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Red Dragon {mpellegrino}

After all, what the hell do I know huh?

Rating: 1 votes, 4.00 average.
[SIZE="3"]Scots: Rattle yer cage English Meaning : To become upset

Example / Translation of example: Whit's rattled his cage? Och he's jist discovered thit awe the uncles thit keep visitin' his maw urnae really his uncles.

Dear me, what has upset him? oh he has just discovered that all those 'uncles' visiting his dear mother are not really his uncles at all.[/SIZE]

[FONT="Comic Sans MS"][SIZE="4"]Well my thoughts seem to be following a theme here this week. I was listening to some things mentioned by subs to me and some things I read. So turning once again to the subject of newcomers. It seems to me that many more experienced folk (I am sure with the best of intentions) will railroad you into their idea of what you profess to be. So I though I would jot down some ideas about what. in my humble opinion, you MUST remember when you start out. I guess these are aimed more at subs but I think they are pretty true for D's as well.

YOU MUST PROTECT YOUR SAFETY. That means protecting your personal information and yourself if you plan to meet someone.There are plenty of threads in the forums on this subject so READ THEM. I know it seems incredible but people who don't really know me do send me 'safe' email addresses that include their real names. I only give this information once I really trust someone.

Remember that no one should be expecting you to answer questions or do things you're not comfortable with, including demands for pics, webcam and personal details. They shouldn't be ordering you around. Just because someone takes interest in you, you don't belong to anyone until you offer yourself up to them. There is nothing to gained by throwing yourself at someone and coming off as needy is a recipe for someone to perhaps take unwelcome advantage. You aren't in this just for someone else's amusement in all likely hood, remember you have needs that should be getting met to.

Communicate, communicate, communicate! There is a questionnaire (rather lengthy but none the less excellent) on the site that would be a great idea to sit down and do with any prospective partner. You and they need to now what is a hard limit and what is a soft limit and of course what you love. Being chained over a table with a blindfold and gag is not the time to find out your partner wants to take a needle to your nipples or really loves water sport when you don't. Take your time and proceed when you are BOTH ready, not before.

Remember you are in this for some form of enjoyment,perhaps even companionship of some form. You should be having fun and enjoying this. If you aren't, why not? Answer the question and take immediate action now. It is easy to get stuck in a rut and accept second best. We do in our real lives all the time. Don't keep it exciting. Doesn't mean you have to change partners or collect a new one every time you are bored, but inject some new passion into what you have if you can. If you can't, then think about moving on and do it.

Another great place to learn and discover about yourself is the Tasking forum, particularly for subs I would venture. So take a look and give it a whirl. Then why not volunteer for staff, you meet so many folk staffing, really broadens the horizons.

Mmmmm okay enough spouting forth LOL. After all what the hell do I know huh?[/SIZE][/FONT]


  1. serviam {PixieStick}'s Avatar
    Great post and some very excellent points that bear remembering!

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