View Full Version : When You Need Medical Help

03-28-2007, 03:56 AM
I received this essay from a sub friend (who had gotten it from an online submissive mentoring site) 4 years ago when I had just begun to dabble in the lifestyle. Although it is not something any of us want to face, it is certainly something to think about. I know lately I seem to be full of dire warnings, but I have noticed quite a few new young Dominants and submissives joining the site lately, as well as other members that are preparing to take the plunge from online to a physical relationship, and I think it is important to share the good with the bad in order for them to make an informed choice as to whether they are really prepared to take this journey. After this I will shut up, I promise. *grin* "Peace" ~blizz~


What will you do if you need medical attention and the reason is BDSM related? What will you do if you need medical attention for some other reason, but have bruises from a BDSM scene that are unmistakably caused by a cane, paddle, or something not just a "bump"? Will you be hesitant to seek medical help or get regular check ups if you have genital or nipple piercings, are shaved, or have tattoos? Please consider these questions carefully, your life could depend upon it.

My Husdom and I have faced this, and two things led us to a decision that we needed to talk to our doctors - before something necessitated seeing them in an emergency.

The first was a situation where I was going in for surgery and was told that I would have to remove all jewelry. I informed the nurse that I had a genital piercing with a ring in it I couldn't remove. (I have a clit hood piercing with a fixed bead ring that does not come off easily, and needs a special tool to be replaced.) He wasn't put off by my explanation and said that it shouldn't be a problem for me to leave it on. However, while we were talking, another nurse came in, and having missed most of the conversation, wanted to know why I couldn't remove my jewelry. She reacted quite differently. She got this disgusted look on her face and quickly left. I wrote her reaction off as "her problem", but didn't appreciate being subjected to it.

The second situation was more critical. I was experiencing abdominal pains and I chose not to go to a doctor right away because I had marks on my rear. Two days later Alan insisted that I go to the emergency room. I was misdiagnosed unfortunately, and by the time I went back, my appendix had ruptured. If I hadn't hesitated to see my own doctor that might not have happened.

Alan and I discussed this problem and decided to tell two of our doctors about our "rough sexual play". I was embarrassed about it before hand, but our doctors (my OB-GYN and our internist) both were pleased we were willing to confide in them.

We planned how we would approach them with this, and started our conversation by letting them know we'd had problems with the reaction of medical people in the past, and had become hesitant to seek medical help when we needed it.

We began by telling them about a former OB-GYN of mine who, after I'd had a miscarriage, told us to refrain for intercourse for several weeks. Alan asked her if anal sex was OK. She was stunned, awkwardly silent a moment, then managed to regain control and tell us that she was concerned about vaginal infection and that this would be all right. (It was obvious that she was uncomfortable and we switched to another doctor right after that.) We also told our doctors about the different reactions from the two nurses to my clit hood piercing, and about my delay to get medical help because of bruises from our sexual play, and later finding out that I had a ruptured appendix. We explained that our worries about the reaction of medical professionals to our situation were causing problems for us. And because we didn't want to find ourselves hesitant to seek help in the future, we were choosing to talk to them before this might happen again.

They both responded with concern for our situation, saying that nothing should ever keep a person from seeking medical advice. Neither had any problem with the possibility that I might have bruises, and both appreciated that we had let them know about this.

Later, when talking to my current OB-GYN about my clit hood piercing, I jokingly told him that since I had the ring inserted Alan never missed *that* spot when pleasuring me. He was really great. He laughed teasingly and responded that if he'd know that Alan had a problem he had several charts he could have shown him. *grin* Now, I can't guarantee that all doctors will respond this way, but I do know I don't have any hesitations about going to my doctor when I need to, regardless of the reason for needing to go, or if I'm showing marks from the crop, cane or belt.

So why am I writing this? You might think this won't happen to you, but chances are that some day it will. I'd urge anyone reading this to speak to his or her doctor and let them know about your lifestyle, or that you are involved in "rough sex" or consensual play that may leave you bruised at times. If it's any help you can use what happened to me as an example of why you are bringing this up with them.

If you can't talk to your doctor, make plans for going to an emergency room, or calling a hospital ER for advice. But don't leave your plans till the last minute. You might also consider changing to another doctor.

03-28-2007, 05:56 AM
Lol thanks for that blizzard... it was very good. It doesnt hurt to keep people on their toes, especially when it comes to this lifestyle. Gawd knows theres beyond numerous activities that most of are involved in on a regular basis because of this lifestyle, that can quiet simply go wrong.

thanks again!

03-28-2007, 06:19 AM
Great info. Thanks

03-28-2007, 08:15 AM
Here in Sweden if a woman has recieved a beating, (for any reason) the doctor is forced by law to report it to the police, and they are in turn forced to press charges against the person responsible. Beating a woman for any reason is illegal in Sweden, no matter how much she testifies that she likes it. There was a court case here, some ten years ago where a man was convicted for fisting a woman, even though she bore witness that she liked it, and her friends took the stand saying the same thing.

Being honest to the doctor is not an option in Sweden. My girlfriend initialy lied to her doctor and the doctor became increasingly aggresive since it was so obvious she was lying. After dropping a million hints my slave finally told the truth which was a bad move. Her doctor did not aprove in the least. Now she's switched doctors and has yet to visit her new one. But since the doctor never knew my identity, there wasn't much she could do. We still don't know if she would have reported us if she knew though.

03-28-2007, 10:36 AM
That is great advice blizz. I have to admit that if I have a scheduled appointment with my doctor, I wimp out and but agreement we do our best to make sure that my body is not carrying any marks. The couple of times I have had to attend hospital as an emergency there were a number of conversations in subdued tones, and then they found an excuse to get me on my own and basically offered me the opportunity to confess to being in an abusive relationship.

I hated the whispers, but welcomed the 'chat', not because I needed it, but recognise why it was done, and I am sure there those who it does help. I don't think my explanation was really understood but - shugs.

Realistically, we cannot expect to find yourselves in the care of someone with BDSM knowledge, but my experience is that I was cared for professionally, and if I really needed to go, I would not hesitate (I hope).

Of course if it was a BDSM related injury - I hope the same would apply - would just need to be even bolder...


03-28-2007, 10:46 AM
Good advice, thanks as any of us can have an accident. Another thing to think about is quick releases if something ever happens.

I actually know of a Dom who had a heart attack while his sub was in bondage, caused a real uproar.

03-28-2007, 10:48 AM
Here in Sweden if a woman has recieved a beating, (for any reason) the doctor is forced by law to report it to the police, and they are in turn forced to press charges against the person responsible. Beating a woman for any reason is illegal in Sweden, no matter how much she testifies that she likes it. There was a court case here, some ten years ago where a man was convicted for fisting a woman, even though she bore witness that she liked it, and her friends took the stand saying the same thing.

Being honest to the doctor is not an option in Sweden. My girlfriend initialy lied to her doctor and the doctor became increasingly aggresive since it was so obvious she was lying. After dropping a million hints my slave finally told the truth which was a bad move. Her doctor did not aprove in the least. Now she's switched doctors and has yet to visit her new one. But since the doctor never knew my identity, there wasn't much she could do. We still don't know if she would have reported us if she knew though.

I believe there are very similar laws here in the states but I don't think they just apply to women. Once a report has been made to the police charges are brought even if he victim begs them not to press the charges. It is out of the victim's hands once the police have been involved. I don't know all the details about these laws but I'll bet some here on the broads do.

I do know I have a friend who only wanted to scare her husband and called the police after a beating she sustained. Though she pleaded with the officer to forget it, an arrest was made followed by a court case and the loss of his job. I don't know if any good would come from informing your doctor ahead of time of any kinky interests you may have.

It would be very interesting to hear from some of our more informed people here on this subject.

03-28-2007, 11:25 AM
the rules are the same here doesnt matter what sex u are....the health authority have to report it to the police

03-28-2007, 01:53 PM
the rules are the same here doesnt matter what sex u are....the health authority have to report it to the police

Where's here? You show two countries.

03-28-2007, 02:10 PM
oopsie sowwieeeee......i live in england for the moment but will be living in Australia come end of the year


03-29-2007, 12:08 PM
An interesting essay, but I believe shaving is common enough these days that no doctor would think twice when seeing it.

Minor abuse is lawful in every country, if consented to. If it would not be, you could not engage in sports like ice hockey, football, wrestling, or boxing, neither submit to surgery. This also applies to such things as spanking when the spankee is a consenting adult. Remember that a normal BDSM relationship inflicts less damage than many ice hockey games - how many has to stop their sex games because of numerous concusions, the cause Eric Lindros had to stop playing ice hockey.

The main reason the legal authorities does not view spanking as minor abuse or something you could consent to is prejudices. It would be good to get rid of such prejudices, even if it would mean the BDSM play would lose that edge that it is somewhat "forbidden".

03-29-2007, 12:41 PM
Excellent advice, and thank you for sharing. Wherever possible (without the risk of legal problems) I agree that this should be done. *checking schedule for next available time for an appointment*

03-29-2007, 04:36 PM
An interesting essay, but I believe shaving is common enough these days that no doctor would think twice when seeing it.

Yes, now shaving is rather commonplace although I think my gynocologist was a bit taken aback the first time I had a check up shaved. ((blush)) He was probably not used to seeing that on a 50 year old patient. :eek:

03-29-2007, 04:41 PM
giggles smiles well wear the red boots to the next appointment!


04-07-2007, 01:19 AM
Shaving is common and yet still i have experienced "uncomfortable" moments with it ...like when the nurse got upset and asked who had shaved me to give birth as this was not deemed necessary any longer in the health field. It caused slight discomfort telling her i have always kept it like that. I have often contemplated the possibility of having to go to the doctor when marks are present and admittedly i am one that would put it off until the marks had faded, but how detrimental this could be now has me reconsidering. Thank you for posting this.