View Full Version : Cr - Love It Or Hate It?

05-16-2007, 05:45 AM
Warbaby and I are looking at doing some CR soon, and I am interested in how others feel about CR.

I have to admit I was supposed to start a period of CR at the end of last week, but due to a number of different factors it didn't happen. One of those factors was me becoming very emotional about the prospect of CR. Since then Warbaby and I have had lots of chats and I am feeling a lot better about attempting CR in the future.

So, what are you thoughts on CR? Is it something you love, dread, endure or maybe even look forward to? Do you know when it might happen or how long it will go on for, or is that simply left up to your Dom/me to decide? Has anyone else gone to pieces at the mere thought of CR? What do you think the sub and or the Dom gets out of the experience of CR?

Looking forward to finding out more!


05-16-2007, 05:50 AM
We haven't tried it, but the concept is interesting to me. Being pretty selfish and very much expecting plentiful orgasms, CR would be quite a challenge and would probably be good for me.

05-16-2007, 06:00 AM
We haven't tried it, but the concept is interesting to me. Being pretty selfish and very much expecting plentiful orgasms, CR would be quite a challenge and would probably be good for me.

Oh I do know what you mean!!

We have just discovered last week that I am able to cum on demand, so I have been getting LOTS of orgasms lately! I think that was part of my emotional state when the CR was first suggested, that I just didn't want to not be able to cum when I had gotten so spoilt! LOL It is also why being able to achieve a number of days CR would be make both me and my Master very proud.

05-16-2007, 10:14 AM
For me, honestly, it depends.

If it's given as "don't touch, don't play, no nothing until I say so"...then I tend to have a hard time with it. (Of course lately, being busy, it hasn't been an issue!)

On the other hand, if it's accompanied by lots of teasing/play/support...then its much more of a challenge, and as such, more appealing to me. There's nothing that pushes my buttons like a "seemingly impossible" challenge.

So I suppose a lot of it is *His* attitude towards the CR, in my opinion. If it's a challenge, count me in. If it just something to do (because I've seen so many people treat it as routine)...then I'd just rather not. It needs to *mean something*, to me.

Just my 3 cents anyway (because I rambled...), so feel free to ignore it.

Aussiegirl, good luck! *winks* And have fun, too!

05-16-2007, 11:16 AM
please excuse my igorance, but what is CR?...*sits and wait for her answer*

05-16-2007, 11:54 AM
please excuse my igorance, but what is CR?...*sits and wait for her answer*

Cum Restriction

I tend to look on Cum Restriction as a challenge, though i occasionally use it as a training tool. I enjoy the challenge in bringing a sub to the edge and keeping her there.

05-16-2007, 11:54 AM
I believe this is about "cum restriction". Not 100% sure, mind you.

Good luck, Aussiegirl, if that is what it is. :)

~goes off to hide this thread from my Devil~

05-16-2007, 12:01 PM
CR = cum restriction

I love to hate it. Or hate that I love it... one of the two.
It's a frustrating knot, that being told I'm not allowed to cum makes me even hornier.

on the short term it's great. Wonderfully frustrating. More than a couple days and the adverse symptoms start getting to me. I don't sleep well, I'm irritable, and when I finally do get my orgasm it's not as satisfying as I think it should be.

I'm currently on the last day of a 3 day deprivation stint, punishment for some perfectly innocent teasing :rolleyes: , and 3 days is about as long as I'm willing to push it right now, without it actually interfering with my social & work life. I'm very irritable without my orgasms.

05-16-2007, 02:25 PM
Thank you for the wonderful, thoughtful comments so far! I am pleased that CR does evoke different reactions in different people! I have a feeling I might be a bit of a three day girl, but I guess time will tell!

Sorry I didn't explain CR better. I too had no idea what it was just a short year ago. I am referring to Cum Restriction.

05-16-2007, 02:26 PM
what is cr

05-16-2007, 02:33 PM
It's when you don't do what's very close to happening in your avatar :D

"Don't do the crime if you can't do the time..."

-Sammy Davis Jr, Baretta's Theme

Guest 91108
05-16-2007, 02:48 PM
Cum Restriction the demand or to be tasked ordered to not cum until a set date or event happens. Can be used for punishment , can be training aid...
depends on the people using it.

I've not found it to my liking. I tend to do Orgasm Overload before i'd consider CR.
much more satisfying personally to have worn someone out. :4:

05-16-2007, 03:16 PM
Cum Restriction

I tend to look on Cum Restriction as a challenge, though i occasionally use it as a training tool. I enjoy the challenge in bringing a sub to the edge and keeping her there.

Thanks *smiles* and Thanks everyone for eplaining it

05-16-2007, 05:36 PM
When Aussiegirl said she got emotional she wasn't kidding. It made me wonder should we do it even though she really wants to experience it. I guess I have to be the bad guy. WEG But I think I can handle the heat.

Now the only thing I seem to need to decide is how long. For the record it is a challenge for her and not a punishment. I know she will meet the challenge once she gets it in her head that she can. She has met every challenge so far including as, she said, cumming on demand with only a single word said. Marvelous.

I've only seen a 3 day CR mentioned. Are there other suggestions on length of a good CR?

05-16-2007, 05:47 PM
Are there other suggestions on length of a good CR?

This is as mysterious to me as those panties I keep hearing about. :blurp_ani

You go, Aussiegirl! What a woman! ~hugs~

Hey, Warbaby? "Bad Guy" looks good on you. ;)

05-16-2007, 05:52 PM
I am not an expert on CR, but I am with vistana, three days is long enough.
I have gone for six days, and while wearing a crotch rope(a crotch rope keeps me in a constant state of arousal). That in itself for me was quite an accomplishment. It was a punishment and I did get into a proper mindset for it, but would never want to do it again.

I would start off with three days, but that is my own biased opinion, you can eventually work on longer time periods, depending on how long a person can go without being completely frustrated by it.

And damn I wish I could learn how to cum on demand with just one word, I find that to be really difficult to manage.

05-16-2007, 08:24 PM
I always found cr quite erotic.
But cum on demand, I never knew that was even possible, how on earth does anyone ever train for that?

05-16-2007, 09:48 PM
Personally, I've always found Coffee Restriction to be far beyond the boundaries of civilized human behavior, let alone SSC...

oh wait, never mind. :o

~hellish one~
05-16-2007, 11:00 PM
ah...CR...~smiles~ just over 2 weeks for me now...

05-17-2007, 02:45 AM
Thank guys, I am loving all of your replies!

NK 8950 - It really was by chance I found out I could cum on demand, although for the past few months I have only be allowed to cum when I heard the word NOW. I was telling Warbaby about a girl who could come when her Dom counted down from 5 to 1, and we thought we might try it! We were both very surprised when it worked for us too! LOL

candence - I don't even want to think of CR and a crotch rope in the same breath, let alone surviving both for 6 days! That certainly was an accomplishment and one I am not surprised you don't want to repeat!

hellish - 2 weeks!! Oh my, I would be chewing off my hand by then! Good for you!

and I love the idea of CR being coffee restriction Hime. As I am more of a tea drinker, that would far easier than the other CR for me! LOL

05-17-2007, 02:48 AM
When Aussiegirl said she got emotional she wasn't kidding. It made me wonder should we do it even though she really wants to experience it. I guess I have to be the bad guy. WEG But I think I can handle the heat.

Now the only thing I seem to need to decide is how long. For the record it is a challenge for her and not a punishment. I know she will meet the challenge once she gets it in her head that she can. She has met every challenge so far including as, she said, cumming on demand with only a single word said. Marvelous.

I've only seen a 3 day CR mentioned. Are there other suggestions on length of a good CR?

Baby, It seems to me that 3 days is the common length of time, don't you think! :)

Thank you for your praise and encourage, I know with your help I can achieve anything!

05-17-2007, 07:43 AM
Baby, It seems to me that 3 days is the common length of time, don't you think! :)

Thank you for your praise and encourage, I know with your help I can achieve anything!

Three days, huh? I'm thinking. WEG

You also forgot to mention that you no longer even need the count down to cum. It was a long training period but it was a whole lot of fun all along the way, wasn't it?

05-17-2007, 02:27 PM
Three days, huh? I'm thinking. WEG

You also forgot to mention that you no longer even need the count down to cum. It was a long training period but it was a whole lot of fun all along the way, wasn't it?

I am glad you are thinking Master, as you know I do trust you to do what is right for me.

No, I don't need the countdown. I think all our previous training with not cumming until I heard our word, meant I was able to cum on demand without any further training! Mind you, now you now I can do it............... boy have I been cumming a lot! :)

05-17-2007, 04:00 PM
I am glad you are thinking Master, as you know I do trust you to do what is right for me.

No, I don't need the countdown. I think all our previous training with not cumming until I heard our word, meant I was able to cum on demand without any further training! Mind you, now you now I can do it............... boy have I been cumming a lot! :)

We can't mention how often they would never believe it anyway. I know you blew my mind.

05-17-2007, 05:23 PM
I love it.

I love the challenge.. I was devestated and scared at first... but then i loved it... some days i could not even touch.. other days i was forced to bring myself to the brink several times.

The longest Ocean and I did it was for about 3 or 4 weeks... it felt like hell.. but it was amazzzzzzzzzzzing when i finally got it.... and i felt i learned a lot from it.

While I enjoy cuming, I know enjoying having my Dom or man cum just as much... having them cum is my focus.. then me... which for me.. is most important (pleasing them)


05-17-2007, 05:39 PM
Well, I was another person who didn't know what CR was until reading this thread. Is there really any difference between CR and orgasm denial or is it just two different names for the same thing?

As a side note, back in high school I decided to see how long I could resist masturbating and orgasming to see how well I could resist my own urges. Of course I didn't have anyone specifically trying to arouse me, but I was a 16 year old boy and seeing low cut blouses and short skirts was a lot of temptation back then. I managed six days. The seventh day was a Monday and seeing my female class mates after the weekend just did me in.

05-18-2007, 02:10 AM
Well, I was another person who didn't know what CR was until reading this thread. Is there really any difference between CR and orgasm denial or is it just two different names for the same thing?

As a side note, back in high school I decided to see how long I could resist masturbating and orgasming to see how well I could resist my own urges. Of course I didn't have anyone specifically trying to arouse me, but I was a 16 year old boy and seeing low cut blouses and short skirts was a lot of temptation back then. I managed six days. The seventh day was a Monday and seeing my female class mates after the weekend just did me in.

I am not sure myself if there is any great difference between CR and orgasm denial. I would be interested to find out if there is a difference.

Thanks for sharing your experience, though you may not have been doing it for anyone but yourself, it was still an impressive achievement --- especially for a 16 year old! :)

05-18-2007, 07:07 AM
As a side note, back in high school I decided to see how long I could resist masturbating and orgasming to see how well I could resist my own urges. Of course I didn't have anyone specifically trying to arouse me, but I was a 16 year old boy and seeing low cut blouses and short skirts was a lot of temptation back then. I managed six days. The seventh day was a Monday and seeing my female class mates after the weekend just did me in.

One of my best friends during high school decided to try the same thing. I'm not sure if he's a liar, but I don't think he is. He claims he didn't masturbate for 40 days. Tough kid if he's telling the truth.

I don't think there is any difference between CR and Orgasm Denial. They sound like the same thing to me. I've only ever heard this action referred to as Orgasm Denial... I had completely forgotten about the term "Cum Restriction!" Well, I suppose we increase our vocabulary every day, now don't we.

05-18-2007, 08:22 AM
I have heard of CR, but I have never really practiced it. It does sound interesting from the Dom side of me.

05-19-2007, 09:09 AM
One of my best friends during high school decided to try the same thing. I'm not sure if he's a liar, but I don't think he is. He claims he didn't masturbate for 40 days. Tough kid if he's telling the truth.

I don't think there is any difference between CR and Orgasm Denial. They sound like the same thing to me. I've only ever heard this action referred to as Orgasm Denial... I had completely forgotten about the term "Cum Restriction!" Well, I suppose we increase our vocabulary every day, now don't we.

40 days, eek! Any chance you know why he finally gave in?


Aussiegirl1, thanks. Hopefully you two will have fun when you try it out.

05-19-2007, 09:18 AM
40 days, eek! Any chance you know why he finally gave in?


Aussiegirl1, thanks. Hopefully you two will have fun when you try it out.

I think he made a bet with someone that he couldn't masturbate for 40 days... and after that was up, he resumed his regular masturbatory activities. Why keep going if you don't have to?

05-20-2007, 09:02 PM
Personally, I've always found Coffee Restriction to be far beyond the boundaries of civilized human behavior, let alone SSC...

Coffee Restriction?? :eek:

now that's just cruel. My addiction must be fueled!:rolleyes:

05-20-2007, 09:17 PM
Coffee restriction is lethal if you're in uni/job you hate/job you love that requires 60+ hrs a week/me.

05-20-2007, 11:14 PM
CR = Orgasm denial = CD (cum denial)

I'm sure there are many other terms out there.

Other forms of the C denial include chocolate and cookies.


Aussiegirl and Warbaby, good luck and have fun with this.

I'd start slow.
Work your way up to 3 days.

Warbaby, you can make it tougher, by having Aussiegirl play with herself, while you are guiding her, and bring her to the edge, but not let her have her O!

Or give her assignments, where at a certain time of day, she is to take herself to the edge, but not get her O.

Sometimes the restriction may only last until the end of a play session, where you take her to the edge many times, and finally relent. Or not!

This type of experience can either be a lot of fun or make a subby quite miserable.


05-21-2007, 01:26 AM
CR = Orgasm denial = CD (cum denial)

I'm sure there are many other terms out there.

Other forms of the C denial include chocolate and cookies.


Aussiegirl and Warbaby, good luck and have fun with this.

I'd start slow.
Work your way up to 3 days.

Warbaby, you can make it tougher, by having Aussiegirl play with herself, while you are guiding her, and bring her to the edge, but not let her have her O!

Or give her assignments, where at a certain time of day, she is to take herself to the edge, but not get her O.

Sometimes the restriction may only last until the end of a play session, where you take her to the edge many times, and finally relent. Or not!

This type of experience can either be a lot of fun or make a subby quite miserable.


Thanks Ruby,

This is actually exactly what WB did over the weekend. He had me on a short period of CR and had me get to the edge a number of times without cumming. He also had me doing other tasks to distract me, such as doing some self bondage and using my nipple clamps.

I have to say I love that he is allowing me the chance to get a little taste of CR before we move onto longer periods. I know this way the experiences will be positive as he is giving me the time to get my head around CR and the emotions it brings.

Thank you Master, for your patience and your care. KISSES

05-21-2007, 05:45 AM
CR = Orgasm denial = CD (cum denial)

I'm sure there are many other terms out there.

Other forms of the C denial include chocolate and cookies.


Aussiegirl and Warbaby, good luck and have fun with this.

I'd start slow.
Work your way up to 3 days.

Warbaby, you can make it tougher, by having Aussiegirl play with herself, while you are guiding her, and bring her to the edge, but not let her have her O!

Or give her assignments, where at a certain time of day, she is to take herself to the edge, but not get her O.

Sometimes the restriction may only last until the end of a play session, where you take her to the edge many times, and finally relent. Or not!

This type of experience can either be a lot of fun or make a subby quite miserable.

Ruby thank you so much. I always enjoy your posts and know you have great words of wisdom. Thanks for taking the time to post here. I must admit though I never thought of chocolate and cookies. I wonder what Aussiegirl would think of that. See now I have even more ideas. WEG

Aussiegirl, sweetie you know we always find a way and it is always enjoyable - thank you.

05-23-2007, 01:35 AM
You, two, are so adorable!

Congrats on the fun weekend.

Aussiegirl, I'm picturing you begging for your chocolate as much as your O's. What temptation to melt and smear chocolate on your breasts, but not be allowed to lick it off your fingers without Warbaby's permission. Perhaps worse, to smear it on your lips and be forced to keep your tongue from darting out. A sweet torture, for sure.

* wicked grin *

Please keep us posted on your progress. You both are an inspiration.

05-23-2007, 08:50 AM
You, two, are so adorable!

Congrats on the fun weekend.

Aussiegirl, I'm picturing you begging for your chocolate as much as your O's. What temptation to melt and smear chocolate on your breasts, but not be allowed to lick it off your fingers without Warbaby's permission. Perhaps worse, to smear it on your lips and be forced to keep your tongue from darting out. A sweet torture, for sure.

* wicked grin *

Please keep us posted on your progress. You both are an inspiration.
OMG Ruby I love it, thank you. Don't know how AG will react but I have a feeling we may soon find out. WEG.

05-23-2007, 11:04 AM
Your welcome and have fun!

05-24-2007, 05:08 AM
You, two, are so adorable!

Congrats on the fun weekend.

Aussiegirl, I'm picturing you begging for your chocolate as much as your O's. What temptation to melt and smear chocolate on your breasts, but not be allowed to lick it off your fingers without Warbaby's permission. Perhaps worse, to smear it on your lips and be forced to keep your tongue from darting out. A sweet torture, for sure.

* wicked grin *

Please keep us posted on your progress. You both are an inspiration.

Thanks so much Ruby!

WB asked me tonight what I thought of your suggestion and I think it sounds like a lot of frustrating fun LOL I just asked that I get to have a least some of the chocolate at the end.:)

We were discussing what kind of chocolate is the best to use, as I would think the chocolate you melt would set over time. However, I guess it wouldn't be on long enough to do that. If you have a favourite chocolate that you use, we would be happy to hear. It is great to get new ideas like this, that are fun and not too extreme either.

We will be sure to let you know what happens. :wave:

05-24-2007, 05:59 PM
Depending on where you live and your tastes, a nice bottle of Hershey's syrup can do the trick. No melting needed, it's cool/cold if kept in the fridge, warm if opened for the first time from the cupboard, and it doesn't set.

I'm sure there are other brands that might work as well. Think ice cream toppings.

They are drippy, gooey, wet and yummy.

Like you, Aussiegirl!

Yes, please keep me posted. Enquiring minds do want to know what happened.

05-24-2007, 06:47 PM
I'm sure it's simply a matter of semantics, but my understanding of CR is it's the masculine form of feminine orgasm denial. While I write about women 'cumming', I personally don't think of an orgasm in terms of 'cum'. For me, 'cum' refers to male ejaculate. As I said, it's probably nothing more than semantics. I can see how 'Cum Restriction' for a woman can be understood to mean something more arbitary than simple denial (if denial is ever simple! lol)

Whatever the case, it sounds like you're both enjoying a world of fun, and that's all that matters!


05-24-2007, 06:52 PM
I should have added I'm with an earlier poster who said they find orgasm overload much more challenging. It's quite easy for me to go long periods without orgasming or even stimulation. All I have to do is close my eyes and think of doing chores. hehe

That said, I can't 'orgasm on demand' but I can orgasm without touching myself (or being touched). I never thought much about this until somebody recently told me that was unusual.


05-25-2007, 06:18 AM
Depending on where you live and your tastes, a nice bottle of Hershey's syrup can do the trick. No melting needed, it's cool/cold if kept in the fridge, warm if opened for the first time from the cupboard, and it doesn't set.

I'm sure there are other brands that might work as well. Think ice cream toppings.

They are drippy, gooey, wet and yummy.

Like you, Aussiegirl!

Yes, please keep me posted. Enquiring minds do want to know what happened.

Thanks Ruby, sadly we don't have Hershey's products in Australia, but I am sure I can find a similiar product. I had already thought one of the thicker chocolate toppings in a squeeze bottle would be fun to use. :blurp_ani

I will keep you posted of what happens, but I am sure it will be a whole lot of gooey, yummy, drippy, wet fun! LOL It could be a touch frustrating too as WB has already decided he wants some of it on the underside of my breasts as he knows I can't lick it off from there! :rolleyes:

05-25-2007, 06:26 AM
I'm sure it's simply a matter of semantics, but my understanding of CR is it's the masculine form of feminine orgasm denial. While I write about women 'cumming', I personally don't think of an orgasm in terms of 'cum'. For me, 'cum' refers to male ejaculate. As I said, it's probably nothing more than semantics. I can see how 'Cum Restriction' for a woman can be understood to mean something more arbitary than simple denial (if denial is ever simple! lol)

Whatever the case, it sounds like you're both enjoying a world of fun, and that's all that matters!

I should have added I'm with an earlier poster who said they find orgasm overload much more challenging. It's quite easy for me to go long periods without orgasming or even stimulation. All I have to do is close my eyes and think of doing chores. hehe

That said, I can't 'orgasm on demand' but I can orgasm without touching myself (or being touched). I never thought much about this until somebody recently told me that was unusual.


Yes I can see how CR could be thought of in more male terms, but as you say whether it is orgasm denial or Cum Restriction, it still feels the same LOL

To orgasm without touching is pretty cool. I learnt I could do that with just a word, but it is even better when WB counts slowly, talking softly in my ear and saying NOW when he wishes. With that bit of added stimulation, the orgasms are even better, while still be achieved with no touching. :)

05-25-2007, 07:53 AM
It could be a touch frustrating too as WB has already decided he wants some of it on the underside of my breasts as he knows I can't lick it off from there! :rolleyes:
LMAO I can't believe you told them. Now I'll have to cum up with other places too. I'm thinking.

05-25-2007, 05:26 PM
LMAO I can't believe you told them. Now I'll have to cum up with other places too. I'm thinking.

Oh dear :eek: Oh I am sure you will think of other places without too much difficulty!

05-28-2007, 07:49 PM
At times CR can be fun and pleasurable and at times it can be frustrating. For me it depends on what has happened during the day. If nothing much has happened and I'm really into then it isn't a problem. If my Master has aroused me and then decides on CR, it can bring you to tears.

05-29-2007, 11:11 AM
At times CR can be fun and pleasurable and at times it can be frustrating. For me it depends on what has happened during the day. If nothing much has happened and I'm really into then it isn't a problem. If my Master has aroused me and then decides on CR, it can bring you to tears.

Been there and seen that.

05-31-2007, 03:14 PM
Warbaby and Aussie- we had some fun with a CR expreiment awhile back that you might enjoy. I used to not be able to cum through intercourse alone, and had to have some sort of clitoral stimulation. To try to overcome this, my fiance came up with the ide of CR while he was out of town for 4 days. The task was that I had to masturbate everyday, bringing myself to the edge (but never going over), so that I would be super horny when he got back.

However, there were rules. Since he would be gone 4 days, the first day I had to masturbate 4 times, then add one more time each day. On the last day when he returned, I had masturbated a total of 30 times without release. Needless to say, when we had furious lovemaking that night, I had my first orgasm without clitoral stimulation, and have never had a problem since. :D

Of course Aussie, you probably won't have this problem (wanna share some tips on how to orgasm on command?), but it could prove to be fun nonetheless. I found it to be pretty enjoyable, and the release made it worth it- the orgasms I had that night were some of the best I've had. Happy experimenting!

05-31-2007, 03:24 PM
WB has already decided he wants some of it on the underside of my breasts as he knows I can't lick it off from there!
I could lick it off for you. :hubba:

Ok, I didn't just say that. But I will say this. You two just make me smile all over, reading about your CR adventures.

Hugs to you both!!

tessa :wave:

06-01-2007, 02:50 AM
Warbaby and Aussie- we had some fun with a CR expreiment awhile back that you might enjoy. I used to not be able to cum through intercourse alone, and had to have some sort of clitoral stimulation. To try to overcome this, my fiance came up with the ide of CR while he was out of town for 4 days. The task was that I had to masturbate everyday, bringing myself to the edge (but never going over), so that I would be super horny when he got back.

However, there were rules. Since he would be gone 4 days, the first day I had to masturbate 4 times, then add one more time each day. On the last day when he returned, I had masturbated a total of 30 times without release. Needless to say, when we had furious lovemaking that night, I had my first orgasm without clitoral stimulation, and have never had a problem since. :D

Of course Aussie, you probably won't have this problem (wanna share some tips on how to orgasm on command?), but it could prove to be fun nonetheless. I found it to be pretty enjoyable, and the release made it worth it- the orgasms I had that night were some of the best I've had. Happy experimenting!

OMG I could not even imagine having to masterbate like that 30 times, though I can understand how you would have been very, very ready to cum by the time he got home!

As to learning how to orgasm on demand, I really just learnt to wait for the word NOW before I could cum. We didn't do that for me to train to cum on demand, but it seemed to be the key for me to be able to cum on demand. I had no idea I could do it until we tried it :)

I guess you never really know what you can do until you try!

06-01-2007, 03:00 AM
I could lick it off for you. :hubba:

Ok, I didn't just say that. But I will say this. You two just make me smile all over, reading about your CR adventures.

Hugs to you both!!

tessa :wave:

Thanks sweetie,

We are having fun, and are learning a lot along the way too. All of the comments here have helped a lot, but mostly it has been our conversations that have helped us to make the CR fun. :)

06-03-2007, 11:25 PM
for me cr.. its different... for exemple... soemtimes.. for some or other reasons.. we are not able to talk for.. 3 or 4 days.... so that means..im not able to cum.. but.. not with the word""cr""... so it doesnt bother me.... much....

but when he does it.. for punishment.. i get... very sentimental to.... and very very very horney......... some times.. its fun.. but the last days... are.. harder..Sir teases me... until im on the very very very edge... so is so hard.. not to cum.. but after.. i do it. i feel very proud of my self!... i think the longest i have had..is one week too....

06-04-2007, 01:39 AM
for me cr.. its different... for exemple... soemtimes.. for some or other reasons.. we are not able to talk for.. 3 or 4 days.... so that means..im not able to cum.. but.. not with the word""cr""... so it doesnt bother me.... much....

but when he does it.. for punishment.. i get... very sentimental to.... and very very very horney......... some times.. its fun.. but the last days... are.. harder..Sir teases me... until im on the very very very edge... so is so hard.. not to cum.. but after.. i do it. i feel very proud of my self!... i think the longest i have had..is one week too....

Thanks, Yes there is a different feel to not cumming because you have 3 or 4 days without contact with your Sir and that length of time when he is teasing you! There would also be a difference to the CR being a punishment. I am not sure I could handle that, it would really make me quite upset but I can see how you would feel proud of staying on the edge for him at that time too.

I have been lucky that so far, Warbaby has led me gently into the two CR we have done and not teased me too much while I was on them. We do plan to increase the level of teasing over time, but are happy to take baby steps.

06-04-2007, 01:44 AM
Yes, please keep me posted. Enquiring minds do want to know what happened.

Hey Ruby,

Thanks for the wicked, yummy suggestion for fun with the chocolate! :blurp_ani

We used it the other night, and WB lived up to his promise of finding new places to put the chocolate! One surprising place was the tips of my fingers, with him telling me to put only a little bit on the tips of my little fingers. He then said I could lick off the one with the least amount of chocolate! Needlesss to say I hardly tasted any of it! LOL

It was fun and yet another activity we are sure to do more of! :)