View Full Version : I need some help with a blog

04-24-2007, 11:22 AM
Hello again folks, I know that I have been around much lately but I am in need of some enlightend folks to look over something for me.

As of late i have found myself writing blogs about sex and relationships on myspace acount. Truth be told, it was not what I was expecting, but i figure what the hell. At least its an intresting topic.

Either way, I was asked by a couple about incorperating BDSM into there sex life. Nothing more, just in the sex. So I have written my thoughts on it in a blog, but before I post it I am hopping that a few of you more seasoned souls would give me your take on what I have written am make sure I am on the right track and haven't missed anything.

So this is just about incorpertaing a Dom/sub role play ing sex. I am working on another that will deal with rough sex and incorperating spanking, phisical force and such and I will do the same and post it here first.

So please, read the following and let me know what you think. Oh, this has not gone to my editors yet, just the raw first write. After I have gotten adives here, made changes, then it will go to my editors.

If you intrested in my other writings, search for havensov at myspace or pm for the link.


Role-playing, Domination and submission for sex only

This week’s topic is about role-playing Domination and submission. This will deal with only the domination and submission side of BDSM. I will touch on the rough side of sex incorporated and usually associated with Dom/sub play, but rough sex as a whole is discussed in another blog. Also, there will be a blog about fulltime Dom/sub relationships and other past of BDSM later.

Domination and submission when, role-playing as I will discuses it here simple means that during a set time (also known as a scene) each partner will take on a certain role. One being the Dominant (Dom) and the other being the submissive (sub). They will continue to play these roles until one person calls an end to the scene. A scene can be as short as an hour romp in the hay to an entire day of sexual debauchery.

I can not stress enough the importance of safety when it comes to role-playing, bondage, or any part of sex that involves one person giving any control over to another. Set up a safe word, memorize it, and use it. A safe word is the word used by either party when things have gone too far. This could be that a boundary has been crossed or that person is feeling uncomfortable about the situation. This safe word should a word that would never ever come up in your sexual play. Red, aardvark, pad, etc are just some examples of safe words.

In most cases this will be used by the sub to tell the Dom to stop. If you are thinking, “well I’m the Dominate, the sub does not get to control things, I do, that’s being a dominate” then I tell you that you have no respect for your partner and should never be given any kind of control. Control is power and some people just can not be trusted with power.

Now I am not going to try and explain the inner workings of the mind when it comes to why some people like to be controlled and why some people like to control. People do, and that’s that. What I will tell you is who to explore these sides of your self. Some people have always wanted to explore what it would be like to be dominant, others to be submissive. Whether it was the first time you got wet or hard watching princess Leia chained to Jaba the Hut, or you would get into trouble just to get spanked at school by the hot teacher (well, back in the day when they could do that)

Let’s begin with some quick definitions, just so we are all on the same page. A dominant is someone that takes charge of the scene, directs the scene, and takes control over the submissive during the scene. A submissive is under the control of the dominant, shows submissiveness to the dominant, and in most cases only does what the dominant wants.

As with all things not considered “main stream” with sex, you should talk about what you want with your partner. Talking not only allows you to convey your wishes for your sex life with your partner but also allows you to know what your partners wishes are as well. Now I know that not everyone is open or willing to talk directly about there desired for fear of rejection. This is a sad state, but a true one. If you are unsure of how your partner will react to these desires here are a few things that you can do to test the waters of domination and submission.

How you will test the waters depends on what role you wish to play. If you wish to play the part of the Dom then you will need to see if your partner is receptive to being the sub. Since most of what we are talking about is in the mood of the sex, talking during the sex or scene plays a big role in this role playing. Start with giving them some simple commands during sex and see how they react. Start small, during foreplay, look them in the eye and tell them in an authoritative tone to suck or lick you. Another is during sex to tell them, again in an authoritative tone to change positions. IE, guys tell her to get on her hands and knees. Girls, tell him to lie on his back.

Another way is to try and take control of the sex very softly. While your on top try grabbing your partner’s wrists and slowly slide them above your head. Hold their wrists there firmly but with out causing them any pain. Do not use your hands to supports your weight, as this can cause painful force on the wrists. If they struggle a little that is fine, that’s taking control of them, but if they look truly sacred, are struggling greatly, telling you to stop, or are not paining any attention to the sex anymore stop immediately!

For those that with to explore the sub role you can try a direct approach and during foreplay whisper in your partners ear that you want them to tell you what they what you to do. You can also think ahead of what your parent usually likes and so it before they make any move to. When your partner is on top, you can also take is hands and place them on your wrists above your head.

During any of the above, watch for your partners reactions. This is going to tell you how they are responding to your actions. If she grinds into you harder, he thrusts harder, or they get that turned on glint in their eye then you know that its time to talk about it.

This seems to be the hardest part for anyone. Telling your partner what you want. This is an unfortunate byproduct of our society that certain fetishes and desires are labeled taboo or disgusting by the masses of uneducated leaders. So unfortunately you must first understand and overcome your own inhibitions and accept your own desires. Once you have done that, then you are confronted by having to go threw it all over again with another person hoping they will feel the same or at least be willing to experiment.

Testing the waters will give you an idea if they might be interested or not. If you feel they are, then you must talk about it further and see where it goes. I suggest doing it as soon after you have tested the waters and feel they might be ready. Having the thoughts and feelings of great sex involving a taste of what you want to do will go a long way in getting them interested.

The best advice I can give you is to ask your partner if they liked what you did to test the waters. If they say yes, then you should be home free. If no, then ask why? Do not be judgmental and make sure you let them know that you want to know because you care about them and there feelings. Once you have established that this is something that you wish to explore more then you should take turns telling each other what you want to try. Now as much fun as finally talking about what you want can be you should also both discuses anything that might be off limits. Set up binderies, so that you are both are happy. If you feel that your partners has a boundary that is unrealistic, talk about it, but do not under any circumstances tell them to change it. Talk about it, ask them why, but do not make your partner feel pressured to change it.

Binderies could be as simple as do make me face a wall to my knees will not handle kneeling for long periods of time. Make sure you go over them, and that you remember them. It may sound corny, but writing them down is not such a bad idea. In fact, I encourage it.

I can not tell you how you should be a dominant for that is for you to decide for yourself. I can tell you what others have done and how others feel what a dominant is. The easiest thing to start is to figure out what you want to happen in the scene. Basically to come up with a script for what you wish to happen and how it will unfold. Do not be unrealistic and start small and work your way up. Be willing to go with the flow to, you may have a great idea of what you want to happen, but as thing unfold the scene may take on its own feel and mood. Go with it, there will time and chances to try for what you had originally wanted later.

Being dominate mean’s simply take charge of the scene and making the decisions of what’s going to happen and what’s not. You can be as demanding and forceful as you want and your sub will allow or you can control by simple soft commands as well. This is up to you and your partner to decide as to how you will take this. Some doms are loud and demanding in a “Suck me NOW” demeanor. Others are less demanding and ask “I want you to suck me now”. This is really up to you and your partner as to how you two will take this step.

Being dominant is being in control and exerting that control on your sub, it does not mean being a cold heartless asshole. If you disregard your subs feelings it should and will probably be the last time that you are put into control. As the Dom it is your responsibility to care about your partner as they play your sub. Unless previously agreed to this means that you should make sure that they are enjoying what going on as much as you do, or at least that if you are the only one receiving pleasure at that point that they will have there turn later.

Being submissive in this context is simply giving control over to another. You are doing what they want to do and usually doing so to please them. In a role-play scene you are being told how or what the Dom what’s you to do and you do it. The amount of resistance the sub puts up will depend of both of you. If you have decided together that the sub will comply completely with the Dom or if they will try and fight a bit depends on what the two of you want to do. The subs part in this may seem easier, but requires a lot of trust between the partners. If, as the sub, you do not trust your partner you should not be exploring this until such time as you do.

I will touch on rough sex briefly here but I have another blog all about rough sex where I discuss it in greater detail. If you are going to incorporate rough sex in with your domination and submission play then please read it for further details. By rough sex I mean sex involving spanking, flogging, being more aggressive with your partner, and using physical force to make them do what you want. This can be part of your domination play or it may not, again this is up to both partners.

Incorporating rougher elements can complement a Dom/sub scene very well, as long as both parties are in agreement about them. If the Dom just start spanking the sub, well that can lead to some unfortunate conscience, like never being his/her Dom ever again! So make sure that both of you have agreed on what acceptable and what not.

The same goes for bondage. Bondage can be using scarf’s to tie the sub to the bed or just the use of hand cuffs. Again, this should be talked about before you try and bring it in with out both parties agreement.

Now I know that I have stressed a lot about talking to your partner and can not stress this enough. Now I know that this can not always be done, or that one of you may wish to surprise the other and that is all well and good. This is one of the reasons for the safe word. If you have the safe word in place, you can be sure that if you do try something new, no matter how sure you are they will like it, that your partner has a way to stop things if they feel uncomfortable.

But will leave you with this. Now matter how mush you will talk with your partner, there will be times when the unexpected will happen. Something that neither one of you though about or even thought would be a problem. Be prepared to talk about it. Why it happened, if it will be a constant problem, and what can be done to stop it in the future. You may not think that kneeling will be a problem until the sub has been on their knees for an hour and they start to lock up. Just be prepared.

I hope that if nothing else I have made you think. Feel free to comment or to ask me any questions you may have, here, or privately.



04-25-2007, 07:20 AM
Seems like good basic advice. It is hard to expain this to people that are interested in kinky sex and not D/s. You might want to say that if they really like this that it may progress beyond just sex.

04-25-2007, 07:24 AM
I thought about that, and I think I will when I write up one about some of the more advanced D/s stuff. I plan on going into more of the lifestyle side of things then.

Thank you.

04-29-2007, 01:06 PM

perhaps it's worth making the distinction between simple "kink" in the bedroom and lifestyle things?

Is it worth considering the Dominant and submissive role as opposed to being a top and bottom. For pure sexual scenes I would suggest that Top and bottom may be more appropriate. That way at least when you move into the realms of D/s as opposed to kink you can differentiate between the roles.

In your section about safewords I would also add that a top/dominant is also at will to use a safeword. Sometimes it is more incumbent on them than the bottom/sub to do so, as they may be in more of a position of choice.



04-30-2007, 06:05 AM
Good point MG, thank you. The distinction will make explanations easier in the future.
