View Full Version : Reposted by request: D/s The Fantasy vs. The Reality

04-17-2007, 06:14 PM
OttifantSir wrote to me requesting that I repost this In My BDSM Life. I just want to make it clear that I did not write this. It was in an email a Dom friend of mine sent to me in the Fall. But it was a good read and I will repost it as requested. :-) ~blizz~


The slave wakes just before sunrise and stretches her
supple, naked body. As she fights off sleep, she
remembers last night and the fantastic evening she
spent being used in every way by her strong, handsome

Quickly she rises from her pallet at the foot of
Master's canopy bed. She cups her breast to muffle the
sounds of the slave bells attached to her nipple
rings. Quietly she tip-toes to the door, trying not to
waken her Master with the jingling of her bells,
collar rings and ankle chains. Master needs his rest
and will still sleep a bit as she makes his breakfast.

She gathers together Master's breakfast tray as fresh
coffee beans twirl frantically in the grinder. She
grabs the water kettle and prepares the french coffee
press so she can make Master the best possible brew,
just as he deserves. The coffee fills the sparkling
clean kitchen with a rich, delicious aroma. Looking
around, she can't but help feel proud of how well she
has kept the kitchen, as well as the rest of the
clean and beautiful for her Master.

She pours the coffee into an insulated mug to keep it
piping hot as she slices fresh fruit for Master's
meal. Keeping him healthy and happy is her duty and
joy, and she takes a few extra seconds to slice the
fruit into fancy slices which are as delicious to the
eye as they are to the tongue. She places the fruit
and the coffee onto Master's tray and then calls for
Master's other pet...a large purebred Golden
Retriever. Baron, Master's well trained and obedient
hunting companion sits patiently at the slaves feet,
waiting for instructions. "Fetch" is all she says and
he bounds out the dog door and runs to the front yard.
He snatches up the morning paper and runs it inside,
dropping it proudly on the floor and waiting for his
treat. Baron is rewarded for his service and then
heads back outside to chase squirrels.

Placing the paper in a side pocket of the breakfast
tray, the slave heads back to Master's bedroom. She
does not try to hide the tinkling sound of her bells
and chains this time, as this, along with the aroma
of hot coffee, serves as an effective alarm. She
kneels beside
the bed and holds up the tray, letting the delicious
coffee smell do its work. Master stirs and stretches.
Sleepily he reaches for the remote and turns on the
news. He yawns and inhales deeply. Then, he reaches
for the coffee, leaving the slave to continue holding
the tray in her outstretched arms. Her arms are
aching, but she knows Master needs time to wake, and
she gladly bears this minor burden.

After a sip or two, he is fully awake and now places
his coffee back on the tray before taking it from his
slave and placing it next to him on the bed. The
coffee is perfect and he smiles as he sees the extra
effort she has taken with his morning fruit plate.
Last night was rather exciting, and he sees that she
is showing her appreciation. Looking at her kneeling
form, his heart glows as he thinks of how well his
slave has taken to her training. He fondly remembers
all the pleasure she has given him since he collared
her 10 years ago. He snaps his fingers, signaling his
precious pet that it is time to prepare his bath.

After rushing to the Master's bathroom, the slave lays
out a thick, naural sponge, his favorite shampoo, some
conditioner, and the scented liquid soap she can
hardly wait to run over his body. She fills the tub
and tests the water, making sure the temperature is
exactly how Master likes it. As the tub fills, she
places towels on the warming rack along with his
luxurious robe. Master enters the bathroom and takes
off his silk pajamas and climbs into the warm waiting
water. His obedient slave sits on the edge of the
oversized marble bath and slowly sponges his toned and
tanned muscles. Simply being allowed to touch Master
fills the slave with longing and joy. She then
shampoos and conditions his hair and rinses him
throughly using a crystal pitcher filled with fresh
warm water. The Master then reclines, relaxing in the
soothing water. The slave then takes Master's silver
shaving kit and prepares a rich later. Using a thick
brush, she covers his face with the shaving cream,
admiring his chiseled good looks and feeling herself
become more and more sexually excited with every
stroke. She then carefully shaves him and wraps his
face in a warm moist towel. Master snaps his fingers
again, signaling the slave to prepare his clothes.

The slave rushes to the bedroom and takes out a suit
she know Master likes. As a bonus, it also happens to
be her favorite, and just thinking about how he will
look in it sends a shiver of sexual energy through her
body. She then lays out the suit, his tie, his pants,
and the shirt, socks and underwear she pressed just
last night. Wearing the robe that his slave left on
the towel warmer for him, he proudly struts into the
room. He feels refreshed and ready to conquer the day,
much as he has conquered this beautiful little slave.

The slave helps him dress, and then rushes down stairs
to prepare his briefcase, grab his coat, and get
his car keys so he can head to work. Being a high
powered executive at a Fortune 500 company is very
demanding, and anything she can do to help fills her
with a deep sense of accomplishment. She knows her
Master's schedule by heart and knowing there is time,
she places the items near the door and
scurries back to the kitchen to prepare him a little
treat. She finds a travel mug and fills it with
coffee, adding some new flavored syrup she picked up
last time Master allowed her to wear clothing and
venture out to the store. She also grabs a small loaf
of banana bread she baked the previous day while
Master played golf. Hearing his footsteps on the
stairs, she places the loaf into a small brown bag and
runs back to the front door.

Kneeling and with her head bowed, she holds out his
coat, keys, coffee and treat bag. The briefcase
if next to her and within easy reach. Master slowly
walks to the door and notices that she has an extra
mug of coffee and a little brown bag that signals an
additional effort on the part of his slave. He is
proud of her, and looks forward to this evening when
her efforts will be rewarded if she finishes all the
task she must do while he works. He puts on his coat,
grabs his key, and briefcase, and then tells his
pet, "Rise my slave."

She stands before him, stealing glimpses of her
handsome Master beneath her lowered lashes. She is
quivering with excitement and need for him. He takes
the coffee and bag from her hand and simply says, "You
have done well today, slave. Your list of task is on
desk. See that all things are done and you will be
properly rewarded."

She falls to her knees and begins to kiss his feet.
"Thank you Master, Thank You!"

Master then leaves to head off to his high paying job
as the slave goes to the desk to see her list of
tasks. She begins to grin, and then laughs out loud.
After the usual cleaning and cooking, yard work and
laundry, there is a surprise. Masters last command is
to video tape herself using the new red vibrator he
recently bought. She must orgasm at least 3 times and
have the tape ready for him to view when he comes
home. She is indeed a lucky slave to have such a
wonderful Master.


PART II...Reality

The slave wakes just after her Master kicks her under
the covers. She has slept through the alarm again. As
she wipes the drool off her face, Master looks over
and begins to laugh at her wild "Phyllis Dillar"
bed-head hair. The slave sticks out her tongue at
Master as she jumps out of the bed and grabs her robe.
As much as Master would love to have her naked at all
times, nudity is just not something that they want to
do in front of their three children. As she fights off
sleep, she remembers last night and the way they both
though of having sex, but passed out snoring before
they could even get out the toys.

The bed she shares with Master is only a full size and
her back aches from the pokey springs. They should
soon have enough saved up to get a queen sized bed if
their stupid Toyota would stop breaking down. She cups
her breast, still feeling the ache where her nipple
rings used to be. Five days after getting them
pierced, they got infected and the rings had to be
removed. Admittedly, they did look kinda cute, but
after snagging her only good blouse and ruining it,
the appeal quickly wore off. She stumbles to the
bedroom door, wondering if that lazy man is ever going
to get out of bed. She works full-time too, ya know,
and slave or not, it was supposed to be his turn to
help the kids get ready for school.

The slave begins to make coffee, but they are almost
out. She has enough to make a pot as long as it is a
little on the weak side. Thinking quickly, she gets
her coat from the hall closet and digs through the
pockets. A few days ago she got coffee at 7-11 and
grabbed a few extra creamer packets, and she decides
to add these to the morning java so the weakness of
the brew will not be as noticeable. One of them is
even hazel nut, and she will gladly give that to
Master since that is his favorite, as long as does not
piss her off by staying in bed too long.

Once the coffee is ready, she pours it into a couple
of Kalua mugs that they got as part of a gift pack
last Christmas. They are chipped already from the kids
using them to collect rocks and bugs. It took her
forever to get them clean, but they are the only 2
coffee mugs they have left. She then stirs in the
creamer. Taking a sip, she decides it is acceptable
and yells "Coffee's Ready!" so Master can grab his cup
before it gets cold. Looking through the cupboard, she
takes inventory of the cereal. Master likes a bowl in
the morning, and if she combines the Coco Puffs with
the Captain Crunch, she can get him a full bowl and
still have enough Fruity Pebbles to give to the kids.
She lays out cereal bowls and spoons for all and then
goes to wake the children.

She hears Master slowly shuffling towards the kitchen
as she bangs on the kids bedroom doors. They also have
slept through their alarms, obviously having
inheriting this skill from their mother. After
ensuring that they are getting dressed and will soon
be in the kitchen for breakfast, she goes to tend to
Master's other pet...a large purebred Golden
Retriever. Baron, Master's lazy and stupid dog, is
laying on the couch covered in little pieces of
plastic. While he was supposed to be a hunting dog, he
showed to have no instincts for it and has only
managed to chew up everyone's shoes and a couple of
remote controls. Though he is dumber than a box of
rocks, he is rather cute and they are quite fond of
him. Closer investigation shows that the dog has
gotten a hold of one of their "toys" and the little
pieces are all that is left of the only butt plug she
liked. "Stupid dog" is all she says as the dog slowly
ambles to the dog door and walks to the front yard. He
sniffs at the morning paper laying by the walkway
right before he pees on it. The slave thinks this
would be really funny if it had just happened to
someone else. She locks the dog door and leaves him
outside to chase squirrels.

Giving up on reading the paper, she passes Master as
he sips his coffee and tries to get the kids to hurry
up so they will not miss the bus. She quickly runs to
the shower and gets cleaned up. She does not take too
long because she still wants Master to have enough hot
water for his shower. As she dresses, the phone rings.
It's work. The shipment they were waiting on did not
arrive, so they will not need her to work today. The
whole packing crew is being called off and is getting
an unexpected vacation day. Yippee!

She goes to the kitchen to tell Master, who is now
fully awake after arguing with the children, and
sending them out the door to their bus. "Thanks babe,"
he says, " The coffee is perfect" and he smiles at the
extra effort she has taken to give him his favorite
creamer. He thinks back to last night, which was
rather funny now that you think about it. Looking at
his slave's slightly pudgy form, his heart glows as he
thinks of how lucky he is to have a
wife...slave...with a sense of humor. He fondly
remembers all the of the fun times they have managed
to squeeze in since he married her 10 years ago. After
9 years, things started to feel a little stale and
they started getting into BDSM. But they really found
that D/s fit their basic personalities and found
themselves fighting less, enjoying each other more,
and having way more fun, even if they didn't do it
"right" most of the time. As he thinks back on their
history, and all the changes over the last year, his
wife-turned-slave tells him she now has the day off.

Master says, "Good, now you can finally get some stuff
done around here." And turns to head for the shower so
he does not have to see the dirty look he knows is
coming his way. His not-always-so-obedient slave has
at least saved him some hot water and left a dry towel
on the edge of the sink. As he showers and shaves, he
thinks about how thoughtful she can be at times, even
when he picks on her. He will keep this in mind as he
makes her a chore list.

The slave slowly wanders back to the bedroom after
finishing the last of her doctored coffee. Master will
be out of the shower soon and needs a clean uniform.
She rifles through the laundry basket next to the
dresser and pulls out a clean shirt. Getting out that
motor oil is so hard, but a friend told her if she
sprayed hair spray on it, it might be able to get out
the grease. She tried it yesterday and it worked
great. She also pulls out his work pants, some socks,
and his underwear. The Sponge Bob boxers are cute, and
just thinking about how her big strong man likes to
wear the underwear with little cartoon characters all
over them sends giggles through her whole body. She
then lays it everything out on the bed and smoothes
out the wrinkles, not that it will make much
difference. Master doesn't really care about things
like that, and after 10 minutes under the hood of a
Buick, it won't really matter anyway. Completely
naked, he proudly struts into the room and waves his
winkie at her. Master is in a silly mood again, and
the slave can't help but laugh at him. He feels
refreshed and, as always, enjoys joking with his goofy

The slave pegs him in the head with a rolled up sock,
and then rushes down stairs
to prepare his lunch box for work. Being a mechanic at
a car dealership can be demanding, and anything she
can do to help keep him from getting too grumpy after
putting up with his bosses makes her feel good. She
makes him a bologna and cheese sandwich and then grabs
him an apple, a small bag of pretzels, and some carrot
sticks. She tosses them into his lunch box after
pulling out all the old sandwich rappers that have
managed to pile up inside. Hearing his footsteps in
the hall, she holds out the lunch box so he can grab
it as he walks by.

"About that chore list," he cautiously says as he
reaches the front door, "I know you have been busy
lately and putting in a lot of overtime. Just do what
you can, OK?"

Where as six months ago a comment like this could get
him into trouble, since exploring D/s, there was now
open communication. Instead of yelling or nagging, his
wife just smile gratefully at the fact Master
acknowledged her hectic schedule and was making
allowances for it. Walking over to her scruffy, but
still cute Master, she hugs him and warmly says
"Things are looking scary around here, so I think I
will play some loud disco music and just get it over
with. Oh, by the way, the dog ate my butt plug. Have a
good day, ya big Goober."

Laughing at the simple absurdities of his life and
kissing the slave, Master leaves for his under-paying,
demanding job. Closing the door behind him, the slave
goes to the desk to see her list of tasks. Reading the
note, she begins to grin, and then laughs out loud.
The usual list of cleaning and cooking, yardwork and
laundry that never seem to get done is all crossed
off. Instead, Master's note has commanded her to "Take
a Nap". Pulling the vacuum cleaner out of the hall
closet to clean up the shards of the butt plug, she
thinks to herself that she is indeed a lucky slave to
have such a wonderful Master.

04-17-2007, 07:37 PM

I needed a smile today. Thanks. What a wonderful story.


04-17-2007, 08:03 PM
Thanks, blizz. I do appreciate you putting this here. As one who is living this out, it made me laugh and nod at certain parts and smile at the silliness and sweetness. And as one who thought the fantasy honestly would be the reality, it's just a humorous way to see the difference. And to then realize that it's still all good.



04-17-2007, 08:13 PM
*laughing so hard that there are tears, here*

Okay, that was hilarious. I so needed that today. I'm sitting here, reading this with my Pet, wondering if that will be us in five years. Isn't that a thought?

04-17-2007, 08:35 PM
*laughing so hard that there are tears, here*

Okay, that was hilarious. I so needed that today. I'm sitting here, reading this with my Pet, wondering if that will be us in five years. Isn't that a thought?
As long as you can say something like what's below about your pet-

"Thanks babe,"
he says, " The coffee is perfect" and he smiles at the
extra effort she has taken to give him his favorite
creamer. He thinks back to last night, which was
rather funny now that you think about it. Looking at
his slave's (whatever shape it be) form, his heart glows as he
thinks of how lucky he is to have a
wife...slave...with a sense of humor.

And she can say a similar about you-

The usual list of cleaning and cooking, yardwork and
laundry that never seem to get done is all crossed
off. Instead, Master's note has commanded her to "Take
a Nap". Pulling the vacuum cleaner out of the hall
closet to clean up the shards of the butt plug, she
thinks to herself that she is indeed a lucky slave to
have such a wonderful Master.

wouldn't you love that! Five years, ten...40? As long as it's real and true.

~sighs happily just thinking of it~

04-17-2007, 11:03 PM
I was expecting something different. The two stories are very similar. In both of the stories they both love each other, they are comited to one another. The only real difference between them is the use of value judging adjectives.

In my head I was reading the same story. The first one was written by someone who'd either just fallen in love, drunk, or was an idiot. The second one was written who wasn't.

04-18-2007, 07:21 AM
What a nice refreshing does of reality, I hope that everybody reads this to see that this is life, not fantasy. Making things work in the real world can be hectic, and a sense of humor always helps.

04-18-2007, 12:46 PM
**giggles** Oh NORM, i needed that laugh!! giggles more

04-18-2007, 02:12 PM
blizz: thanks for posting this, it definitely did make me smile. it's really cute, and most of the reality is pretty accurate. although it seems that the couple in the reality section has made some unwise financial decisions that's made their lives more difficult. the take home message is definitely clear, be realistic in your expectations of each other, and realize that life will sometimes get in the way of your D/s relationship. Be flexible and keep the lines of communication open, and you can still enjoy it.

04-18-2007, 03:21 PM
Thanks for sharing this great story. I love how it shows that regardless of your income or social status, you can still appreciate life, and most importantly...each other.

04-19-2007, 10:19 AM
Wow, that's the best internet posting I've read since I don't know when.

My Master will get a big kick out of it. :D

04-21-2007, 04:13 PM
I love it!

The sweetness in both stories kinda makes me feel all mushy....I have felt a little of both of those stories in my life... And to know how the fantasy can lie within or between the reality makes it all the sweeter.


Guest 91108
04-21-2007, 04:34 PM

04-23-2007, 11:45 AM
lol that was cute

04-23-2007, 01:10 PM
I would love to read it but with the black on black it is just too hard on the eyes for me.

04-23-2007, 01:20 PM
Excellent observation, Warbaby. Sorry you are having issues with it! :(

04-23-2007, 04:23 PM
Excellent observation, Warbaby. Sorry you are having issues with it! :(
I did try but it was a strain and there was to read.

04-23-2007, 04:50 PM
When I posted it was the old color schemes. I wish I could go back in and change it, but I guess it is too late to edit. SORRY! ~blizz

04-24-2007, 04:17 AM
Black on black sure isn't a great way to read, I know. But mark it up like you would if you wanted to copy it to a word processor, and scroll the page. You might even just copy it to a word processor. A little bit of a hassle, but better than getting a headache trying to read black on black.

04-29-2007, 08:38 PM
Highlight it, text turns grey

04-29-2007, 08:43 PM
Those stories made me smile. They're both the same, but different in their own ways. =)

08-29-2007, 02:32 AM
omg the finds you can make while browsing
that is one hillarious fantasy/reality checkup :p:bump:

too bad it is so dark though

08-29-2007, 03:06 AM
Highlight it, text turns grey

*smiles*. It works, honest.

08-29-2007, 03:40 AM
ye I know ;)

08-29-2007, 04:59 AM
omg the finds you can make while browsing
that is one hillarious fantasy/reality checkup :p:bump:

too bad it is so dark though

Problem fixed! :)

08-29-2007, 05:28 AM
the not so "just annie" strikes again :)

08-29-2007, 06:00 AM
*wipes tears from her eyes, still laughing*

Thanks, that was wonderful, and so true!

08-29-2007, 11:04 AM
LOL That was great!

08-29-2007, 12:03 PM
Awesome. The truth is a beautiful thing sometimes :)

12-16-2007, 07:01 AM
up for smiles