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Walking on Water.

Those crazy queers

Rating: 1 votes, 3.00 average.
In this world we are bound to run across all sorts of people. There are white people, brown people, yellow people, not quite white people who speak spanish, not quite black people who speak french, French people who surrender at the first sign of danger and drunken Irishmen. The point is, there are a lot of folks with a lot of differences. I get it.

What I don't get are dykes and fags.

Now, before I go on I need to define dykes and fags. Dykes and fags are homosexuals who wear their sexual preference on their sleeves. Everyone who sees them or talks to them knows they are homosexual. They cry out for recognition and everyone knows it without a doubt.

The reason I don't get them is this one particular thing....

If you are a gay man you dig guys - I'm cool with that. If you are a gay woman you dig chicks - I'm cool with that.

So why do fags look and act like super-feminine chicks who go out with guys who look and act like super-feminine chicks? Why do dykes look and act like majorly-masculine men and go out with women who look and act like majorly-masculine men?

Seems to me you guys are covering up for the possibility that you aren't really gay. So, I am calling on all of you super-butch dykes and super-feminine fags to come out of the closet and admit you're straight!

It's okay - we won't judge you.

Updated 02-28-2009 at 09:53 AM by H Dean




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