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foxy lady

a Fish out of water

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fish out of water.
I am dying to start putting my bondage fantasies down on paper, more than writing about it I want to experience it!!! but it turns out to be much harder than I thought. Even if my stories are just fiction I would like have some substance. I like to do things right. I cannot write a convincible story if I have no clue of what I am talking about. But I can't entice any one to whip my ass?!! The true born Jezebel has lost her touch.
I'm confronting insecurity now. I normally have a healthy self-esteem. This has never happened to me before..twice in one week.
I received messages but....
Then I hop on chat and flirt. I try not to be conscionable but I do flutter my eyes and wiggle my bum, but nothing. I get a few whispers and even monuments alone with some awesome profile's...and
N O T H I N G not once does anyone approach me for more! I was too shy to ask , but should I have? are there rules to be followed that I am not aware of?
Someone even made a remark that I am to assertive, to be a sub. anyone can be playful and fun in chat doesn't mean a thing when we alone.<-that was point one.
Point two->I don't want to be fucked by a wimp. I want a real man, master , a dominate. The man among men. The hero of the story, A master that will grab my hair and strike me to the floor and force submission. That my fantasy. That the only reason why I am. I don't want to be put in a nappy and get my toes suckled on. It's not a turn on for me.
I like to do things right.
This first encounter I was talking about earlier this was, someone questioned my femininity? I write erotic stories, might be to vanilla for this site but will quite explicate. Two days later, 400 hits later, everyone is leave happy steam horny comments, till this dude leaves his comment, without any motivation as to why. -Now fight self doubt again. I am question myself not my writing because what I didn't disclose in my story is that is based on truth! What response of mine was questionable. If I look at some of the portfolios on here I am certainly not the most sex crazy person out there? Maybe I should just hide my inner princes and get over it.
Oh fucked! I'm going to go grab a glass of wine and finish my other two stories and come back. and try again. And if someone does read this...a few pointers please!!

Updated 03-23-2011 at 01:55 AM by foxy lady (spelling)




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