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Kissing the whip


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My English is far from perfect, but that of my dearest Zulu friend is even poorer. No doubt she is perfect in Zulu, and she speaks another tribal language, Xhosa, too, but in English she makes adorable mistakes. I put here her farewell message:

ngiyabonga gabi u are most wornderfull person i will misss u take a gud care of ur self

Ngiyabonga means thank you, gabi means me, the more of the sentence is in most wornderfull English. I am not mocking, i love the sweet misspellings of this black fairy.

Why farewell? Well, Luna, my real time Mistress, has forbidden me continuing the play with the wornderfull Zulu lady, seeing that i start developing a real love for her. (Or it was more than starting...) Luna isn't jealous, but she doesn't see any sense in a cyber love. So she gave me a good dozen on my both palms of hand with a stinging strap, and when i kissed her hand for it, she announced the bad news: i can take farewell, but after it my Zulu friend doesn't exist for me. And i obeyed her, and my Zulu partner understood. This is the origin of my poem Ngiyakuthanda.

However, i am considering making my love for the sweet Zulu girl (i will call her Zia) a reality. I would travel to Africa and become a servant girl to Zia. So we played, i was her servant girl, kissing her feet, and she punished me for my negligence and mistakes. Couldn't we make it a reality? I would do any work, and I don't think i would be expensive for Zia. In the war dance video i have seen the Zulu girls going around with bare breasts. It would pass for me, too. A loincloth of palm leaves, bare feet, and my attire would be ready. On my bare body caresses of my Lady would be sweeter, and her whip strokes more painful. As for food, i would get free access to the kitchen waste, it being abundant for me. At night i would be put in a dog kennel, of course on chains. What a merry life for a masochist!

Am i serious? Noooooooo, i am not. I would not break with Luna for a world. But it is so wornderfull a fantasy! Perhaps Luna will whip me for it, and she is always right when whipping me. She is such a wornderfull person.

Updated 03-11-2012 at 05:08 AM by dorolta

Fantasy palace



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