View Full Version : Stranger

12-01-2006, 03:06 AM
The heavy violent slam of a door behind her
As strong thick fingers grip her small frame
And press her hard against the wall
Coming eye to eye with that mysterious stranger.

That look of command that demands obedience...

Gasping up at Him softly as she struggles hard
Against those strong wrists
Feeling the heavy eagerness of His breath
Caressing the side of her neck.

And she stills...

As that familiar rush of adrenaline floods her
And He whispers, lightly to her ear
"You came of your own free will..."
And that expression of hardness softens.

The faintest of smiles crossing His dark eyes and lips...

The gentle brush of His lips over her neck
Nuzzling close to her skin, as her
Back arches closer, pressing lightly to His form
While His hands drift down her waist.

Swiftly lifting her from her feet, and throwing her recklessly to the bed...

Standing before her, nude, His large muscled frame
Casting her own in shadow, as she looks up
Wide eyed and willing,
"Take it off"

The throbbing heat between His legs showing His obvious lust...

As she gently pulls away the shirt,
Hands moving smoothly down the curve of her hips
Shedding the short skirt she wears
As His eyes wander over her generous curves.

And watches, hungrily, as she pushes away the small thong and bra she wears, covering her breasts...

Slowly He crawls towards her, up the bed
A mocking snarl on His face as she whimpers
Surrounding her with His strong legs
Pushing her gently back to lay against the bed.

As He presses a finger to her full lips, and mutters softly "Hush...my sweet"...

His lips kissing the corner of her mouth
Lightly, soft breath dancing on pale flesh
As He brushes ethereally against her
Savouring the honey texture of her lips.

While slowly His lips trail lower...

Mouth tenderly trailing down her soft curves,
Biting the soft delicate skin at her stomach
As if trying to feed on her being
Stopping right before His desire.

Calmly, delicate ordering her "Spread your legs"..."Now look to me"...

Watching Him softly, as He stares
Marvelling at the heart of her feminine beauty
His eyes reflecting the image of wonder and lust
Waiting for her say, to conquer this rare and precious thing.


copyright © Tracey Cobb


LOL. Its been a very productive week :D

12-01-2006, 03:35 AM
*smiles* May the productivity continue sis!

I love this poem because I can feel your words, I can read the poem and see images form in my mind. So gentle and afraid, yet Dominant and purposeful. Well done darling xx

12-01-2006, 04:04 PM
Oooh.... I like. A lot. :)

12-02-2006, 01:17 AM
Thankyou guys :)