rocked me forward, allowing me some movement at last. Master reached around beneath me with one hand and pinched my nipples while his other hand stayed in my hair, forcing my head up and my back to arch into him. He fucked me like that, long and slow while my knees ached and my wrists burned under his weight. Finally, he pulled out and shot his load all over my back. He smacked my ass cheek and I thought I felt him push away from me. A moment later, he was infront of me and removed the ear plugs. He kissed me lightly on the forehead, “Well done, anonymous,” he whispered and helped me up to lay down on the couch.

Some of my favourite time with Master is the quiet, gentle time after a task or a scene. Master sat at the end of the couch and lifted my legs up and over him. He sat there for the longest time while he slowly flexed and bent my legs to recirculate the blood and reintroduce them to movement. While he did this, he had me tell him how I would describe today in my story.

He asked me if I thought I could accurately tell the story, without prejudice and I had to laugh and admit that I didn’t think I could. I mean, how could I not have some prejudice when I had taken part in all of the activities. Even though I knew it was a punishment, it also felt somewhat like a game. And, I would have heightened emotions regardless because I was overwhelmed with so much activity after so little for so long. Master reminded me how much he enjoys my writing and told me that he thought I would do a fine job of it. I was touched by his words.

I had some work that I needed to see to before the weekend was over and so Master graciously left me to it. We spent the rest of the day doing every day things. It was such a switch up – no longer were we Master and slave, we were just a couple, doing individual things. I found myself feeling almost depressed. I worried that we would revert back into the black hole from which I felt like we had just emerged. The thing of it is this – even when Master is in one of his ‘off’ stages, to me, he is still Master. Whether he is responsive to me or not, he is, and always will be Master. For him, its different. He told me once that he doesn’t think about it all the time and I find that confusing as for me, its all consuming. I fretted that even now, he would have lost the desire to dominate just as he found it again. I needn’t have worried.

Master had me draw both sets of papers before we went up to bed that night. I drew butt plug, 55, breasts, bathroom and then hot wax, 15, clit and deck.

11-30-2006, 12:24 AM
I'll post the last installment tomorrow.

11-30-2006, 12:30 PM
very delicious, again my complements to the author, lucky girl

12-01-2006, 12:14 AM
The finale.

Master woke me very early Monday morning, which didn’t make me happy at all. I dislike waking early and to have a sleep in taken away was a punishment in its own. It was still dark and I glanced at the clock as I struggled to rouse myself. 5:30! Ugh! “Wrap yourself in a blanket and meet me downstairs,” he whispered urgently and then disappeared. I allowed myself enough time to visit the washroom before throwing our comforter over my shoulders and heading down to the main floor. Master was waiting for me in the kitchen, at the back door. He opened it and led me outside.

We live in a community of row houses and our back deck steps down into a common green space. Across the space are the backs of several other row houses. I knew that the early hour was necessity, so that we could go unobserved by the neighbours. Not that there aren’t some early risers in our complex – there are, including one man that lives a few houses down who is always out for a walk and a smoke in the early hours. I knew there was a chance that we might be caught but it seemed unlikely.

Master had me remove the blanket, lay it out on the deck and then down on it. He left me there momentarily to return inside. When he came back he carried an old towel, a candle and a lighter. I love wax play and I felt myself growing excited as I thought about the contrast of the hot wax while the cold morning air chilled my skin. After he placed the towel under me, Master laid down between my legs and proceeded to tease me with his tongue, licking me up and down the length of my pussy, ripening my lips and coaxing my clit to stand at attention.

I had to fight not to moan too loudly. We had not been this adventurous outside since moving here because there was always people around or able to easily see us. It was a tremendous turn on to finally be able to revel in the experience of breaking in the deck, so to speak. Master tormented me expertly, he knows exactly how. And soon I writhed beneath him, begging for release. At that point, he knelt up and lit the candle, leaving me wanting more and I pouted at him to let him know I was disappointed.

He waited a few moments for the candle to heat enough to have some wax built up and then slowly, he tipped it and let the wax drip onto my skin. He started at my feet and dropped a few droplets on the tops of each foot. The sting of the heat quickly disappearing as the wax cooled and hardened. He worked his way up each leg, and alternated as he went. A few drops on each leg, a slight trail up to my left knee and a series of maddening drips on each inner thigh. Those ones drove me crazy as the wax first singed in a little drip and then hardened, pulling my skin beneath it. He stopped momentarily to give my clit a flick with his tongue, which added to my torture. I wanted him to simply bury his face in me and devour me and I boldly whispered as much. He just smiled. He dripped small pools into the valley of my hips and a long river from my belly button up to between my breasts. He leaned in to quickly and almost savagely bite each nipple in turn and the pain coursed through me, a definite shock in comparison to the desire that heated my blood from the wax play.

I was squirming under his touch and I couldn’t stop myself. “Master….please…” I whispered. He stopped and looked down at me. “What do you want, little one?” I could see the enjoyment glimmering in his eyes and I arched my back, lifting myself off the blanket slightly. “Please Master,” I asked again… “please…” I pleaded with him to no avail. “Tell me what you want kitten,” he demanded. “Please make me cum, Master,” I begged. He looked down at me and smiled before he dipped his head to tongue my clit once more. I watched him sit back up and lift the candle high as he tipped it. It seemed like everything was moving in slow motion. I could see the dawn breaking far off in the distance, I could feel my skin still puckered in the cool morning air, I could see Master as he smiled and tipped the candle. I moaned, I know I did. It was such an amazing picture in my mind. I wish I were an artist so that I could draw it for you, it was so emotionally charged.

12-01-2006, 12:16 AM
Master reached out his hand and spread my labia wide so that my clit was clearly exposed. A drop of red wax appeared at the cusp of the candle and seemed to hang there for a moment before it dropped. A hot sting ripped through me as the wax dropped and mostly hit its mark. It was exquisite and I begged all the more. “Oh Master, please…please make me cum….” He continued to drip hot wax directly onto my exposed pussy for a few more minutes and I continued to beg him for more than he was willing to give.

Suddenly, he sat up and blew out the candle. “Clean yourself up, anonymous. You have 30 minutes to have breakfast on the table.” With that he rose and went back into the house. I almost cried, having been left wanting again. I took the corner of the comforter and pulled it around me and took a few moments to just enjoy the peacefulness of the early morning. I didn’t dare dally long or I would Masters deadline and I knew from experience that he was not appreciative of being kept waiting.

12-01-2006, 12:18 AM
After breakfast, Master left me to head back to my computer to work. It was such an inconvenience to have this weekend interrupted by mundane things like work. But then again, based on Master’s steely resolve, it was a welcome distraction despite the internal battle that waged within me, wondering if this was for this weekend or if it would continue.

When I broke for lunch, I prepared us some treats to nibble on and called Master to the table. During lunch he informed me that the last of my punishment would take place as soon as I had cleaned up the lunch mess, before I would be permitted to go back to work. I have to admit that I found myself dragging my feet when cleaning up, as I wondered if the end of this punishment would again bring about the end of Masters mindset.

When I had finished cleaning the kitchen, I went in search of Master and found him in the upstairs bathroom. He had obviously been waiting for me and I felt bad about keeping him. On the bathroom counter was the lube, a medium size butt plug and the flogger. Master instructed me to disrobe and bend over, presenting my ass to him by leaning forward and resting my hands on the edge of the bathtub. I did as he asked immediately.

Master squirted the cold lube all over my ass crack and I felt his fingers pressing into my anus, working it slowly and beginning to stretch it out. He worked methodically, slowly pressing and stretching, making sure I would be able to accommodate the plug. When he knew I was ready he slowly inserted it. I felt myself wince as my asshole was stretched to take the plug in. Master was gentle and inserted it slowly but it still caused some discomfort.

When he had it pushed in to the hilt he finally spoke. “Turn around anonymous. Seat yourself on the edge of the tub and put your hands behind your back. I want you to grab your opposite elbows and press your tits forward, OK baby…”

I stood up and repositioned myself, squatting slowly over the edge of the tub. I was not anxious to sit down and push the plug deeper into my anal cavity but I knew if I dawdled that Master would quickly pick up on it. I settled myself onto the edge of the tub and squirmed around a little until I was somewhat comfortable. Then I reached behind my back and hooked my hands over my elbows as he had instructed me to do. At his request, I arched my back further, which displayed my tits even more and thankfully, relieved a little of the pressure from the plug in my bottom as it forced me to take more weight on my feet.

Master stepped forwards to me and began to circle his fingers around my areole and nipples. He spoke softly to me, telling me what he had planned for me. I was to remain seated on the edge of the bathtub, with the butt plug inserted in my anus for the 55 minutes that I had drawn. During that time, at his discretion, he would also flog or play with my breasts. I was to keep up a constant stream of communication with him for the entire 55 minutes, telling him everything I was feeling and it was to start immediately.

I don’t even think I could tell you what I said to him even if I tried. I have thought back and I don’t recall anything that I might have said to him other than my initial comment that the butt plug was uncomfortable. Master spent some time playing gently with my nipples, until they were hard nubs that ached with desire. He alternated between being maddeningly gentle and painfully abrupt – squeezing my entire tit, hard, until I cried out, before he let go again, leaving angry red fingerprints on my white skin. He slapped them back and forth lightly, teasingly and then forcefully mixing the pain with pleasure. All the while, he had me adjusting my seated position he asked me to sit forward and back, causing me to rock on the edge of the tub causing the butt plug to move around inside of me as well. It was not enough to cause tears but it was close and I was miserable in my mixture of desire and discomfort.

12-01-2006, 12:20 AM
I watched as he finally picked up the flogger and took a few practise swings with it, landing it squarely against the palm of his hand. He ordered me to sit back on the tub and spread my legs wide, which in turn pushed the butt plug deeper into me. I know I whimpered at that. No matter what I did, I could feel that plug pushing into me and stretching me. It wasn’t painful so much as an annoyance. I had gotten used to the size of it inside me but I could still feel it, everywhere. Master finished this punishment by raining the flogger down on my breasts, lightly at first and then picking up speed and force until red welts started to appear. He made sure he did a good job of it too, coming at me from all directions, blows raining down from above that had the leather biting my nipples as it landed. Then he would drag it along my stomach and down over my exposed pussy before he pulled it away and then brought it back up in a sharp snap that caused my tits to bounce and jiggle with the force of it. I had marks on both arms from him swinging it side to side. I think I was able to continue talking to him the entire time. I don’t remember him having to remind me but I am sure I must been incoherent by the end, I was crying so hard.

I don’t remember the moment that it stopped, I just remember my realization that there was silence in the room except for my ragged breath and sobs. Everything sort of seemed in slow motion and almost like a dream, Master appeared in my view. He was knelt down infront of me and already pouring the aloe into his hands to rub over my marked chest, stomach, arms and thighs. He made quick work of it and then pulled my arms forward and used them to lift me and pull me into him. He reached behind me and took out the butt plug. Strangely as much as I disliked it when it was in there, I immediately felt empty.

Master led me to the bedroom and laid me on the bed where he continued to soothe me with the aloe. He has such a gentle touch after a session. It always amazes me that his hands can wield tortuous instruments with power and inflict pain one minute and be so gentle and loving the next. I don’t know what came over me but I had a sudden rush of sadness and I just laid there. When he was finished with the aloe, Master crawled into bed beside me and just held me in his arms. He told me that he was very proud of me and those were the sweetest words of all.

That evening, as we lay in bed, we talked about the weekend activities and how we felt about them. I admitted to Master again that even though I was being punished, that I had spent most of the weekend in a state of arousal simply because he had come back to me. He admitted to me that he felt bad for being inconsistent with me and that at first, he hadn’t wanted to allow the punishment but that now he was glad he had. We both felt that it had opened our relationship up somewhat and it also allowed us to get back to the basics of the relationship while exploring some new feelings. Master asked that I thank you for your suggested punishment. Overall, he was very pleased with how it all turned out. I hope that you are too.

The ‘cards’ have been used several times since then, and not as punishment either! But I am not permitted to tell you that part.

12-01-2006, 05:04 AM
this was completely amazing, well written, creative, ingenious, compelling...thank you for sharing this with us all. Simply put, beautiful, her emotions felt on all levels. :rose:

12-01-2006, 02:45 PM
Thanks everyone.

I'll relate that she is very pleased at the response her account of her punishment has received.

12-01-2006, 03:23 PM
Mmmm...this is absolutely excellent! It is so well written!!! Not to mention her story is soooooo HOT!!!

12-01-2006, 03:49 PM
God, I really enjoyed this, and I felt for her and with her. I am so horny I don't know what to do with myself. Actually, I'll probably think of something...

12-01-2006, 04:42 PM
Master led me to the bedroom and laid me on the bed where he continued to soothe me with the aloe. He has such a gentle touch after a session. It always amazes me that his hands can wield tortuous instruments with power and inflict pain one minute and be so gentle and loving the next. I don’t know what came over me but I had a sudden rush of sadness and I just laid there. When he was finished with the aloe, Master crawled into bed beside me and just held me in his arms. He told me that he was very proud of me and those were the sweetest words of all.

the whole story was hot but this........... sighs......

12-02-2006, 01:05 AM
omg, a superb thread. Oz, may i ask you to tell your friend that she's very brave and expressive? i'm glad that i get to read the full story in 1 go. This article calls forth all kinds of feeling. **great ones** :smilie_orange1:
Well done!!! i wish her all the best in the future punishments and games.

Charlie Brown 169
12-02-2006, 01:26 AM
[QUOTE=cookiecat;182705]eagerly awaiting more!![/QUOTE

12-02-2006, 02:25 PM
mmmmmmm this is so hot :D:D:D:D:D

12-02-2006, 06:21 PM
Let's see, what do I say, Ummmm please write more! Yes that would be the main point I want to get across. The second would be WOW! Just loved it. Really got into it. The third point would be damn I'm hot now. Giggle.

12-12-2006, 01:51 AM
Loved it. Very real, moving and well-written as well as incredibly hot.

Definitely one to share with D. :)

12-26-2006, 10:20 PM

Not nearly enough, but my thanks for sharing.


12-27-2006, 04:54 AM
Would you consider going on with this. I for one would love to read many more chapters of your writing technique.
Thank you for this though.

12-27-2006, 07:38 AM
Oz, now her punishment is over, how about tasking her to write to some more chapters?


12-28-2006, 02:32 AM
For that she would need to get her Master's permission. As I said, it was a unique, one-time, guest punishment, situation...

But I'm sure she's reading all your comments... and I hereby volunteer to post anything she sends me...

...of course I would be first in line to applaud if she posted a new installment herself... so she could acquire the accolades directly.

Charlie Brown 169
01-01-2007, 01:40 AM
[QUOTE=cookiecat;184500]the whole story was hot but this........... sighs......[/QUOTE

Cookie you quote is right on except for the part about this story being hot. For me it is about as hot as watching paint dry.

01-01-2007, 11:31 PM
[QUOTE=cookiecat;184500]the whole story was hot but this........... sighs......[/QUOTE

Cookie you quote is right on except for the part about this story being hot. For me it is about as hot as watching paint dry.

LMAO. Not only are your grapes sour... they're the wrong variety... :rolleyes:

01-02-2007, 01:42 AM
Thank goodness there are lots of varieties of grapes - means we can all find types we enjoy somewhere.


01-02-2007, 07:20 AM
Could become a novelette?

01-02-2007, 01:47 PM
i really liked ur storyy!

01-03-2007, 01:38 PM
Add toys and chapters and you will become famous!