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Okay so i have always hated shopping. i absolutely despise shopping of any kind, no matter why it is necessary.

So when Master ordered me to go shopping for a school girl outfit that i am to wear when he gets home in a couple of weeks, you can imagine my less than entusiastic approach to this particular task. To avoid having to travel from store to store in a vain attempt to find the appropriate clothing (in December in the northern US) i asked a local lifestyle friend where she goes for such things. She was very helpful and directed me to a nearby store that carries a large variety of skirts and is actually having a going out of business sale. Yay! i love to get a bargain!

Still though i approached the shopping trip with some underlying dread. i simply hate trying on clothes, they never fit my body the way they are supposed to in my mind. So i browsed the store for a while gathering several different skirts and shirts that fit Masters specifications. As i approached the fitting room that old dread came back. That surety that nothing would fit and i would have to suffer the embarassment of going back for larger sizes. So there i am standing in the dressing room holding the first skirt, almost dreading even trying to fit into it. I step into the skirt pull it up, sure that the zipper isn't going to close. AND IT'S TOO BIG! Can you imagine the instant joy i felt? Here is this size that i have been trying in vain to fit back into for 3 years and the damn thing is sliding off of me! i was so freakin happy that i quickly took it off and went to get smaller sizes. As i raced back to the fitting room i was very entusiastic about trying on the next batch of skirts. So much so that i took a picture of each skirt with my cell and sent them to Master as i tried on every one. He was very appreciative of this! I was smiling big as i headed for the check out, only to discover that the sale was even better than expected. I got 3 adorable little skirts for only $7! Can you believe it? LOL.

So floating on the cloud of joy induced by my shrinking body, i raced to the mall and tried on clothes in every store that i had always avoided because the didn't carry my size. I continued to send Master pics from my cell and get his opinion about everything that i bought. (Afterall, they are meant to turn him on. He should have an opinion.)

That was the first time that i have ever gone out without the kids and bought things only for me. I had so much fun. It was even more enjoyable because even though SilverWulf isn't here right now, i was still able to share the experience with him. Then there was the added excitement of knowing that i was shopping solely for the purpose of arousing my Master. So as i tried on clothes and snapped pictures i knew that no one else around knew what i was doing. I absolutely love dirty little secrets. *wicked grin*

The only shopping trip that could ever top this one is when he takes me shopping and is picking out the things that i am to try on for him. I wasn't excited about this when he first mentioned it, but now i can't wait to do it.

I strongly recommend to all you subs, to partake in this particular enjoyment. It is so much fun!


Updated 12-13-2008 at 06:27 PM by satisfied



  1. lady kisa's Avatar
    thank you sati for sharing this experience with us. It is somehow strange how the things us subs or (switchies in my case) dread that Sir's assign us and how they turn out! lol


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