View Full Version : A little pirate adventure

01-06-2007, 10:21 PM
A quick slap across the face accompanied an unreasonable rant as she fell on the floor. “I told you the pink scarf not the white!” A sharp kick in the ribs followed as the door crashed open.

Lynn looked up from the floor where she lay curled up in a tight ball. “Greetings ladies,” a pockmarked faced man said as he bowed doffing his feathered hat.

“How dare you,” Lady Michelle barked as she threw her shoulders back, lifting her regal nose in the air.

“I dare much my lady,” he said walking forward and looking down on her. “I am the Captain Barbossa,” he murmured reaching out with his bejeweled hand. Lady Michelle’s hand fluttered he captured it and kissed it gently before a violent yank. He jerked her across him and into the arms of a scurvy pirate in the doorway. “Take them above, prepare them as discussed.” Lady Michelle’s sisters were quickly jerked from the room as they started to swoon. Lynn lay trying to catch her breath.

Captain Barbossa slowly looked around the large ship cabin and then lowered himself in a squat. “And you my child are you hurt?”

Lynn shook her head then groaned as she slowly lifted herself to a sitting position in front of him. Barbossa lifted her chin with his finger and smiled at her. “I will decide that then. Let’s free you off these awful garments.”

Lynn knew who the infamous Captain Barbossa was and of his Devil Ship “The black pearl.” She didn’t resist as he slowly lifted her and sat her on the edge of the cushioned chair.

“Sir,” she questioned as he ran his hand across her cheek, across her shoulder and down chest to her laces. “I should,” she felt awkward, afraid.

“Let me child, I’ve done it before.” The wicked chuckle that escaped his mouth made her smile. “You’re such a pretty thing.” He said as he freed her dress brushing it away to reveal her tightly tied corset.

Lynn saw his eyebrow raise, “Mistress demands we tie tightly sir.”

“Very pretty, but a bit much for my taste.” He deftly lifted his knife from it’s jewel encrusted scabbard and sliced the ties. “We’ll worry about those later.”

Lynn blushed as he stroked her shoulder and down her arm. “Sir what are you going to do to me?”

Barbossa leaned close and kissed her shoulder gently. “Fuck you my dear then give you to my men.” He felt her shiver and turned her face. “But if you behave little one I’ll sell you as a maid not as a whore as I will those others.” He kissed her cheeks as he cupped her breasts. “I give you my word.”

Lynn looked up into his harsh face meeting his eyes. She believed him. “Sir, I’m a virgin,” she blushed.

“Lovely, but I won’t be gentle, I enjoy hearing screams.”

Lynn nodded understanding, “What would you have me do sir?”

Captain Barbossa laughed loudly and lifted her to her feet. “Disrobe me dear.”

Lynn carefully stepped out of her dress, standing before the man in just her garters and stockings. She carefully disrobed the man setting each of his garments aside. His eyes scanned the room then rested on her. “She handles you roughly.”

“She expects perfection sir,” she knelt down to remove his slacks.

Lynn stood before the man her eyes held by his large hardening member. “Does it scare you girl?” he asked she nodded. “I’ll teach you to enjoy it.” He rested his large hands on her shoulders then pressed. “Take it in your mouth child and pleasure me.”

Lynn didn’t resist in the least as she knelt opening her mouth. In one swift movement he buried himself in her causing her to gag. Her hands flew to his hips but she didn’t fight but gulped. He pulled out, she gasped once in and out as his hand moved to her hair. He lifted her and buried himself again before a hard jerk out. “Up over the bed child,” he lifted her as she scrambled to rise. His hands moved over her pushing her face down.

Lynn felt the soft down comforter swallowing her as he pressed her in. “Reach back and spread yourself dear. Harder arch, yes,” she felt him pressing against her. Lynn screamed as he entered her with a quick harsh shove his hands on her hips. Her hands fell away as he stroked in and out. She grabbed the comforter gripping it then bit down to keep silent. “No,” he ordered, “let me hear.”

Lynn screamed into the comforter, Barbossa turned her face. She screamed again, then moaned loudly he joined her enjoying her tight body. After a particularly brutal few movements he dug his fingers deep into her flesh filling her wondering if a child had just been created. He dropped into her breathing heavily. “Next time I’ll open your other virgin tunnel.”

A knock on the door and he rose hearing her gasping for air. “Captain we’re ready.” A spindly voice croaked from behind the door.

“Enter,” he bellowed as he slapped the pale ass in front of him. “Bains, I want a guard at the door, I’m not done with this one yet.”

A short skinny man stood in the doorway. “Ahh Captain she’s a pretty little bit.”

“And she’s mine for the moment Bains, make sure that is clear. Now get me dressed and we’ll open up those high-class whores up stairs.”

Lynn turned and watched as the captain was dressed with quick movements. “Bains when we’re done have a bath brought here for me…” he smiled over at the woman on the bed, “and my woman.”

01-08-2007, 09:00 AM
Nice but I'd rather abduct. **wink, wink**

~hellish one~
01-08-2007, 09:11 AM
oh my! yeahhhh...see pirates have always been a great fantasy for me.

ahem...Sbbe...~smiling sweetly~ you ARE going to write more...right? :am:

01-08-2007, 12:13 PM
Avast me hearties. . . . . bring that wench to my little ship . . . . .

Capt DeSade, Master and Commander of the Tanstaafl

Guest 91108
01-08-2007, 02:11 PM
Aye, Captain Westley Rogue .. Pres'nt an' Accounted fore.......

01-08-2007, 02:15 PM
AAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGg shiver me timbers, shes a fair lass with a fine figure. . . . .

01-08-2007, 04:09 PM
What a nice suprise to see as I come onto the forum. I guess I'll have to sit down and write a bit more. Hummm Capt DeSade, Master and Commander of the Tanstaafl and Captain Westley Rogue I wonder how I could work in more than one Captain. Giggle Oh and yes that abductor. :)

01-09-2007, 05:00 AM
Giggle Oh and yes that abductor. :)
He is thinking, always thinking.

01-20-2007, 06:23 AM
Barbossa looked at his first mate and smiled. Lady Michelle was being lifted slowly by the rope in his hand. The fact that she was still clothed surprised him. He wondered what his first mate was up to. Each of the other women was stripped hanging from all available spots. He watched as three of the younger men were tied over the railing naked as the day they were born.

He chuckled they had a good day before them. “We waited on ya sir.” The boson said as he walked up and waited for orders. Barbossa nodded and reached out filling his hand with the ample breast of one of Lady Michelle’s ladies in waiting. Barbossa glanced around at the faces of this motley crew. Killers, thieves, the low lives of the world. He couldn’t help but chuckle, and some of the most perverted, depraved scum he’d had the pleasure to fornicate with.

“There yours boys to do with as you please.” A loud cheer rose from the assembled throng. “I hear tell they have come fine rum below that needs to be tested.” Another cheer followed even more raucous than the first.

Barbossa leaned back in the throne like chair that they’d carried out for him. His feet up on a barrel his hand filled with a brandy fit for a king in a beautiful crystal glass as thin and fine as sun light.

Lady Michelle couldn’t believe what she was hearing. The men surrounded her, she screamed in fury as hands assaulted her flesh. They just laughed. She heard her exclusive gown rip. “Stop you filth!” She screamed then suddenly she felt the dress falling away. No man had ever seen her so exposed, her tightly corseted body shaped perfectly just a thin skirt. She tried kicking out but so many hands grasped her. Rough worn hands held her ankles. She struggled gasping as her shoe fell away and a wet mouth took her right foot in. “No,” she screamed trying to shake her foot free.

Lady Michelle felt the hand running up her leg then heard another rip and her underskirt was gone. “Damn they wear too much clothes.” Some one growled. Fingernails dug in and more cloth dropped away. She heard a heart wrenching scream and turned to see Abby her younger sister hanging naked a man in front of her thrusting in her secret place. Antoher was behind doing the same. Lady Michelle gasped but then was drawn back to her own predicament as she felt a hand at her stocking tops.

“A knife, damn it, she’s tied in tighter than…” Lady Michelle screamed as a large knife appeared before her face then was taken back behind her. One quick movement and the brand new undergarment fell away.

“No!” She screamed angry again. How dare they. Her eyes met the foul captains and he dared smile. He lifted a glass to her and dared smile.

Hands consumed her, stroking, pinching fondling. Her feet freed of even the stockings left her totally exposed, something that she seldom remembered. “No,” she gasped as both her feet were assaulted by wet mouths. Then a man shoved close and dropped before her burying his face between her legs. “AAHHHHHHHHHHh,” she screamed twisting and turning as she hung from her tightly bound wrists. Hands lifted and parted her behind. All around her the odor of unwashed male bodies pressed. Then she felt the pressure and screamed as her body was invaded from behind.

Barbossa saw the surprise of Lady Michelle’s incensed face as his first mate buried his shaft in her fine tight ass. It only took a moment and she was gone from his view covered in his lust crazed men. Just her fine arms visible as they consumed her.

He felt himself rising again and downed the last of the fine brandy in the glass and stood. Barbossa’s men moved aside as if he were moses parting the red sea. He knew they would. He stood before Lady Michelle and smiled watching her as she was fucked up the ass. His hands reached out taking the overlarge tits in a firm grasp. Already they had small bruisies marking them. He shifted his trousers and freed himself as he pressed up against her. With a practiced shifting of his hips he pressed in deep. No maiden head he realized and shifted back a step to look at her pearl white thighs. She had been no maiden. “So you were already a whore ma’Lady?” he rocked into her again joining the tempo of his first mate. “Hold her legs,’ he barked.

Lady Michelle screamed as her legs were pulled tightly out from her. They were going to tear her apart. The two men filling her with no care no concern. “Whore,” Barbossa purred in her face, “whore.” The men started mimicking like monkeys. Wet tongues slid over her feet and legs.

With a mighty pounding the two men assaulting her both groaned and filled her with their foul seed. Lady Michelle screamed in fury and humiliation. “You bastard.” She screamed in Barbossa’s pock marked face. “You bastard.”

Barbossa smiled, “Cut her down, stretch her out and enjoy her men. A ships whore should be enjoyed.”

~hellish one~
01-20-2007, 08:44 AM
“Whore,” Barbossa purred in her face, “whore.”

ohhh i just loved that...~squirms~

01-20-2007, 05:33 PM
I'd still rather abduct but you have such a great way with words. You amaze me.

10-13-2007, 12:41 PM
I am with hellish_one here. *smiles*

Love the story. Please keep going.

10-14-2007, 06:01 PM
Glad you enjoyed it Arria, thank you.

10-20-2007, 08:46 AM
I love pirate stories too, this one is a winner. We need to hear more about what happens to Michelle, Lynn and Captain Barbossa!

10-20-2007, 09:29 AM
Barbossa leaned close and kissed her shoulder gently. “Fuck you my dear then give you to my men.”

.... for some reason that sentence made me goosebump all over.

The combination of an otherwise kind demeanor and cruel words is very exciting.