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Conversation Between sweetlittleone and angelic.zest

21 Visitor Messages

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  1. i had a GREAT weekend! thanks! I went to 2 parties, one was actually related to the lifestyle =) It was a lot of fun, and now I'm forced to be back in this reality of life and deal with school. School is okay, though I realized that I need to try a little harder in..well 3 of my classes lol, to try and improve my grades. if I get a B in my spanish class I can get 17 retro credits, and then the others...it'd help if i had better grades. lol.
  2. huggggss how was your day and wkend babes??? been so long i hope classes arent beating ya down babe!
  3. lol therefore you were FAR sexier!!!
  4. ohhh girl i was dressed as dorothy...lol..but mine was abit...ahhh revealing to say the least LOL..i was cold and freezing but my outfit looked HOT Lol..

    this other bitch had dorothy on but she looked like she rolled/stepped right out the movie LOL
  5. happy halloween! I'm anxious to know what fun costume you have in store for this weekend
  6. hey girlie how r u
  7. hugggggsss
  8. eh, im handling it OKAY right now haha...still don't have my head completely straight yet.
  9. i didnt ditch you lol....u started dancing with stone i think? LOl...hugsss hope u are well and classese arent kicking ur butt just yet!
  10. hello darling, how have you been!! I miss my dance partner!!! even if you did ditch me :P hehe
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 21
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