So I'm writing a semi-autobiographical novel about a period of time in my life, and I reached the point where I lost my virginity and I kind of came to a stand still on the subject. Then I recalled good ol' bdsm library and thought maybe somebody here would know.

Two questions for y'all.

1) What are the exact laws on this in the US? I was 14 when I lost my virginity (so was she), I'm concerned about how much I can or can't say about it.

2) The account doesn't necessarily need to be very graphical... this isn't an erotic story, by any stretch. It's something that happened, and I'm not shying away from it though. This is more opinionated, but how graphic is too graphic, for audiences of varying ages (I don't have a target demographic yet, and I'm only now broaching topics that could define that. I'm thinking of writing this a book for late teens and older, so my youngest target age would be perhaps 16. Given that, and I'd like commentary for other target ages, how much becomes too erotic, or too graphic)?