View Full Version : For the consideration of all..

04-20-2007, 06:46 AM
Hey, since this thread is here, why not hawk my poetic wares? Here are a couple of my favourites...


I dream of you in the future tense,
Relaxed in the promise of a better time,
A sweeter sun’s first rays.
So sweet your promise, so fair your form.
Yet I, possessed in chafing patience
Must wait the long and darksome days.


Ah, the subtle alchemy of touch
By which the flesh, lead heavy,
Dull as night
Is transformed to a blazing vessel
Full to brimming with the
Light of lights.


A quiet poetry in careful motion
To achieve sublime perfection in the point of each position
And the eye, far-seeing, pensive
Sees all the hasty mind ignores

Yet the strident cellular beeping
Breaks the calm in mourning for the loss of light in dreaming
Still the eye, far-seeing, pensive
Sees all my hazy mind adores

Hope no one fell asleep! If you want to see more, I'd say go to my deviantART page http://nminuspi.deviantart.com