We have been an M/s , TPE couple for 8 years. I work and he works because we like to eat and pay bills. I run our horse farm and things along with that also. Master is a teacher and me a nurse. I have a list of things I do according to my schedule. In our home there is no separation of M/s and vanilla, it is all integrated so we always live the way we want. I do not spend hours chained to his side. My purpose is to serve him the way he wants I agreed to that in the beginning.

I have freedoms to do the tasks as I want. To the vanilla world we are just an ordinary married couple, to us we are an M/s couple living the way we want. He is always Master and I am always his slave. The reality of 24/7 is not the fantasy most have. When you live with someone you have to deal with their snoring, underwear on the floor etc. WE have made it work our way and continue to do it that way. That is what works for us.