This sounds like sciatic nerve. Perhaps you twisted wrong during one of your many intense orgasms and something pinched. Pretty much any time there is a shooting pain it is going to involve the nerves. Now the big question is what caused it.
My slave has had many problems with sciatic nerves over the years, and what has helped her is chiropractic care and yoga. She does yoga at least once a week and sees a snap-crackle-pop Doc whenever she feels tightness or pain in her back or hips. If I were you I would go to a regular doctor first and see what they say, then go to a chiropractor. The Chiropractic Doctors that we have seen seem to be under the impression that you can just grab someone and twist like hell to fix all of life's problems. A GP doc will probably give you anti-inflammatory pain ***** first to reduce any inflammation and swelling that could be pinching the nerves.

The not being able to talk for a bit - probably related to the intense pain you suffered. Same thing happens during that moment of silence after smashing your finger in a door, or stubbing your toe in the dark on a chair leg.

Take it easy for a couple of days, don't try to overdo anything. If you don't feel improvement in the next few days go see a doctor. Hopefully it is nothing serious and will correct itself with rest.