View Full Version : I need some advice urgently!!!! RE: Cumming.

01-14-2007, 03:38 AM
You see I am on cum restriction and I am allowed to cum tomorrow night with Master. Have been on restrictions all week.

Right now I am laughing...I can't stop laughing because this angel...without intending to, has cum without permission. angel should be sad and disappointed in herself and I am sure she will be in time, but now she has the giggles and can't control them.

The reason why this angel is laughing so hard is in the way she came without permission without even realising it, until it was too late.

She was talking with her sis poetic_justice in YIM about the PDD and her 3,000 posts, when suddenly angel sneezed. Now that is all good and well, but angel realised something when she adjusted herself in her seat...angel had cum.

The impact of the sneeze and of being on edge all week, with indulgent Dom's training me to be a better sub, got the best of me and giggling madly in Fun and Games, didn't help the cause either.

So what I am asking between laughing so hard, is how to tell my Master tomorrow? As a Dom would You reprimand Your sub for cumming this way unintentionally without permission while on cum restriction? Or would You punish her with a smile on Your face once You've composed Yourself from laughter. Or would You be strict on her revealling your disappointment?

I love making Master laugh he has such an infectious laugh...but still I came without permission....

Darling fellow submissives...I ask you...have any of you cum in this way, and what were your Dom's reactions? Or is just angel a crazy little sub who comes when she sneezes? Eeeep! Master will NEVER I repeat NEVER let me live this down....

This is just as worse as when I overheard my mother saying to my friend, that she loves marmalade so much that she has a fettish for it, ever since she went on her romantic getaway with my father. *dies and remembers the chatroom convo ~ I am still going to get Yyou Aall back one day LMAO*

Signed with love,

angel xx

Guest 91108
01-14-2007, 03:50 AM
oh if I were him, I'd laugh my ass off and punish you supposedly angelic ass anyways.

Yep , ... nods, ... that is what I'd do.

a laughing orgasm.. classic .. I've seen it done only once before .. snerks ...

01-14-2007, 03:52 AM
Oh You are no help Wolfy Sir *giggles* Ahhhh-choooo!

Guest 91108
01-14-2007, 04:02 AM
well i've never heard of a sneezing orgasm but a laughing one yes. :P

01-14-2007, 04:09 AM
At the rate that I am going with You tormenting me and making me LMAO a laughing one is probably not too far off!!!!!!!

Please, peoples, take my thread seriously...I need ADVICE not torment LMAO

Guest 91108
01-14-2007, 04:12 AM
LOL there is nothing going to help you i'm afraid. may as well cum over and over.

01-14-2007, 04:15 AM
I have just though upon another serious issue....You see I am meant to call Master late at night after surgery (if I am up to it) and I will confess my little sneezing accident. I don't wanna LMAO and pull on my stitches...I may make things worse...I am trying not to laugh now, but it is serious. I am serious.

Guest 91108
01-14-2007, 04:20 AM
tries to settle down and just smiles.


Guest 91108
01-14-2007, 04:46 AM
angel A: what?
wolfscout1: you need to have a good night before your surgery. smiles
angel A: i didn't think of that hugssssss
angel A: is that why you two are tormenting me *smiles*
wolfscout1: not really i just like to think of you squirming.
angel A: ha

01-14-2007, 06:27 AM
*giggles hysterically*

Okay *deep breath*

Why not just embrace it? It could be kinda awesome... being able to cum everytime you sneeze ;)

01-14-2007, 06:54 AM
My pet has that problem ussally it just hit her nipples and makes them rock hard. But when she is on CM it affect her rather good a snezze mmmmmm. beside going straiht to her nipples it gives her goose bumps all over. Then right toherpants. mmmmm it is very fun to punish her with a big evil smile after she sneezes. mmmmmmmmmmmmm


01-14-2007, 08:45 AM
I think your Master will laugh his ass off-

perhaps "punishment" for fun, because well the way I see it you deserve a fun session for having skill we all can only dream of :)

As for the serious side, I can't fathom he'd be disappointed because it was not intentional.

Scientifically, I'm not surprised your horniness set free with a sneeze... tis why if you've ever had a sneezing fit it's almost orgasmic... so much release takes place in the body during a sneeze!

Do tell him at the right time though- no pulling those stitches out!!!!!!!

01-14-2007, 03:19 PM
oh god,i cant stop laughing!!

um...don't know what to tell you, sweetie, except good luck lol!

*giggling* too damn cute!

01-14-2007, 03:21 PM
Im not gonna touch this thread . . no sir. . . . gonna keep my comments all to myself. . . . . not gonna say a thing. . . . . nope. . . . . no way . . . .

Guest 91108
01-14-2007, 03:44 PM
LOL Poor poor angel.

Aahh ... AAAAA .... Achooo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

01-14-2007, 03:56 PM
*smiles innocently, hiding a rather large pepper shaker behind her back*

01-14-2007, 03:58 PM
eyes that pepper shaker cautiously. . . . with ribs still no healed, sneezing is a really masochistic event.

01-15-2007, 12:41 AM
I'm just totally baffled by being able to cum with a sneeze...and not noticing until afterwards.
I thought orgasms tended to be a bit more noticeable than that.:dunno:

Good luck anyways!
I'd just suck it up, tell him and apologize. maybe grovel a bit, grovelling is always good.

01-15-2007, 01:09 AM
From my perspective, the whole point of CR (assuming it's not a punishment) is to help establish a hair-trigger response.

Now I prefer if it's voice based... and in my presence, but I would be pleased.

I'd still punish you... as a reward of course.

01-15-2007, 08:24 AM
He could only punish you for real and be upset with you, if you would resort to NOT telling Him the truth, or if you would try to hide it...

Remember, if the relationship is based on love and trust, then truth is the best companion.

Harsh Master
01-17-2007, 01:07 AM
She did not attempt to hide this from me at all. I am happy to say I have a very open and honest relationship with my submissive.

I was surprised that she did cum in this way. Usually she has more will power than that. When she told me laughing so hard that she did an error, I was curious.

Due to all the stress that she and I are both under with her illness, I decided to not punish her severely, just enough to allow her to remember my rules.

I admit, this is the first time I did punish her with a smile on my face.


tainted Angel
01-17-2007, 03:50 AM
Hmm cumming from a sneeze that's an interesting one and yes I needed a giggle this morning. I cannot imagine that any Dom could keep a straight face especially if you were telling him very sincerely and somberly LOL AH choo ooo ooo ooo Classic. *smiles* wish I could do that!!

Guest 91108
01-17-2007, 03:51 AM
Smiles.. sometimes HM it is nice to have reason "to punish with a smile" .

01-17-2007, 08:50 AM
Agrees on HM's actions. She can call herself lucky to be owned by someone that reasons the way you do...

* ...steps aside, still gigles on the entire story of a sneeze-gasm, and leaves the two in their world of love and bonding trust.