Alexis looked in on the punishment area through a high window. To one side, there were a group of women who had managed to get off their diets. Only a few of them would have been called fat before the men took over. About half of them might be called plump. Most of them were just slightly heavier than the ruling party liked but that was enough. Men with whips were forcing them through excercises, making them sweat off their weight in agony. In another area, women were chained by their necks on soft pillows and fed rich foods. These were women who had managed to get to be more athletic than regulations allowed. Again, only a handful were butch by the standards of past generations. Elsewhere, women who had gotten too proud were forced into extreme subservience, even by the standards of the day. Nags and gossips were being kept gagged with ring gags 24/7 and fed with tubes. The men here all enjoyed this sort of thing. Many of them had peculiar taste and were more attracted to a certain type of offender than to the regulation slaves. This was not good news for the offenders. Alexis, however, was a fully regulation girl except that her red curls were a little shorter than usual and she wore glasses. She was naked now, except for her glasses and sneakers, the uniform of a courier slave. She was also the leader of the rebels, trying to free these women. She slipped down the side of the building again, approaching the front door with a large envelope. "I have a message for Norman Correctional Facility."