View Full Version : Matches Burn

03-26-2007, 05:33 PM
Not really looking for a reply or support on this, just wanted to post it.

- Matches Burn -

Matches are a terrific thing to have. They can be a terrific thing to be in possession of. A match when put to use with good kenneling has the power to warm the body, has the power to bring start the magical forces of nature to allow mankind the ability to create, strengthen, build and motivate. A single match has the ability to give us flight, give us light, give us safety, warmth and comfort.

That same match, if carelessly handled can burn you, cause damage to your fingers, cause great destruction to your land, to your home. Completely devastating your life, desecrating your possessions that you had found value in. That single match can even be the beginning of the end for entire families.

A match is something to be handled with a strong sense of what potential it has, of what devastation it is capable of. Once burnt by a match, do you touch it again, or toss it away? Do you maintain your fascination with it, or do you discard it once you see what it has done to you?

03-27-2007, 01:25 PM
Maybe you aren't looking for a reply, but I'm here to drop one off anyway. Hope that's okay.

I read this and imagined so much more. Felt it even. Much like that "flame" you wrote about.

I'm glad you shared.

04-13-2007, 10:31 PM
If You are writing in metaphor this is truly a wonderful poem, and something to think about. The imagary is startling. Thankyou for posting this.